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Rezistenta 1500W 230V 428x132mm #415828
Rezistenta 1500W 230V 428x132mm #415828 Putere:15000W Tensiune de alimentare:230V Circuite de i..
1.243,70 Lei
Termostat reglabil 65-266°C EGO 55.19052.803 #3444114
Termostat reglabil 65-266°C EGO 55.19052.803 #3444114 Ax in forma de D 6x46mm Lungime capilar  9..
184,87 Lei
Termostat siguranta 145°C EGO 55.10522.801 #375218
Termostat siguranta 145°C EGO 55.10522.801 #375218 switch-off temperature 145°C number of poles ..
163,91 Lei
Termostat siguranta 55°C 900mm #3444296
Termostat siguranta 55°C 900mm #3444296 with automatic reset covered capillary length 900mm 16A ..
277,31 Lei
Timer FIBER 0.05s - 100h 230-240VAC 20.6x27.7mm #380329
Timer FIBER 0.05s - 100h 230-240VAC 20.6x27.7mm #380329 producer FIBER type 85.02.8...
351,11 Lei
Transformator primar 230VAC secundar 12VAC 40VA 32A #400127
Transformator primar 230VAC secundar 12VAC 40VA 32A #400127 tensiune primara 230VAC tensiune sec..
310,92 Lei
Ventilator axial SUNON 230V 50/60Hz 18W 2400rpm 80x80x38mm #3240337
Ventilator axial SUNON 230V 50/60Hz 18W 2400rpm 80x80x38mm #3240337 Lagar: rulmenti cu bile Tens..
89,92 Lei

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