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Capac plastic aparat curatat cartofi ø430mm #696454
Capac plastic aparat curatat cartofi ø430mm #696454 material plastic diameter 430mm internal di..
529,41 Lei
Capac plastic pentru masina curatat cartofi ø 430mm, diametru interior ø 380mm #9720504
Capac plastic pentru masina curatat cartofi ø 430mm, diametru interior ø 380mm #972050..
423,39 Lei
Contactor SIEMENS 3RT2016-1AP01 9A 400V #3351049
Contactor SIEMENS 3RT2016-1AP01 9A 400V #3351049 9A 400V 4Kw - coil 230V 50/60Hz 3 normally open..
112,97 Lei
Curea poly-V profil J lungime 559mm latime 28mm 12 caneluri
Curea poly-V profil J lungime 559mm latime 28mm 12 caneluri  Profil: J Lungime: 559mm Latime: 2..
126,05 Lei
Garnitura capac pentru masina curatat cartofi FIMAR, L=1280 #901522
Garnitura capac pentru masina curatat cartofi FIMAR, L=1280 #901522 Potrivita pentru: FIMAR Util..
210,08 Lei
Garnitura capac pentru masina curatat cartofi FIMAR, L=1280 #9720755
Garnitura capac pentru masina curatat cartofi FIMAR, L=1280 #9720755 Potrivita pentru: FIMAR Uti..
129,03 Lei
Garnitura O-RING 04625 EPDM #630426 COMENDA
Garnitura O-RING 04625 EPDM #630426 ring thickness 3.53 internal ø158.30mm pump casing gasket LG..
8,40 Lei
Garnitura tub spalare 109x68mm #518071
Garnitura tub spalare 109x68mm #518071   lungime 109mm latime 68mm aplicatie pentru supo..
25,21 Lei
Garnitura usa, dimensiuni externe 204x154 mm, dimensiuni interne 175x125 mm #9720702
Garnitura usa, dimensiuni externe 204x154 mm, dimensiuni interne 175x125 mm #9720702 Dimensiuni e..
266,13 Lei
Limitator cursa cu rola Ø10mm 10A NO+NC IP65 Telemecanique #XCK-P102
Limitator cursa cu rola Ø10mm 10A NO+NC IP65 Telemecanique #XCK-P102 Tip senzor: limitator cursa ..
42,02 Lei
Pompa dozatoare de clatire #6926278
Pompa dozatoare de clatire #6926278 open back fitting for connection to the auxiliary pump hydr..
386,75 Lei
Presostat 70-180mbar racord 6mm ø58mm #541105
Presostat 70-180mbar racord 6mm ø58mm #541105 interval de presiune 180/70mbar racord 6mm diamet..
126,05 Lei
Releu putere 40A 220V 3PDT 3NO+3NC JQX-38F 3Z #35044
Releu putere 40A 220V 3PDT 3NO+3NC JQX-38F 3Z #35044 dimensiuni 51x41x56mm tensiunea nominală a ..
50,42 Lei
Rezistenta 6000W 240/415V 360mm ø47,5mm M4 #3455413
Rezistenta 6000W 240/415V 360mm ø47,5mm M4 #3455413 Lungime in imersie 360 mm ø extern flansa 63..
546,22 Lei
Rezistenta boiler 6000W 230/380V 360mm ø57.5mm M4 #119452
Rezistenta boiler 6000W 230/380V 360mm ø57.5mm M4 #119452 Putere 6000W (3x2000W) Tensiune 230/38..
252,10 Lei
Rezistenta boiler 8000W (3x2660W) 230/380V 355mm ø47.5mm M4 #F2106
Rezistenta boiler 8000W (3x2660W) 230/380V 355mm ø47.5mm M4 #F2106 Putere 8000W Voltaj 230V Mon..
0,00 Lei
Rezistenta boiler 8000W 230/400V 365mm flansa Ø63mm #3355621
Rezistenta boiler 8000W 230/400V 365mm flansa Ø63mm #3355621 Putere: 8000W Voltaj: 230V Montare..
