Bec cuptor 300°C E14 15W 230V #3221041
socket type E14
voltage 230V
power 15W
Buton basculant verde bipolar iluminat 16A 250V 125°C 25x27mm #3319951
Capacitatea de comutare: 1..
Buton comutator ø42mm ax ø5x5mm Comenda #110093
simbol comutator poziția zero
diametru 42mm
Buton negru gradat Ø41mm 0-90°C IMIT #3444008
Gaura pentru ax in forma de D 6x4.6mm
Pentru termo..
Capac protectie flansa ø62mm #520357
diametru 62mm
inaltime 42mm
aplicatie pentru flansa ø57,5m..
Colier metalic insurubabil ø16-27mm #3449466
Sold in multiple of 5
for pipes ø16-27mm
made of s..
Colier metalic insurubabil ø25-40mm #3449468
for pipes ø25-40mm
made of stainless steel AISI 304..
Compresor frigorific 220/240V 50Hz 1/4Hp 8,10cc CUBIGEL GU80TB #3070014
Tensiune de alimentare: 2..
Comutator decuplare ABB OT125F4N2 1SCA105051R1001 125A #5012182
Compatibil cu:
ABB 1SCA105051R10..
Condensator (capacitor) pornire motor / functionare 6,3µF DUCATI ENERGIA 450VAC Ø32X55mm #3068010
Condensator (capacitor) pornire motor 12,5µF 450V DUCATI ENERGIA Ø36X70mm #3068019
Tip: condensat..
Controler electronic / termostat digital 12/24Vac 1 releu 1 sonda PT100/TCJ/TCK ELIWELL ICPLUS902 #..
Electrovalva 1 cale 90° intrare Ø11,5mm iesire Ø11,5mm 230Vac RPE #370453
Versiune: 1 cale
Tip: ..
Elice aluminiu ventilator aspiratie ø 254mm. unghi lama 34° #3240964
Material: aluminiu
Elice ventilator ø225mm 5 palete #601710
material aluminiu
diametru 225mm
orificiu ax ø7mm
Fisa priza / socket pentru bobina DIN 43650B #3120044
Compatibil cu:
Garnitura O-RING 04150 EPDM #200830
ring thickness 3.53 mm internal ø 37.69 mm
Compatibil cu:
Intrerupator 2 poli luminat culori verde alb rosu portocaliu albastru 25x27mm #50I1513
Orificiu d..
Kit protectie buton, diametru extern ø28mm, diametru montare ø22mm #9439002
Contine protectie: 1 ..
Magnetron universal microunde 850W SAMSUNG OM..
Maner in forma de minge pentru teava preaplin M6 ø29mm masina de spalat #3448152
Dimensiune filet..
Motor ventilator 10W 230V 1300rpm YZF10-20 WEIGUANG #601022
putere 10W
tensiune 230V
turatie 13..
Motor ventilator 10W VN 10-20 230V 1300rpm ELCO NET5T10ZVN001 #3240211
power 10W
voltage 230V
Motor ventilator ELCO VNT16-25/029 16W 230V 50Hz 1300/1550rpm #601528
Producator: ELCO
Putere: 1..
Presostat 1 nivel 50/30mbar 250V 16A 85°C #3320027
Calibrare: 50/30mbar.
Tensiune: 250V
Presostat 3 nivele ø84mm #541674
Interval de presiune: 50/30, 50/30, 145/80mbar
Racord: ø6mm.
Priza / socket tip surub DIN 43650A #3120034
Conectare: surub
Producator: CASTEL
Tip fisa: DIN ..
Protectie rezistenta electrica cu flansa ø72mm #3755060
Pentru rezistenta electrica cu flansa ø72..
Protectie rezistenta electrica cu flansa ø72mm #3755948
Pentru rezistenta electrica cu flansa ø72..
Regulator energie 230V 13A 23mm #COK356UN
Tensiune de alimentare: 230V
Capacitate de comutare:..
Releu putere 40A 220V 3PDT 3NO+3NC JQX-38F 3Z #35044
dimensiuni 51x41x56mm
tensiunea nominală a ..
Rezistenta 4200W 230/380V 340mm #3355105
Aplicatie: pentru cazan si rezervor spalare
Lungime de ..
Rezistenta 5000/6000W 240/415V 405mm #420091
putere 5000/6000W
tensiune 240/415V
Rezistenta 6000W 230/400V 390mm #3455471
for boiler
immersed depth 390mm
flange external ø72mm
Rezistenta 6000W 230V ø57,5mm 340mm #420080
power 6000W
voltage 230V
mounting diameter 57,5mm
Rezistenta 6000W 240/415V 410mm #3455398
immersed depth 410mm
flange external ø72mm
with bulbho..
Rezistenta 6000W 255/440V 410mm #5020942
adancimea de imersie 410mm
flansa ø72mm cu teaca termos..
Rezistenta 9000W 230V/380V 485mm #3355107
Pentru rezervor si boiler
Adancime imersie 485 mm
ø f..
Rezistenta boiler 12500W 230/380V #3355108
immersed length 620mm
flange external ø72mm
Rezistenta boiler 9000W (3x3000W) 230/380V 480mm ø57.5mm M4 #LB03049
Putere: 9000W (3x3000W)
Rezistenta cuptor 2600W 220V DI ø180mm DE ø194mm #1048A/ELE2030
Rezistenta circulara
Putere: 260..
Rezistenta masina spalat vase 14000W 230V/400V #3455396
Pentru rezervor si boiler
Adancime imers..
Senzor nivel boiler #3240465
contact NA
Compatibil cu:
Siguranta de intarziere Ø 5X20 mm - 10 pcs #3049020
250V 6.3A
Compatibil cu:
19103 ASTORIA CM..
Sonda NTC 10kOhm PVC -20°C+80°C #378194
probe type NTC 10kOhm
cable PVC
probe temperat..
Sonda temperatura NTC 10kOhm -50/110°C #381590
tip de senzor NTC 10kOhm
cablu termoplastic
Termostat reglabil -35°C/+35°C bulb ø6x110mm capilar 1500mm PRODIGY TR711N #3444172
3 contacts 16..
Termostat reglabil 0-90°C bulb ø6.5x95mm capilar 1500mm IMIT TR2 #3444004
D-shaped pin ø6x4.6mm
Termostat siguranta 115°C IMIT #3744114
Cu resetare manuala
Lungime capilar 1000 mm
Bulb ø 5x12..
Termostat siguranta 140°C IMIT #3444151
Cu resetare manuala
Lungime sonda 1000 mm
Bulb ø 5x120 ..
Ventilator tangential 180mm LH 30W 220/240V ø60mm #D805002
30W 220/240V 50/60Hz - ø 60 mm
DI - F..
Ventilator tangential 300mm LH 230V 50/60Hz ø60mm #5026343
230V 50/60Hz - ø60mm
operating temper..