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Aprinzator piezoelectric diametru ø18mm #3001020
Aprinzator piezoelectric diametru ø18mm #3001020 a ø18mm hole is required for the assembly fasto..
25,21 Lei
Bloc terminal borne 6 poli 40A 450V 6mmp #3247009
Bloc terminal borne 6 poli 40A 450V 6mmp #3247009 Numar de poli: 6 Capacitate comutata: 40 A Te..
33,61 Lei
Comutator 7 pozitii (0-1-2-3-4-5-6) 32A 250V 150°C EGO 4327232000 #3057023
Comutator 7 pozitii (0-1-2-3-4-5-6) 32A 250V 150°C EGO 4327232000 #3057023 Capacitate comutata: 3..
260,50 Lei
Comutator 7 pozitii (0-1-2-3-4-5-6) 32A 250V EGO 43.27232.000 #EMPC00214
Comutator 7 pozitii (0-1-2-3-4-5-6) 32A 250V EGO 43.27232.000 #EMPC00214 Tip: 7 pozitii de lucru ..
252,10 Lei
Comutator 7 pozitii EGO 49.27215.746 #COK306UN
Comutator 7 pozitii EGO 49.27215.746 #COK306UN   switching capacity 16A switching sequence ..
84,03 Lei
Kit timer 5 minute G5 #9721006
Kit timer 5 minute G5 #9721006 complete with knob mechanical movement with balance wheel manual..
151,26 Lei
Plita electrica patrata 300x300mm 4000W 230V EGO 11.33454.246 #3311064
Plita electrica patrata 300x300mm 4000W 230V EGO 11.33454.246 #3311064 Putere: 4000W. Tensiune d..
1.756,30 Lei
Rezistenta cuptor 1500W (1050+450W) 230V #LFD355088
Rezistenta cuptor 1500W (1050+450W) 230V #LFD355088 power 1500W (1050+450W) voltage 230V length..
98,32 Lei
Rezistenta cuptor 2000W 240V #LFD355089
Rezistenta cuptor 2000W 240V #LFD355089 bracket 445mm length 315/195mm width 358mm flange 100x..
93,00 Lei
Rezistenta cuptor 2200W 230V CANDY 91200888 #COK120CY
Rezistenta cuptor 2200W 230V CANDY 91200888 #COK120CY Diametru exterior: ø190mm Diametru interio..
58,82 Lei
Rezistenta cuptor 2500W 230V DE LONGHI 062057004 #COK107DL
Rezistenta cuptor 2500W 230V DE LONGHI 062057004 #COK107DL Diametru exterior: ø192mm Diametru in..
126,05 Lei
Rezistenta cuptor CANDY 91200888 2500W 230V #LFD355313
Rezistenta cuptor CANDY 91200888 2500W 230V #LFD355313 Diametru exterior: ø190mm Diametru interi..
67,23 Lei
Rezistenta CY 91200888 2500W 230V EGO 20.35437.000 #D355313
Rezistenta CY 91200888 2500W 230V EGO 20.35437.000 #D355313 external ø190mm flange 70x22mm Co..
46,22 Lei
Robinet gaz tip PEL 21S M9x1 #225.021.023
Robinet gaz tip PEL 21S M9x1 #225.021.023   gas inlet M16x1.5 (tube ø 10mm) bypass nozzle..
151,26 Lei
Robinet gaz tip PEL 21S M9x1 #225.021.024
Robinet gaz tip PEL 21S M9x1 #225.021.024   gas inlet M16x1.5 (tube ø 10mm) bypass nozzle ø0.35 m..
151,26 Lei
Sonda temperatura PT100 0 +350°C cablu Vetrotex 3000mm bulb ø6x100mm #3445117
Sonda temperatura PT100 0 +350°C cablu Vetrotex 3000mm bulb ø6x100mm #3445117 Interval temperatur..
348,74 Lei
Termostat reglabil 35-270°C CANDY 42833529 TECASA NT-253 #COK200CY
Termostat reglabil 35-270°C CANDY 42833529 TECASA NT-253 #COK200CY Capilar 1000mm Arbore 23mm S..
84,03 Lei

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