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Aprindere electronica 2 iesiri 1.5V/DC 88x23x34mm ø73mm #101009
Aprindere electronica 2 iesiri 1.5V/DC 88x23x34mm ø73mm #101009 iesiri 2 alimentare 1,5 V/DC di..
42,02 Lei
Aprindere electronica 2 iesiri 1.5V/DC 88x23x34mm ø73mm #101031
Aprindere electronica 2 iesiri 1.5V/DC 88x23x34mm ø73mm #101031 iesiri 2 alimentare 1,5 V/DC di..
33,61 Lei
Aprinzator piezoelectric (bricheta) diametru 18mm #100003
Aprinzator piezoelectric (bricheta) diametru 18mm #100003 Diametru montare ø 18mm Conexiune papu..
75,63 Lei
Aprinzator piezoelectric (bricheta) diametru ø22mm #100005
Aprinzator piezoelectric (bricheta) diametru ø22mm #100005 Producator - SIT Diametru montare - 2..
42,02 Lei
Aprinzator piezoelectric diametru ø18mm #100009
Aprinzator piezoelectric diametru ø18mm #100009 Montare ø18 mm Conexiune conector pin ø 2,4 Dim..
25,21 Lei
Aprinzator piezoelectric universal (bricheta) diametru ø22mm #100013
Aprinzator piezoelectric universal (bricheta) diametru ø22mm #100013 Buton generator de scanteie ..
46,22 Lei
Banda PTFE (teflon) 3000x45mm aparat de ambalare in vid #9180103
Banda PTFE (teflon) 3000x45mm aparat de ambalare in vid #9180103 Lungime 3000mm Latime 45mm A..
84,03 Lei
Bec cuptor 300°C E14 15W 230V #3221041
Bec cuptor 300°C E14 15W 230V #3221041   socket type E14 voltage 230V power 15W lengt..
16,81 Lei
Bicon (inel etansare) pentru teava ø12mm #3020082
Bicon (inel etansare) pentru teava ø12mm #3020082 ø ext. 14 mm - h 6 mm for model PEL 22-24-25 ..
6,72 Lei
Bucsa cu filet pentru microintrerupator #3240235
Bucsa cu filet pentru microintrerupator #3240235 Compatibil cu: ANGELO PO ASCASO GORENJE SAGI..
67,23 Lei
Buton bipolar alb cu indicator luminos 16A 250V #3319931
Buton bipolar alb cu indicator luminos 16A 250V #3319931 Tensiune alimentare: 250V Capacitate co..
18,49 Lei
Buton negru gradat Ø41mm 0-90°C IMIT #3444008
Buton negru gradat Ø41mm 0-90°C IMIT #3444008 Gaura pentru ax in forma de D 6x4.6mm Pentru termo..
8,40 Lei
Compresor frigorific 220/240V 50Hz 1/4Hp 8,10cc CUBIGEL GU80TB #307001
Compresor frigorific 220/240V 50Hz 1/4Hp 8,10cc CUBIGEL GU80TB #3070014 Tensiune de alimentare: 2..
747,90 Lei
Comutator 7 pozitii EGO 49.27215.746 #COK306UN
Comutator 7 pozitii EGO 49.27215.746 #COK306UN   switching capacity 16A switching sequence ..
84,03 Lei
Condensator (capacitor) pornire motor 12,5µF 450V DUCATI ENERGIA Ø36X70mm #3068019
Condensator (capacitor) pornire motor 12,5µF 450V DUCATI ENERGIA Ø36X70mm #3068019 Tip: condensat..
42,02 Lei
Disc feliere E2 FIMAR 2mm #697301
Disc feliere E2 FIMAR 2mm #697301   type: E2 diameter: 206mm diameter of the seat: 19mm ..
495,80 Lei
Electrovalva 1 cale 180° 1 intrare 3/4" 1 iesire 10,5mm 230Vac TP #3120405
Electrovalva 1 cale 180° 1 intrare 3/4" 1 iesire 10,5mm 230Vac TP #3120405 Numar de cai: 1 cale ..
42,02 Lei
Electrovalva 1 cale 180° 1 intrare 3/4" 1 iesire 10,5mm 230Vac TP #D120109
Electrovalva 1 cale 180° 1 intrare 3/4" 1 iesire 10,5mm 230Vac TP #D120109 Numar de cai: 1 cale ..
25,21 Lei
Electrovalva 1 cale 180° 1 intrare 3/4" 1 iesire ø11,5mm 230Vac TP #370017
Electrovalva 1 cale 180° 1 intrare 3/4" 1 iesire ø11,5mm 230Vac TP #370017 Numar de cai: 1 cale ..
