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Bicon (inel etansare) pentru teava ø10mm #3348044
Bicon (inel etansare) pentru teava ø10mm #3348044 ø ext. 12mm - h5mm for model PEL 20-21-24-25 ..
2,52 Lei
Bloc terminal borne 6 poli 450V #5812252
Bloc terminal borne 6 poli 450V #5812252 Numar de poli: 6 poli Tensiune maxima de lucru: 450V ..
67,23 Lei
Capac arzator ø80mm #103066
Capac arzator ø80mm #103066 Diametru: 80mm Compatibil cu: Bartscher, Bertos, EKU, Electrolu..
75,63 Lei
Comutator 7 pozitii EGO 49.27215.746 #COK306UN
Comutator 7 pozitii EGO 49.27215.746 #COK306UN   switching capacity 16A switching sequence ..
84,03 Lei
Contactor SIEMENS 3RT2016-1AP01 9A 400V #3351049
Contactor SIEMENS 3RT2016-1AP01 9A 400V #3351049 9A 400V 4Kw - coil 230V 50/60Hz 3 normally open..
112,97 Lei
Electrovalva 2 cai 180° 1 intrare 3/4" 2 iesiri 12mm 230Vac #02 03 04
Electrovalva 2 cai 180° 1 intrare 3/4" 2 iesiri 12mm 230Vac #02 03 04 Numar de cai: 2 cai Unghi:..
58,82 Lei
Furtun ø40mm 800mm intarire din sarma SCC 101/G #530911
Furtun ø40mm 800mm intarire din sarma SCC 101/G #530911 diametru interior 40mm lungime 800mm ve..
277,31 Lei
Kit timer 5 minute G5 #9721006
Kit timer 5 minute G5 #9721006 complete with knob mechanical movement with balance wheel manual..
151,26 Lei
Lampa cuptor Ø34mm E14 230V 25W 300ºC #605.061.069
Lampa cuptor Ø34mm E14 230V 25W 300ºC #605.061.069 Corp ceramic  Dimensiune montaj Ø34mm Abajur..
42,02 Lei
Motor ventilator cuptor 32W 230V ax 37mm FIME C20XOE01 #COK403UN
Motor ventilator cuptor 32W 230V ax 37mm FIME C20XOE01 #COK403UN   Voltaj 220/240V  Arbore ..
126,05 Lei
Pompa drenaj BE28B4-017 100W 230V #500044
Pompa drenaj BE28B4-017 100W 230V #500044   tip BE28B4-017 frecventa 50Hz putere 100W ..
327,73 Lei
Regulator energie 230V 13A 1 circuit EGO 50.57021.010 #719069
Regulator energie 230V 13A 1 circuit EGO 50.57021.010 #719069   Tensiune de alimentare: 230V ..
205,88 Lei
Rezistenta 9000W 230V #3355715
Rezistenta 9000W 230V #3355715 Piesa numarul 3355715 ø extern 455 mm Inaltime totala 210 mm Fl..
504,00 Lei
Rezistenta cuptor 1500W (1050+450W) 230V #LFD355088
Rezistenta cuptor 1500W (1050+450W) 230V #LFD355088 power 1500W (1050+450W) voltage 230V length..
98,32 Lei
Rezistenta cuptor 2000W 240V #LFD355089
Rezistenta cuptor 2000W 240V #LFD355089 bracket 445mm length 315/195mm width 358mm flange 100x..
93,00 Lei
Rezistenta sauna 2000W 230V #A0032 (GKGR-00697)
Rezistenta sauna 2000W 230V #A0032 (GKGR-00697) Tensiune: 230V Putere: 2000W Mediu de lucru: ae..
100,84 Lei
Rezistenta sauna 2000W 230V HELO SEPC64 #HTS000HL
Rezistenta sauna 2000W 230V HELO SEPC64 #HTS000HL Putere: 2000W Tensiune: 230V Dimensiuni: 360x..
176,47 Lei
Rezistenta sauna 230V 1500W HELO SEPC63 #HTS007HL
Rezistenta sauna 230V 1500W HELO SEPC63 #HTS007HL Putere: 1500W Tensiune: 230V  Dimensiuni: 348..
67,23 Lei
Rezistenta sauna 230V 2670W HELO SEPC65 #HTS001HL
Rezistenta sauna 230V 2670W HELO SEPC65 #HTS001HL Putere: 2670W Tensiune: 230V Dimensiuni: 360x..
84,03 Lei
Termostat reglabil 35-270°C CANDY 42833529 TECASA NT-253 #COK200CY
Termostat reglabil 35-270°C CANDY 42833529 TECASA NT-253 #COK200CY Capilar 1000mm Arbore 23mm S..
84,03 Lei
Termostat reglabil 50-275°C EGO 55.13059.160
Termostat reglabil 50-275°C EGO 55.13059.160 Capacitate comutare 16A / 400Vac Conexiuni electric..
129,66 Lei
Termostat siguranta 132°C EGO 55.32522.843 #3444769
Termostat siguranta 132°C EGO 55.32522.843 #3444769 Cu reset automat Lungime capilar 900 mm 16A..
504,20 Lei
Termostat siguranta 360°C #3444781
Termostat siguranta 360°C #3444781 Fabricat in Germania Resetare manuala Lungime capilar izolat..
143,86 Lei
Termostat siguranta 365°C EGO 56.10573.500 #375159
Termostat siguranta 365°C EGO 56.10573.500 #375159   switch-off temperature 365°C number of..
252,10 Lei
Turbina ventilator RATIONAL D.350mm #601323
Turbina ventilator RATIONAL D.350mm #601323 Diametru 1 350 mm Inaltime 1 135 mm Numar de palete..
2.763,20 Lei

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