Arbore antrenare curatator cartofi #7114188
pin length 188mm
the kit includes:
2 bearings - 1 f..
Banda calandru (Nomex / Aramid) 2500x200 mm #7104895
Este un element cheie al mașinilor de călcat..
Bobina electrovalva golire 24V 50Hz #7101512
Tensiune: 24V 50Hz
Compatibil pentru:
Buton negru gradat Ø41mm 0-90°C IMIT #3444008
Gaura pentru ax in forma de D 6x4.6mm
Pentru termo..
Colier metalic insurubabil ø25-40mm #3449468
for pipes ø25-40mm
made of stainless steel AISI 304..
Condensator (capacitor) pornire motor 12,5µF 450V DUCATI ENERGIA Ø36X70mm #3068019
Tip: condensat..
Debitmetru apa contor volumetric flowmeter GICAR 1/8" #1455067
Debitmetru apa, conexiuni ø 1/4"FF..
Electrovalva 1 cale 90° 1 intrare 3/4" 1 iesire Ø11.5mm 230Vac TP #370015
Numar de cai: 1 cale
Electrovalva 1 cale 90° 1 intrare ø3/4" 1 iesire ø10,5mm 230V T&P #3120404
Numar de cai: 1 cale
Electrovalva 2 cai 90° 1 intrare 3/4" 2 iesiri ø10.5mm 230Vac ELBI 339 #5007229
Numar de cai: 2 c..
Electrovalva 4 cai 1 180° intrare 3/4" 4 iesiri 10.5mm 230V #02.03.13
Numar de cai: 4 cai
Electrovalva drenaj (scurgere) 2" 180° 230V MDP-O-2 #7106321
Caracteristici tehnice: normal desch..
Electrovalva drenaj (scurgere) cu preaplin 2" 180° 230V MDB-O-2 #370789
Tensiune: 220-240 V
Electrovalva scurgere 1 cale 180° 1 intrare 2" 1 iesire 2" 230Vac MDP-O-2 MDB-O-2 #099876
Numar d..
Electrovalva scurgere 1 cale 180° 1 intrare ø50mm 1 iesire ø50mm 230Vac MDB-O-2 #20363120
Numar d..
Filtru deparazitar 115/250V 50/60Hz ø40mm #365046
tensiune 115/250 V
frecventa 50/60 Hz
racord ..
Flansa 2 gauri 80x28mm #7104190
Compatibil pentru:
EPGC LF7104190
GIRBAU 121962
Garnitura O ring 06187 EPDM Ø58mm #3186013
Se vinde in multiplii de 10
Grosime inel 5,34 mm.
Garnitura O-RING 04081 EPDM #200869
ring thickness 3.53mm internal ø20.22mm
Compatibil cu:
Heating element 1200W 230V 368mm #7107527
length 368mm
width 190mm
Compatibil cu:
Invertor MITSUBISHI FR-D720S-042SC-EC 750W, 230V, 50/60Hz, 16A #7108278
Putere: 750W
Amperaj: 16..
Microintrerupator magnetic E5211V 0,4A 250V 1NO 40x13x8mm L 900mm #3240446
Functie contacte: 1NO
Motor ventilator 70W 325V NRG118/0800-3612-031227 #7150631
Putere: 70W
Tensiune: 325VDC
Motor ventilator ECOFIT 2VRE25-250A-B22B4 230V 104W 2725rpm ø250mm #7122735
230V 50/60Hz 104W 272..
Pinion Z40 ø125mm, gaura ø20mm #7101442
Diametru: ø125mm
Gaura: ø20m..
Placa electronica 230V 50/60Hz #3390089
Dimensiuni: 100x70mm
Compatibil cu:
Presostat electronic (senzor nivel apa) METALFLEX BEKO 2833830200 #2833830200
Protectie controler electronic DX-CA
Material plexiglas, plastic/cauciuc
Producator AKO, JOHNSO..
Protectie rezistenta electrica cu flansa ø72mm #3755060
Pentru rezistenta electrica cu flansa ø72..
Releu de timp CDC TN 80 3s-60min 24-230VAC/24-48VDC #360468
producer CDC
time range 3s-60..
Releu putere 40A 220V 3PDT 3NO+3NC JQX-38F 3Z #35044
dimensiuni 51x41x56mm
tensiunea nominală a ..