54,62 Lei
Electrovalva 1 cale 90° 1 intrare 3/4" 1 iesire 10.5mm 230Vac #21911PA
Electrovalva 1 cale 90° 1 intrare 3/4" 1 iesire 10.5mm 230Vac #21911PA Numar de cai: 1 cale Ungh..
29,41 Lei
Electrovalva 1 cale 90° 1 intrare 3/4" 1 iesire 14.5mm 230Vac MÜLLER #370001
Electrovalva 1 cale 90° 1 intrare 3/4" 1 iesire 14.5mm 230Vac MÜLLER #370001 Numar de cai: 1 cale..
268,91 Lei
Elice ventilator aspiratie ø 200mm 28° #3240220
Elice ventilator aspiratie ø 200mm 28° #3240220 Material: aluminiu Diametru elice: 200mm. Latim..
21,01 Lei
Filtru deshidratator 2.7x5.5mm ø19mm XH9 15g #750618
Filtru deshidratator 2.7x5.5mm ø19mm XH9 15g #750618   racord 2.7/6.5mm diametru 19mm lu..
16,81 Lei
Furtun scurgere 1500mm #530571
Furtun scurgere 1500mm #530571 nominal size DN24 length 1500mm straight end piece internal ø24m..
42,02 Lei
Garnitura cuptor 400x300 mm. NARDI #LFD586097
Garnitura cuptor 400x300 mm. NARDI #LFD586097 Dimensiune: 400x300 mm 4 laturi Compatibil cu: ..
46,22 Lei
Garnitura O ring 06187 EPDM Ø58mm #3186013
Garnitura O ring 06187 EPDM Ø58mm #3186013 Se vinde in multiplii de 10 Grosime inel 5,34 mm. Di..
6,72 Lei
Garnitura snap-in 1695x566mm #3186745
Garnitura snap-in 1695x566mm #3186745 Fabricat in Italia Numar profil: 1005 Magnetica Culoare:..
259,00 Lei
Garnitura snap-in 1695x570mm #3786220
Garnitura snap-in 1695x570mm #3786220 Fabricat in Italia Numar profil: 1012 Magnetica Culoare:..
189,00 Lei
Garnitura ø26x16.5x1mm #3786472
Garnitura ø26x16.5x1mm #3786472 Compatibil cu: HORECA SELECT SILANOS WHIRLPOOL - INDESIT EPMS..
2,52 Lei
Inel bicon ø12mm #3348082
Inel bicon ø12mm #3348082 øext.14mm h6mm for model PEL 22-24-25 Compatibil cu: ASCASO GAS.13..
5,88 Lei
Lampa indicator portocaliu 230V cap Ø13.5mm orificiu Ø10mm 120°C #3221095
Lampa indicator portocaliu 230V cap Ø13.5mm orificiu Ø10mm 120°C #3221095 Culoare LED: portocaliu..
15,97 Lei
Lampa indicator verde 230V 120°C cap Ø13.5mm orificiu Ø10mm #3221132
Lampa indicator verde 230V 120°C cap Ø13.5mm orificiu Ø10mm #3221132 Temperatura maxima de lucru:..
10,08 Lei
Micointrerupator usa M1AX20 10A 250V #3240605
Micointrerupator usa M1AX20 10A 250V #3240605 Compatibil cu: ALPENINOX ANGELO PO APACH COLG..
42,02 Lei
Microintrerupator 16A 250V ROLD VRSRB1DA1 #3240123
Microintrerupator 16A 250V ROLD VRSRB1DA1 #3240123 Capacitate comutata: 16A Tensiune alimentare:..
16,81 Lei
Microintrerupator cu piston 16A 250V M10x0.75 #3240410
Microintrerupator cu piston 16A 250V M10x0.75 #3240410 version  pin operated voltage  250V swit..
21,01 Lei
Microintrerupator cu piston 16A 250V M10x0.75 #345032
Microintrerupator cu piston 16A 250V M10x0.75 #345032 version  pin operated voltage  250V switc..
36,55 Lei
Microintrerupator magnetic STEM D102 1V #9014015
Microintrerupator magnetic STEM D102 1V #9014015 0.04A 250V contact NO cylindric sensor ø10x33m..
84,03 Lei
Motor ventilator 10W VN 10-20 230V 1300rpm ELCO NET5T10ZVN001 #3240211
Motor ventilator 10W VN 10-20 230V 1300rpm ELCO NET5T10ZVN001 #3240211 power 10W voltage 230V s..
