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Aprinzator piezoelectric cu baterie 1,5V tip R6 AA #101756
Aprinzator piezoelectric cu baterie 1,5V tip R6 AA #101756 Conexiune: faston 3.2mm Funcționează ..
84,03 Lei
Aprinzator piezoelectric cu baterie 1.5Vdc  #605.091.008
Aprinzator piezoelectric cu baterie 1.5Vdc  #605.091.008 Conexiune faston 3.2mm Conexiune 2.8x0...
84,03 Lei
Aprinzator piezoelectric universal (bricheta) diametru ø22mm #100013
Aprinzator piezoelectric universal (bricheta) diametru ø22mm #100013 Buton generator de scanteie ..
46,22 Lei
Bicon (inel etansare) pentru teava ø12mm #3020082
Bicon (inel etansare) pentru teava ø12mm #3020082 ø ext. 14 mm - h 6 mm for model PEL 22-24-25 ..
6,72 Lei
Buton negru gradat Ø41mm 0-90°C IMIT #3444008
Buton negru gradat Ø41mm 0-90°C IMIT #3444008 Gaura pentru ax in forma de D 6x4.6mm Pentru termo..
8,40 Lei
Camera aer 84x28x80mm #3060029
Camera aer 84x28x80mm #3060029 hose end fitting ø6mm complete with silicone O-ring gasket (11866..
50,42 Lei
Capac de protectie pentru rezistenta #5007980
Capac de protectie pentru rezistenta #5007980 Distanta intre gaurile de fixare: 63 mm Compatib..
22,69 Lei
Compresor CUBIGEL ML45TB CSIR 220/240V 1/5Hp 4.50cc R404a/R507 HMBP #3070021
Compresor CUBIGEL ML45TB CSIR 220/240V 1/5Hp 4.50cc R404a/R507 HMBP #3070021 220/240V 50Hz power..
605,04 Lei
Condensator (capacitor) 8µF #3068079
Condensator (capacitor) 8µF #3068079 450V 50/60Hz - ø30xh71mm Compatibil cu: ALBA ALPENINO..
21,01 Lei
Condensator (capacitor) pornire motor 12,5µF 450V DUCATI ENERGIA Ø36X70mm #3068019
Condensator (capacitor) pornire motor 12,5µF 450V DUCATI ENERGIA Ø36X70mm #3068019 Tip: condensat..
42,02 Lei
Conexiune furtun ø32mm 3/4"F #3743776
Conexiune furtun ø32mm 3/4"F #3743776 Compatibil cu: ASCASO KRUPPS GEV S0906990 KRUPPS Dishwa..
109,24 Lei
Electrovalva 230V pozitie 90° int 3/4" out 10.5mm #21911PA
Electrovalva 230V pozitie 90° int 3/4" out 10.5mm #21911PA Tensiune 230V  Intrare 3/4"   Iesire..
29,41 Lei
Electrovalva apa 230V model ELBI Tip 329 pozitie 180° #3120005
Electrovalva apa 230V model ELBI Tip 329 pozitie 180° #3120005 220/240V 50/60Hz Temperatura maxi..
46,22 Lei
Electrovalva Elbi 339 220/240V 10.5mm #3120006
Electrovalva Elbi 339 220/240V 10.5mm #3120006 220/240V 50/60Hz max. temperature 90°C inlet 3/4"..
84,03 Lei
Furtun dozator detergent ø6x10mm #3090351
Furtun dozator detergent ø6x10mm #3090351 fittings black with ring nut for hose ø4x6mm overall l..
63,03 Lei
Furtun flexibil dozator detergent 4x6mm SEKO #361815
Furtun flexibil dozator detergent 4x6mm SEKO #361815 aplicatie detergent racord furtun 4x6mm ti..
63,03 Lei
Furtun flexibil pompa detergent ø5mm #362067
Furtun flexibil pompa detergent ø5mm #362067 aplicatie detergent racord furtun 5mm tip de furtu..
67,23 Lei
Garnitura O ring 06187 EPDM Ø58mm #3186013
Garnitura O ring 06187 EPDM Ø58mm #3186013 Se vinde in multiplii de 10 Grosime inel 5,34 mm. Di..
