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Buton basculant negru 1 pol 16A 250V 120°C 11x30mm #3319466
Buton basculant negru 1 pol 16A 250V 120°C 11x30mm #3319466 16(4)A 250V Cu indicator luminos Te..
14,29 Lei
Presostat WHIRLPOOL 2 contacte 461971402451 #PSW002WH
Presostat WHIRLPOOL 2 contacte 461971402451 #PSW002WH Diametru: 57mm Conexiune: 2 contacte Co..
0,00 Lei
Regulator energie  240V 13.5A #380037
Regulator energie  240V 13.5A #380037 Directie intoarcere: dreapta Diametru ax: 6x4.6mm Lungime..
180,67 Lei
Regulator energie  24V 13.5A #380038
Regulator energie  24V 13.5A #380038 Directie intoarcere: dreapta Diametru ax: 6x4.6mm Filet de..
283,00 Lei
Regulator energie  400V 13.5A #380039
Regulator energie  400V 13.5A #380039 Directie intoarcere: dreapta Diametru ax: 6x4.6mm Filet d..
147,00 Lei
Regulator energie 230V 13A 23mm #COK356UN
Regulator energie 230V 13A 23mm #COK356UN Tensiune de alimentare: 230V Capacitate de comutare:..
63,03 Lei
Regulator Energie Diamond Serie 35ERE101N #35ERE101N
Regulator Energie Diamond Serie 35ERE101N #35ERE101N Potrivit pentru: Bonnet Capic Charvet ..
226,89 Lei
Rezistenta 1200W 115V GRANDIMPIANTI #3355545
Rezistenta 1200W 115V GRANDIMPIANTI #3355545 Putere: 1200W Tensiune: 115V Lungime: 590 mm Diam..
314,29 Lei
Rezistenta 1300W 230V 980mm #5020478
Rezistenta 1300W 230V 980mm #5020478 for CEILING DECK overall length 980mm inner part length 88..
546,22 Lei
Rezistenta 2200W 230V 195x36mm #5106874
Rezistenta 2200W 230V 195x36mm #5106874 Diametru extern: ø195mm. Diametru intern: ø180mm. Inalt..
504,20 Lei
Rezistenta 2400W 230V 221x28mm #3355057
Rezistenta 2400W 230V 221x28mm #3355057   Putere: 2400W. Tensiune de alimentare: 230V. ..
336,13 Lei
Rezistenta 2400W 230V 221x28mm #415118
Rezistenta 2400W 230V 221x28mm #415118   Putere: 2400W. Tensiune de alimentare: 230V. ..
336,13 Lei
Rezistenta 2500W 230V 1 circuit incalzire #415737
Rezistenta 2500W 230V 1 circuit incalzire #415737 Putere: 2500 W Tensiune: 230 V Lungime: 655 m..
504,20 Lei
Rezistenta 2500W 230V 655mm #3355533
Rezistenta 2500W 230V 655mm #3355533   power 2500W voltage 230V length 655mm length 1..
596,64 Lei
Rezistenta 3000W 230V 350mm flansa 70x18mm #418832
Rezistenta 3000W 230V 350mm flansa 70x18mm #418832 Putere: 3000W Tensiune: 230V Circuite incalz..
672,27 Lei
Rezistenta 3000W 230V GRANDIMPIANTI #3355870
Rezistenta 3000W 230V GRANDIMPIANTI #3355870 length 265 mm - width 65 mm flange 80x28 mm Comp..
187,00 Lei
Rezistenta boiler 2000W 230V #SRE1003
Rezistenta boiler 2000W 230V #SRE1003 Putere: 2000W Tensiune: 230V Lungime: 185mm Latime: 40mm..
53,00 Lei
Rezistenta boiler 2000W 230V #SRE1005
Rezistenta boiler 2000W 230V #SRE1005 Putere: 2000W Tensiune: 230V Lungime: 245mm Latime: 45mm..
63,00 Lei
Rezistenta boiler 2000W 230V #SRE1013
Rezistenta boiler 2000W 230V #SRE1013 Putere: 2000W Tensiune: 230V Lungime: 245mm Latime: 40mm..
67,00 Lei
Rezistenta boiler 2000W 230V #SRE1050
Rezistenta boiler 2000W 230V #SRE1050 Putere: 2000 W     Tensiune: 230 V     Material: cupru cr..
72,00 Lei
Rezistenta boiler 2000W 230V #SRE1054
Rezistenta boiler 2000W 230V #SRE1054 Putere: 2000W Tensiune: 230V ..
87,00 Lei
Rezistenta boiler 2000W 230V #SRE1061
Rezistenta boiler 2000W 230V #SRE1061 Putere: 2000W Tensiune: 230V Lungime: 330mm Latime: 30mm..