526,89 Lei
Rezistenta boiler 9500W (3x3166W) 230/380V 335mm ø47.5mm M4 #3755946
Rezistenta boiler 9500W (3x3166W) 230/380V 335mm ø47.5mm M4 #3755946 immersed length 335mm flang..
588,24 Lei
Rezistenta cartus PTC 300W 230V ø12mm 240mm #SAG-32G3310
Rezistenta cartus PTC 300W 230V ø12mm 240mm #SAG-32G3310 Putere: 300W Tensiune: 230V Diametru: ..
310,92 Lei
Rezistenta cuptor 1150W 220V WHIRLPOOL #6457-106
Rezistenta cuptor 1150W 220V WHIRLPOOL #6457-106 Putere 1150W Racire in aer Voltaj 220V Tub me..
50,00 Lei
Rezistenta cuptor 1150W 230V #D355420
Rezistenta cuptor 1150W 230V #D355420 Putere: 1150W Tensiune: 230V Lungime: 400mm Latime: 340m..
50,42 Lei
Rezistenta cuptor 1150W 230V Bauknecht Whirlpool #481010375734
Rezistenta cuptor 1150W 230V Bauknecht Whirlpool #481010375734 power 1150W application for oven ..
84,03 Lei
Rezistenta cuptor 1150W 230V Bauknecht Whirlpool 481010375734 #COK107WH
Rezistenta cuptor 1150W 230V Bauknecht Whirlpool 481010375734 #COK107WH power 1150W application ..
84,03 Lei
Rezistenta cuptor 1150W 230V WHIRLPOOL 480121100591 #COK110WH
Rezistenta cuptor 1150W 230V WHIRLPOOL 480121100591 #COK110WH power 1150W voltage 230V length..
42,02 Lei
Rezistenta cuptor 1150W 230V WHIRLPOOL 480121100591 #D355040
Rezistenta cuptor 1150W 230V WHIRLPOOL 480121100591 #D355040 power 1150W voltage 230V length ..
42,02 Lei
Rezistenta cuptor 1150W 230V WHIRLPOOL 48101037573 #COK109WH
Rezistenta cuptor 1150W 230V WHIRLPOOL 48101037573 #COK109WH Putere: 1150W Tensiune: 230V Lungi..
84,03 Lei
Simering 28x42x7 #698352
Simering 28x42x7 #698352 Diametru interior: 28mm Diametru exterior: 42mm Grosime 7mm Temperatu..
30,65 Lei
Simering mecanic otel inoxidabil EPDM ø26mm #510703
Simering mecanic otel inoxidabil EPDM ø26mm #510703 material otel inoxidabil/ceramica/EPDM diame..
25,21 Lei
Termostat RANCO K60-P1029/005 #01.02.40
Termostat RANCO K60-P1029/005 #01.02.40 Tip: RANCO K60-P1029/005 Tensiune: 250V Producator: R..
58,82 Lei
Termostat reglabil 50-300°C 880mm #3444694
Termostat reglabil 50-300°C 880mm #3444694 D-shaped pin ø6x4.6mm Capillary length 880mm Bulb ø6..
235,29 Lei
Termostat reglabil 50-300°C EGO 55.34052.010 #COK224UN
Termostat reglabil 50-300°C EGO 55.34052.010 #COK224UN D-shaped pin ø6x4.6mm capillary length 88..
168,07 Lei
Termostat reglabil 53-278°C WHIRLPOOL 81381275 #480121100077
Termostat reglabil 53-278°C WHIRLPOOL 81381275 #480121100077 D-shaped pin ø6x4.6mm capillary len..
168,07 Lei
Termostat siguranta 235°C #3744001
Termostat siguranta 235°C #3744001 Resetare manuala Lungime capilar izolat 800mm Bulb  ø6x125mm..
622,55 Lei
Transformator 230/24V 20W #4087662
Transformator 230/24V 20W #4087662 Tensiune primara: 230V 50/60Hz. Tensiune secundara: 24V 20W ..
529,41 Lei

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