Bobina electrovalva ZB09 9W 220/240V 50/60Hz PARKER #3120032
Tensiune de alimentare: 220/240V
Buton bipolar verde cu indicator luminos 16A 250V #3319928
Tensiune alimentare: 250V
Capacitate ..
Comutator (selector) 0-1-2-3-4-5-6 EGO 46.27266.813 #300177
type: 7 operating positions
Comutator (selector) 0-6 pozitii EGO 46.27266.813 #3057076
type: 7 operating positions
Conector furtun manșon Santoprene 90° ø 7mm lungime manșon 14mm #520152
Racord intern pompa: ø 6m..
Controler electronic / termostat digital 12Vac/Vdc 1 releu 1 sonda NTC/PTC/Pt1000 ELIWELL ID PLUS 90..
Electrod de nivel 345mm 1/4" #401161
mounting 1/4"
total length 345mm
probe length 184mm
Electrovalva 1 cale 90° 1 intrare 3/4" 1 iesire 10.5mm 230Vac #21911PA
Numar de cai: 1 cale
Electrovalva 1 cale 90° 1 intrare 3/4" 1 iesire Ø11.5mm 230Vac TP #370015
Numar de cai: 1 cale
Electrovalva 1 cale 90° 1 intrare ø3/4" 1 iesire ø10,5mm 230V T&P #3120404
Numar de cai: 1 cale
Electrovalva 3 cai 115V 50/60Hz PARKER #1120101
Iesire: ø1/8" conica
Presiune maxima: 2..
Electrovalva 3 cai 230V 50/60Hz 9W PARKER RUBI #AS053453
Iesire: ø1/8" conica
Presiune ..
Electrovalva 3 cai 230V 50/60Hz PARKER #1120335
Iesire: ø1/8" conic
Presiune maxima: 20..
Electrovalva 319 Elbi 220/240V #3120004
220/240V 50/60Hz max. temperature 90°C
inlet 3/4" outlet..
Filtru deparazitar 115/250V 50/60Hz ø40mm #365046
tensiune 115/250 V
frecventa 50/60 Hz
racord ..
Filtru deshidratator 2.7x5.5mm ø19mm XH9 15g #750618
racord 2.7/6.5mm
diametru 19mm
Filtru deshidrator 30g #3160244
2 ways input 6.5mm output 6.5mm
ø24mm length 140mm
Furtun evacuare DI ø14mm DE ø20mm 30000mm #520035
diametru interior 14mm
diametru exterior 20mm
Garnitura O-RING 04150 EPDM #200830
ring thickness 3.53 mm internal ø 37.69 mm
Compatibil cu:
Intrerupator 16A 0-1 ø 6x4.6mm EGO 49.42915.707 #300088
capacitate de comutare 16A
secvența de c..
Izolator tensiune tip "butoias", 25mm, filet M6 #SM25
Material: poliester glazurat armat cu fibra..
Lampa halogen R7s 150W 230V 118mm #3221725
Compatibil cu:
AMATIS 24500040100040, PLH040
Lampa indicator portocaliu 230V cap Ø13.5mm orificiu Ø10mm 120°C #3221011
Culoare LED: portocaliu..
Magnetron LG 2M226 900W FAGOR AS0017655 #D239009
dimensions 95x80x120 mm
Magnetron universal microunde 850W SAMSUNG OM..
Motor ventilator 10W 230V 1300rpm YZF10-20 WEIGUANG #3240911
power 10W
voltage 230V
speed 1300r..
Motor ventilator 10W 230V 1300rpm YZF10-20 WEIGUANG #601022
putere 10W
tensiune 230V
turatie 13..
Motor ventilator 10W VN 10-20 230V 1300rpm ELCO NET5T10ZVN001 #3240211
power 10W
voltage 230V
Piatra abraziva grunjoasa (aspra) pentru ascutit disc feliator #9013361
Diametru: ø43mm
Presostat #5023189
Compatibil cu:
GEV S0210562
Potrivit pentru:
Presostat racord 1/4" 30A P302 SIRAI #541021
racord 1/4"
numar de poli 3 cu -poli
Presostat racord 2.4mm HTB-X114 #541479
racord 2.4mm
versiune HD
aplicatie tehnologie de refrig..
Rezistenta 3000 W, 230 V #417028:
Putere: 3000 W
Tensiune: 230 V
Circuite de încalzire: 3
Rezistenta 3000W 230V #417029
Putere: 3000 W
Tensiune: 230 V
Circuite de încalzire: 2
Rezistenta 3000W 400V 513x120mm #415998
power 3000W
voltage 400V
heating circuits 1
length 513..
Rezistenta 810W 240V 250mm #418910
putere 810W
tensiune 240V
lungime 250mm
racord fisa plata..
Rezistenta 9000W 400V ø 57,5mm 402x33x43mm #415957
power 9000W
voltage 400V
heating circuits 3
Rezistenta boiler expresor 4500W 230V #417141
Putere: 4500W
Tensiune: 230V
Circuite de încalz..
Rezistenta cablu 45W 230V 6000mm #420383
putere 45W
tensiune 230V
lungime 6000mm
aplicatie p..
Rezistenta spiralata 1750 W, 230 V #417023:
Putere: 1750 W
Tensiune: 230 V
Sonda electrod nivel 1/4" 125mm F6.3mm ø25mm #402549
tip de fixare 1/4"
lungime totala 125mm
Sonda temperatura PTC 1kOhm PVC -30...+80°C #3445107
probe type PTC 1kOhm
cable PVC
Sonda temperatura PTC 1kOhm PVC -30...+80°C #378694
probe type PTC 1kOhm
cable PVC
Termocupla intrerupta SIT M9x1 1000mm #107164
Producator: SIT
Versiune: cu intrerupere
Racord l..
Termometru alb ø 52mm 0-120°C ø 6x32mm 1500mm M10x1 TELE-THERMOMETER #3441006
Carcasa metalica
Termostat de siguranta 170°C 1 pol 16A sonda ø3,1mmx160mm capilar 650mm #375767
Temperatura ..
Termostat reglabil 45-170°C EGO 55.19032.850 #3444391
temperature max. 175°C
number of po..
Termostat reglabil 45-170°C EGO 55.19032.850 #375488
temperature max. 175°C
number of pol..
Termostat reglabil 50-270°C #375201
temperature max. 270°C
operating temperature range 50-270°C
Timer FIBER P25 24V P255201H191 #350034
producer FIBER
type P25
engines 1
chambers 1
Timer FIBER P25 24V ø 6x4.6mm #350033
producer FIBER
type P25
engines 1
chambers 3
operation ..
Ventilator aer cald 220-240V 40W 50/60Hz L1 65mm L2 15mm L3 25mm L4 87mm #601011
Tensiune de alim..
Ventilator axial A2E250AM06-12 ø 250mm 230V 50/60Hz 115/150W 2450rpm #601964
Putere: 115/150W