97,00 Lei
Rezistenta boiler 2000W 230V #SRE1079
Rezistenta boiler 2000W 230V #SRE1079 Putere: 2000W Tensiune: 230V Lungime: 245mm Latime: 40mm..
87,00 Lei
Rezistenta boiler 2000W 230V 5/4" #SRE1017
Rezistenta boiler 2000W 230V 5/4" #SRE1017 Material cupru Racire in imersie Diametru teava 8,1 ..
63,03 Lei
Rezistenta boiler 5-10l 1500W 230V #SRE1009
Rezistenta boiler 5-10l 1500W 230V #SRE1009 Putere: 1500W Tensiune: 230V ..
50,00 Lei
Rezistenta boiler 50-80l 2000W 230V #SRE1014
Rezistenta boiler 50-80l 2000W 230V #SRE1014 Putere: 2000W Tensiune: 230V Lungime: 175mm Latim..
77,30 Lei
Rezistenta boiler ISEA KONCAR 50-80l 1500W 230V #SRE1037
48,00 Lei
Rezistenta boiler ISEA KONCAR 50-80l 2000W 230V #SRE1018
Rezistenta boiler ISEA KONCAR 50-80l 2000W 230V #SRE1018 Putere: 2000W Tensiune: 230V Lungime: ..
86,00 Lei
Rezistenta cuptor pizza 1300W 400V #3355783
Rezistenta cuptor pizza 1300W 400V #3355783 for CEILING overall length 680mm inner part length ..
378,15 Lei
Rezistenta cuptor pizza 1300W 400V #420436
Rezistenta cuptor pizza 1300W 400V #420436 power 1300W voltage 400V length 570mm width 162mm ..
378,15 Lei
Rezistenta MSR 3000W 220V 290mm #20367
Rezistenta MSR 3000W 220V 290mm #20367 Putere 3000W Tensiune 220V Lungime 290mm Circuite de in..
42,02 Lei
Rezistenta trifazica pentru friteuza 9000W 230/400V #418713
Rezistenta trifazica pentru friteuza 9000W 230/400V #418713   power 9000W voltage 230/400V ..
844,90 Lei
Sonda WHIRLPOOL NTC lungime totala 49mm ø 10mm #3397180
Sonda WHIRLPOOL NTC lungime totala 49mm ø10mm #3397180 connection Rast 2.5- overall length 49 mm..
9,70 Lei
Termostat de siguranta 170°C 1 pol 16A sonda ø3,1mmx160mm capilar 650mm #375767
Termostat de siguranta 170°C 1 pol 16A sonda ø3,1mmx160mm capilar 650mm #375767   Temperatura ..
277,31 Lei
Termostat reglabil 45-170°C EGO 55.19032.850 #3444391
Termostat reglabil 45-170°C EGO 55.19032.850 #3444391   temperature max. 175°C number of po..
134,45 Lei
Termostat reglabil 45-170°C EGO 55.19032.850 #375488
Termostat reglabil 45-170°C EGO 55.19032.850 #375488   temperature max. 175°C number of pol..
134,45 Lei
Termostat siguranta 257°C EGO 55.32545.800 #375312
Termostat siguranta 257°C EGO 55.32545.800 #375312 Temperatura de oprire: 257°C Numar de poli:..
252,10 Lei
Termostat siguranta 257°C EGO 55.32545.800 #COK288UN
Termostat siguranta 257°C EGO 55.32545.800 #COK288UN Temperatura de oprire: 257°C Numar de pol..
252,10 Lei
Termostat siguranta 500°C 16A bulb ø3.9x230mm capilar 870mm #375191
Termostat siguranta 500°C 16A bulb ø3.9x230mm capilar 870mm #375191 Temperatura oprire: 500°C Po..
226,18 Lei
Termostat siguranta 500°C EGO 55.19582.030 #3444301
Termostat siguranta 500°C EGO 55.19582.030 #3444301 Cu resetare manuala Lungime capilar izolat 9..
334,21 Lei
Timer FIBER P34 144min 230V #LAN-R65090020
Timer FIBER P34 144min 230V #LAN-R65090020   producer: FIBER type: P34 engines: 1 cha..
478,99 Lei
Timer FIBER P34 230V ø 6x4.6mm #350038
Timer FIBER P34 230V ø 6x4.6mm #350038 producer FIBER type P34 engines 1 chambers 2 operation..
630,25 Lei
Ventilator aer cald 220-240V 40W 50/60Hz L1 65mm L2 15mm L3 25mm L4 87mm #601011
Ventilator aer cald 220-240V 40W 50/60Hz L1 65mm L2 15mm L3 25mm L4 87mm #601011 Tensiune de alim..
210,08 Lei

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