130,25 Lei
Motor ventilator 35/5W 230/240V 2500rpm #750398
Motor ventilator 35/5W 230/240V 2500rpm #750398 Putere: 35/5W Tensiune de alimentare: 230/240V ..
193,28 Lei
Motor ventilator EBM PAPST M4Q045-CA03-75 10W 230V 1300rpm #3240580
Motor ventilator EBM PAPST M4Q045-CA03-75 10W 230V 1300rpm #3240580 Producaror: ebm-papst Putere..
105,04 Lei
Motor ventilator FERGAS 35W 220/240V 730mm #750788
Motor ventilator FERGAS 35W 220/240V 730mm #750788 producator FERGAS putere 35 watt tensiune 22..
319,33 Lei
Presostat 1 nivel 40/15mbar #5028418
Presostat 1 nivel 40/15mbar #5028418 Calibrarea: 40/15mbar. Compatibil cu: GEV 542363 MEIKO ..
315,97 Lei
Presostat 1 nivel 75/50mbar 250V 16A #3320069
Presostat 1 nivel 75/50mbar 250V 16A #3320069 calibration 75/50mbar 250V 16A rear connection m..
115,97 Lei
Presostat 40/15mbar racord 6mm #542363
Presostat 40/15mbar racord 6mm #542363   interval de presiune 40/15 mbar racord 6mm diam..
464,47 Lei
Regulator de energie 230V 13A #PT00000856
Regulator de energie 230V 13A #PT00000856 Capacitate de contact: 230V 13A Temperatura maxima de ..
138,66 Lei
Regulator energie 230V 13A  EGO 50.55021.100 #380027
Regulator energie 230V 13A  EGO 50.55021.100 #380027 Tensiune: 230V Capacitate de comutare: 13A ..
84,03 Lei
Regulator energie 230V 13A 23mm #COK356UN
Regulator energie 230V 13A 23mm #COK356UN Tensiune de alimentare: 230V Capacitate de comutare:..
63,03 Lei
Regulator energie 230V 13A 50.55021.100 #3350035
Regulator energie 230V 13A 50.55021.100 #3350035 Capacitate de contact: 230V 13A Temperatura max..
67,23 Lei
Regulator energie 230V 13A EGO 50.57021.010 #380015
Regulator energie 230V 13A EGO 50.57021.010 #380015 Tensiune de alimentare: 230V Capacitate de c..
84,03 Lei
Regulator energie EGO 50.57071.010 #COK357UN
Regulator energie EGO 50.57071.010 #COK357UN Voltage 240V Switching capacity: 13A Turn directio..
54,62 Lei
Releu putere 40A 220V 3PDT 3NO+3NC JQX-38F 3Z #35044
Releu putere 40A 220V 3PDT 3NO+3NC JQX-38F 3Z #35044 dimensiuni 51x41x56mm tensiunea nominală a ..
50,42 Lei
Rezistenta 1000/1200W 220/240V 145mm #3355617
Rezistenta 1000/1200W 220/240V 145mm #3355617 Lungime de imersie: 145mm. Latime: 45mm. Conexiun..
252,94 Lei
Rezistenta 1000/1500W 200/250V 184mm #420072
Rezistenta 1000/1500W 200/250V 184mm #420072 power 1000/1500W voltage 200/250V heating circuits..
558,82 Lei
Rezistenta 1000/1500W 200/250V 185mm #3755118
Rezistenta 1000/1500W 200/250V 185mm #3755118 immersed length 185mm width 130mm fittings ø14mm ..
701,68 Lei
Rezistenta 1600W 230V 275x38x28mm #416259
Rezistenta 1600W 230V 275x38x28mm #416259 power 1600W voltage 230V heating circuits 1 length 2..
164,48 Lei
Rezistenta 2000W 230V 250x35x25 #415507
Rezistenta 2000W 230V 250x35x25 #415507 power 2000W voltage 230V heating circuits 1 length 250..
294,12 Lei
Rezistenta 2200W 220V #3355080
Rezistenta 2200W 220V #3355080 length 565 mm  width 90 mm height 97 mm Compatibil cu: ALPEN..
268,91 Lei
Rezistenta 2500W 230V MBM 530mm #3355214
Rezistenta 2500W 230V MBM 530mm #3355214 Putere 2500W Tensiune 230V Circuite de incalzire 1   ..
252,10 Lei
Rezistenta 2700W 220V 280mm #3755040
Rezistenta 2700W 220V 280mm #3755040 immersed length 280mm triangular flange distance between ho..
252,10 Lei
Rezistenta 3000W 230V 230x29x25mm #415506
Rezistenta 3000W 230V 230x29x25mm #415506 power 3000W voltage 230V heating circuits 3 thread s..