Rezistenta 2650W 230V 285mm #7111884
Lungime de imersie: 285mm.
Latime: 65mm.
Flansa din cauci..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V 195mm #7101851
immersed length 195mm ø1/4" fittings
Compatibil cu:
Rezistenta 2000W 230V 300mm M12 #3355261
Lungime de imersie: 300mm
Latime: 80mm
Conexiune: ø12m..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V 310mm #AL384
Putere: 2000W
Tensiune: 230V
Lungime: 310mm
Latime: 85mm
Rezistenta 3000W 230V #7106647
length 325 mm
width 55 mm
height 60 mm
fittings M10x1
with nut..
Rezistenta 3000W 230V ø 57,5mm 330x45x29mm #415060
power 3000W
voltage 230V
mounting diameter 5..
Rezistenta 3000W 240V #7110472
Putere: 3000W
Tensiune: 240V
Circuite incalzire: 1
Conexiune: s..
Rezistenta 4200W 230/380V 340mm #3355105
Aplicatie: pentru cazan si rezervor spalare
Lungime de ..
Rezistenta 5000W, 230V, 1 circuit incalzire #7108343
Putere: 5000W
Tensiune: 230V
Circuite inca..
Rezistenta 6000W 230/400V 390mm #3455471
for boiler
immersed depth 390mm
flange external ø72mm
Rezistenta 6000W 230V ø57,5mm 340mm #420080
power 6000W
voltage 230V
mounting diameter 57,5mm
Rezistenta 6500W 230V #7108306
Putere: 6500W
Tensiune de alimentare: 230V
Circuite de incalzire..
Rezistenta 9000W 500mm #7113075
Putere: 9000W
Lungime: 500mm
Compatibil cu:
GEV LF71..
Rezistenta cuptor 1150W 230V #LF7116567
Putere: 1150W
Tensiune: 230V
Lungime: 355mm
Latime: 34..
Rezistenta cuva/rezervor/bazin 2000W 230V 308mm M12 #3455397
power 2000W
voltage 230V
length 30..
Rezistenta cuva/rezervor/bazin 2000W 230V 308mm M12 #415198
power 2000W
voltage 230V
length 308..
Rezistenta electrica 2000W+2500W 230V #1682030
Putere: 2000W+2500W
Tensiune: 220V
Lungime: 420m..
Set rezistente 12000W (3x4000W) 230V 440mm #7103888
length 440mm width 60mm
height 245mm fitting..
Surub cu cap hexagonal M5x16 #3528106
Material: inox/otel
UNI 5739
DIN 933
ISO 4017
Vandut la..
Termostat 90°C #3444229
covered capillary 1000mm
bulb ø9x40mm
15A 250V
D shaft ø6x4.6mm
Termostat bimetal CONTACT THERMOSTAT 250°C #LF7104422
Compatibil cu:
LF 7104422
Termostat RANCO K57-L5818 W5-30058
Aplicatie Frigider
Lungime tub capilar 1800mm
Termostat reglabil 40-78 / 47-85°C #390014
temperature max. 85°C
number of poles 2-pole
Termostat reglabil 40-78 47-85°C 2 trepte temperatura IMIT TRZ 3435 #3444228
2 adjustment ranges ..
Termostat reglabil 50-320°C EGO 55.18062.050 #375483
Temperatura max.: 320°C
Interval masurare t..
Termostat siguranta 110°C LM8P2047 #3444520
Temperatura maxima : 110°C
Nr. Poli : 2 poli
Valva drenaj G2-O-180 #7129690
Tensiune 120/240Vac
Frecventa 50/60Hz
Amperaj 8.5VA
Inlet ø..
Ventilator axial 172x150x38mm 230V 27/28W EBM PAPST 7056ES #601113
Producator: ebm-papst
Cod pro..
Ventilator axial 172x150x38mm EBM PAPST 7056ES #3240634
Producator: ebm-papst
Cod producator: 70..
Ventilator tangential 300mm DX 21W 230V 50Hz ø40mm #7103015
230V 50Hz 21W - fan ø40mm
Ventilator tangential 300mm RH 20W 230V 50/60Hz ø45mm #7105799
230V 50/60Hz 20W - ø45mm