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Cos friteuza 215x290x120mm #970278
Cos friteuza 290x215x120mm #970278 lungime: 290mm. Latime: 215mm. Inaltime: 120mm. Material: o..
550,42 Lei
Cos friteuza 280x100x100mm #970451
Cos friteuza 280x100x100mm #970451 Lungime 1: 280mm Latime 1: 100mm Inaltime 1: 100mm Material..
751,26 Lei
Cos friteuza 280x100x100mm BERTO'S #3055258
Cos friteuza 280x100x100mm BERTO'S #3055258 Lungime: 280mm. Latime: 100mm. Inaltime: 100mm. Ma..
751,26 Lei
Cos friteuza 280x195x105mm BERTO'S #3055257
Cos friteuza 280x195x105mm BERTO'S #3055257 Lungime: 280mm. Latime: 195mm. Inaltime: 105mm. Ma..
245,38 Lei
Rezistenta 6000W 230V ø57,5mm 293mm #416232
Rezistenta 6000W 230V ø57,5mm 293mm #416232 power 6000W voltage 230V mounting diameter 57,5mm ..
815,13 Lei
Rezistenta 7500W 230/400V 315x170x190mm #416409
Rezistenta 7500W 230/400V 315x170x190mm #416409 power 7500W voltage 230/400V heating circuits 3..
813,53 Lei
Terminal 4 poli 4 FV173 40A 450V 150°C #3247037
Terminal 4 poli 4 FV173 40A 450V 150°C #3247037 Pentru cablu cu diametru maxim: ø6mm² / F6.3 Tem..
16,81 Lei
Termostat de siguranta monofazic 225°C #3445643
Termostat de siguranta monofazic 225°C #3445643 Cu resetare automata Lungime capilar acoperit: 8..
296,64 Lei
Termostat reglabil 100-190°C EGO 55.19035.800 #3444233
Termostat reglabil 100-190°C EGO 55.19035.800 #3444233 Dimensiuni ax: in forma de D ø6x4.6mm. ..
294,12 Lei
Termostat reglabil 100-190°C EGO 55.19035.800 #375237
Termostat reglabil 100-190°C EGO 55.19035.800 #375237   temperature max. 192 °C number of p..
210,08 Lei
Termostat reglabil 100-190°C EGO 55.19035.800 #GIG400UN
Termostat reglabil 100-190°C EGO 55.19035.800 #GIG400UN temperature max. 192 °C number of poles ..
210,08 Lei
Termostat reglabil 70-195°C bulb ø6x135mm capilar 1500mm EGO 55.34034.845 #3444371
Termostat reglabil 70-195°C bulb ø6x135mm capilar 1500mm EGO 55.34034.845 #3444371 D-shaped pin ø..
403,36 Lei
Termostat siguranta 245°C EGO 55.19543.010 #3444372
Termostat siguranta 245°C EGO 55.19543.010 #3444372   switch-off temperature 245°C number o..
176,47 Lei

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