756,30 Lei
Rezistenta 3000W 230V ø 47,5mm 220x30x30mm #415693
Rezistenta 3000W 230V ø 47,5mm 220x30x30mm #415693 power 3000W voltage 230V mounting diameter 4..
285,71 Lei
Rezistenta 3000W 230V ø 47,5mm 380x125x25mm #415508
Rezistenta 3000W 230V ø 47,5mm 380x125x25mm #415508 power 3000W voltage 230V heating circuits 3..
779,38 Lei
Rezistenta 3100W 230V #419142
Rezistenta 3100W 230V #419142 power 3100W voltage 230V heating circuits 1 internal diameter 22..
670,59 Lei
Rezistenta 4250W 230V #3755295
Rezistenta 4250W 230V #3755295   power 4250W voltage 230V length 265mm flange length ..
703,36 Lei
Rezistenta 4250W 230V #419111
Rezistenta 4250W 230V #419111   power 4250W voltage 230V length 265mm flange length 1..
703,36 Lei
Rezistenta 4500W 230V 370x34x26mm #415502
Rezistenta 4500W 230V 370x34x26mm #415502 power 4500W voltage 230V heating circuits 3 thread s..
2.394,96 Lei
Rezistenta 4500W 230V ø 47,5mm 345x33x40mm #417535
Rezistenta 4500W 230V ø 47,5mm 345x33x40mm #417535 power 4500W voltage 230V heating circuits 3 ..
310,92 Lei
Rezistenta 4500W 240V ø 47,5mm 260x33x36mm #418773
Rezistenta 4500W 240V ø 47,5mm 260x33x36mm #418773 power 4500W voltage 240V mounting diameter 4..
420,17 Lei
Rezistenta 6000/6530W 230/240V ø 47,5mm L 330mm #419041
Rezistenta 6000/6530W 230/240V ø 47,5mm L 330mm #419041 power 6000/6530W voltage 230/240V mount..
411,76 Lei
Rezistenta 6000W 230V ø47,5mm 400mm #415663
Rezistenta 6000W 230V ø47,5mm 400mm #415663 power 6000W voltage 230V heating circuits 3 mounti..
252,10 Lei
Rezistenta 7500W 230V ø 47,5mm 415x30x47mm #415873
Rezistenta 7500W 230V ø 47,5mm 415x30x47mm #415873 power 7500W voltage 230V mounting diameter 4..
420,17 Lei
Rezistenta 7500W 240V ø 47,5mm 405x32x37mm #418772
Rezistenta 7500W 240V ø 47,5mm 405x32x37mm #418772 power 7500W voltage 240V mounting diameter 4..
445,38 Lei
Rezistenta 9000W 230V ø 47,5mm 485x34x24mm #415692
Rezistenta 9000W 230V ø 47,5mm 485x34x24mm #415692 power 9000W voltage 230V mounting diameter 4..
315,93 Lei
Rezistenta boiler 3000W (2x1500W) 230V 300mm ø38.5mm #3455417
Rezistenta boiler 3000W (2x1500W) 230V 300mm ø38.5mm #3455417 power 3000W voltage 230V length 3..
319,33 Lei
Rezistenta boiler 3000W (2x1500W) 230V 300mm ø38.5mm #415167
Rezistenta boiler 3000W (2x1500W) 230V 300mm ø38.5mm #415167 power 3000W voltage 230V length 30..
365,55 Lei
Rezistenta cuptor 2000W 230V #D355098
Rezistenta cuptor 2000W 230V #D355098 Diametru exterior: ø194mm Diametru interior: ø184mm Dimen..
42,02 Lei
Rezistenta cuptor ANGELO PO 24000W 400V 590mmx143mm ID ø518mm ED ø535mm #418103
Rezistenta cuptor ANGELO PO 24000W 400V 590mmx143mm ID ø518mm ED ø535mm #418103 Putere: 24000 W ..
3.266,13 Lei
Rezistenta defrost 250W 230V #3455026
Rezistenta defrost 250W 230V #3455026 Lungime 345mm Latime 50mm Inaltime 120mm Compatibil cu..
188,00 Lei
Rezistenta radiala 1800W 230V 200mm #3311166
Rezistenta radiala 1800W 230V 200mm #3311166 Putere: 1800W Tensiune de alimentare: 230V Circu..
265,55 Lei
Rezistenta rezervor 9000W 230V 485mm #3755112
Rezistenta rezervor 9000W 230V 485mm #3755112   power 9000W voltage 230V length 485mm ..
