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Rezistenta 4700W 230V 270mm #5066875
Rezistenta 4700W 230V 270mm #5066875 putere 4700W tensiune 230V lungime 270mm lungime 1 15mm ..
1.638,66 Lei
Rezistenta cuptor 2900W 230V #418746
Rezistenta cuptor 2900W 230V #418746   power 2900W voltage 230V heating circuits 1 in..
663,87 Lei
Termostat reglabil 50-300°C EGO 55.19052.861 #UNX201UN
Termostat reglabil 50-300°C EGO 55.19052.861 #UNX201UN   temperature max. 300°C operating t..
315,13 Lei
Termostat reglabil 50-300°C sonda 4x127mm capilar 900mm #COK269UN
Termostat reglabil 50-300°C sonda 4x127mm capilar 900mm #COK269UN Temperatura 50-300°C 220-250V ..
29,41 Lei
Termostat reglabil 55-293°C EGO 5519052861 #375894
Termostat reglabil 55-293°C EGO 5519052861 #375894 temperature max. 293°C operating temperature ..
315,13 Lei
Termostat siguranta 335°C #375456
Termostat siguranta 335°C #375456   temperatura de deconectare 335°C numar de poli 2 cu pol..
134,45 Lei
Termostat siguranta 50-300°C 870mm #3444488
Termostat siguranta 50-300°C 870mm #3444488 complete with knob and knob ring nut ø60mm D-shaped ..
554,62 Lei
Timer 60 minute M2 #350187
Timer 60 minute M2 #350187   type M2 number of poles 2-pole operation time 60min func..
210,08 Lei
Timer 60 minute M2 #7101234
Timer 60 minute M2 #7101234   type M2 number of poles 2-pole operation time 60min fun..
126,05 Lei
Turbina ventilator UNOX ø197mm H61mm 39 pale gaura ax 8x10mm #VN1025A0
Turbina ventilator UNOX ø197mm H61mm 39 pale gaura ax 8x10mm #VN1025A0 Compatibil cu: LF3240317 ..
755,22 Lei

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