462,00 Lei
Rulment ø22x8x7mm 608-2Z SKF #D063082
Rulment ø22x8x7mm 608-2Z SKF #D063082   material otel inoxidabil diametru exterior 22mm ..
16,81 Lei
Sistem inchidere complet #MDE-5601083
Sistem inchidere complet #MDE-5601083 ø19x25mm Compatibil cu: MONDIAL FRAMEC 5601083 LF 33..
128,00 Lei
Sonda temperatura NTC ø10x30mm INDESIT #D397007
Sonda temperatura NTC ø10x30mm INDESIT #D397007 ø 10x30 mm Compatibilitate cu: ARISTON 482000..
10,30 Lei
Sonda temperatura PTC 1kOhm cablu PVC -30 pana la +80°C senzor ø6x40mm #378699
Sonda temperatura PTC 1kOhm cablu PVC -30 pana la +80°C senzor ø6x40mm #378699 tip de senzor PTC ..
25,21 Lei
Terminal 4 poli 4 FV173 40A 450V 150°C #3247037
Terminal 4 poli 4 FV173 40A 450V 150°C #3247037 Pentru cablu cu diametru maxim: ø6mm² / F6.3 Tem..
16,81 Lei
Termostat reglabil 0-86°C (0-90°C) #390683
Termostat reglabil 0-86°C (0-90°C) #390683 Temperatura maxima 86°C Plaja de temperatura 0-86°C ..
162,48 Lei
Termostat reglabil 0-90°C IMIT TR2 9325 #3444197
Termostat reglabil 0-90°C IMIT TR2 9325 #3444197 15A 250V covered capillary 1000mm bulb ø6.5x98..
142,86 Lei
Termostat reglabil 30°- 90°C #3444059
Termostat reglabil 30°- 90°C #3444059 Lungime capilar  2000mm - 16A 250V   Bulb  ø6x130mm - fitt..
226,89 Lei
Termostat reglabil 50-300°C EGO 55.19052.861 #UNX201UN
Termostat reglabil 50-300°C EGO 55.19052.861 #UNX201UN   temperature max. 300°C operating t..
315,13 Lei
Termostat reglabil 55-293°C EGO 5519052861 #375894
Termostat reglabil 55-293°C EGO 5519052861 #375894 temperature max. 293°C operating temperature ..
315,13 Lei
Termostat siguranta 150°C 0.5A bulb ø4mmx120mm capilar 1500mm EGO 55.32529.815 #375170
Termostat siguranta 150°C 0.5A bulb ø4mmx120mm capilar 1500mm EGO 55.32529.815 #375170 Temperatur..
361,00 Lei
Termostat siguranta 260°C EGO 55.32544.822
Termostat siguranta 260°C EGO 55.32544.822  Reset manual  Capilar 1500 mm Bulb ø 6x90 mm 10A 4..
298,00 Lei
Termostat siguranta 335°C #375456
Termostat siguranta 335°C #375456   temperatura de deconectare 335°C numar de poli 2 cu pol..
134,45 Lei
Termostat siguranta 335°C 1000mm 250V #3444521
Termostat siguranta 335°C 1000mm 250V #3444521 manual reset capillary length 1000mm bulb ø3x195..
445,38 Lei
Termostat siguranta 50-300°C 870mm #3444488
Termostat siguranta 50-300°C 870mm #3444488 complete with knob and knob ring nut ø60mm D-shaped ..
554,62 Lei
Termostat siguranta boiler 90-110°C 1000mm IMIT #3444165
Termostat siguranta boiler 90-110°C 1000mm IMIT #3444165 Lungime capilar:1000mm Dimensiuni sonda..
168,07 Lei
Valva gaz HONEYWELL VR4601A 230V 50Hz #106696
Valva gaz HONEYWELL VR4601A 230V 50Hz #106696 Tip VR4601A Tip de gaz gaz natural Tensiune 230V ..
882,35 Lei
Valva gaz HONEYWELL VR4605A 230V 50Hz #101164
Valva gaz HONEYWELL VR4605A 230V 50Hz #101164 Tip VR4605A Tensiune 230V Frecvență 50Hz Intrare..
1.109,24 Lei
Valva gaz HONEYWELL VR4605A 230V 50Hz #106010
Valva gaz HONEYWELL VR4605A 230V 50Hz #106010   Tip VR4605A Tensiune 230V Frecvență 50H..
840,34 Lei
Valva gaz HONEYWELL VR4605A 230V 50Hz #107456
Valva gaz HONEYWELL VR4605A 230V 50Hz #107456   Tip VR4605A Tensiune 230V Frecvență 50Hz..
1.008,40 Lei

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