6,72 Lei
Garnitura O-RING 04081 EPDM #200869
Garnitura O-RING 04081 EPDM #200869 ring thickness 3.53mm internal ø20.22mm Compatibil cu: CO..
2,52 Lei
Inel bicon ø12mm #3348082
Inel bicon ø12mm #3348082 øext.14mm h6mm for model PEL 22-24-25 Compatibil cu: ASCASO GAS.13..
5,88 Lei
Lampa indicator portocaliu 230V cap Ø13.5mm orificiu Ø10mm 120°C #3221095
Lampa indicator portocaliu 230V cap Ø13.5mm orificiu Ø10mm 120°C #3221095 Culoare LED: portocaliu..
15,97 Lei
Microintrerupator magnetic #3240608
Microintrerupator magnetic #3240608 Fabricat in Italia Lungime cablu: 250mm Unde este instala..
58,82 Lei
Niplu fixare electrod piezo ø7mm filet M10 H-11mm #3020085
Niplu fixare electrod piezo ø7mm filet M10 H-11mm #3020085 Compatibil cu: ALPENINOX AMBACH ANG..
21,00 Lei
Placa electronica masina de spalat vase PCB 135x82mm #403093
Placa electronica masina de spalat vase PCB 135x82mm #403093 Lungimea 135 mm Latime 82 mm Com..
392,00 Lei
Placa electronica masina spalat vase #3390034
Placa electronica masina spalat vase #3390034 Fara EPROM Dimensiuni 135x100 mm Compatibil: 0..
617,02 Lei
Placa electronica masina spalat vase PCB PROTECH 1113/611 TR10 #403572
Placa electronica masina spalat vase PCB PROTECH 1113/611 TR10 #403572 lungime 178mm latime 125m..
1.243,70 Lei
Pompa dozatoare de clatire #6926278
Pompa dozatoare de clatire #6926278 open back fitting for connection to the auxiliary pump hydr..
386,75 Lei
Pompa electrica LGB PS46RH 0.60HP #3122454
Pompa electrica LGB PS46RH 0.60HP #3122454 Intrare: ø 3/8"F Iesire: ø 3/8"F Putere: 0,45 kW Te..
995,80 Lei
Reductie debit electrovalva ELBI 1.2l/min toleranta ±15/25% #371261
Reductie debit electrovalva ELBI 1.2l/min toleranta ±15/25% #371261 culoare transparenta produca..
5,88 Lei
Releu 230VAC 16A 2NO #380817
Releu 230VAC 16A 2NO #380817 producator Italiana Relè alimentare 230VAC capacitate de comutare ..
142,86 Lei
Releu A2L-FA Italiana Rele 2NO 16A 230V 50/60Hz #3351603
Releu A2L-FA Italiana Rele 2NO 16A 230V 50/60Hz #3351603 2 NO contacts contact capacity 16A coi..
84,03 Lei
Releu pornire ITALIANA RELE B1-2 2NO 16A 230V #3351001
Releu pornire ITALIANA RELE B1-2 2NO 16A 230V #3351001 2 NO contacts contact capacity 16A coil ..
100,84 Lei
Releu putere 40A 220V 3PDT 3NO+3NC JQX-38F 3Z #35044
Releu putere 40A 220V 3PDT 3NO+3NC JQX-38F 3Z #35044 dimensiuni 51x41x56mm tensiunea nominală a ..
50,42 Lei
Rezistenta 12000W 230/380V #AL458
294,12 Lei
Rezistenta 1200W 230V 145mm #417791
Rezistenta 1200W 230V 145mm #417791 putere 1200W tensiune 230V lungime 145mm racord 6,3x0,8 m..
306,72 Lei
Rezistenta 1800W 220V 315mm #3455339
Rezistenta 1800W 220V 315mm #3455339 Immersed depth 305mm Length 315mm width 25mm Fittings ø10m..
218,49 Lei
Rezistenta 1800W 230V 318x36x22mm #416127
Rezistenta 1800W 230V 318x36x22mm #416127 power 1800W voltage 230V heating circuits 1 length 3..
243,70 Lei
Rezistenta 2000W 230V 205mm #9045772
Rezistenta 2000W 230V 205mm #9045772 dimensions 205x67mm  flange 78x25mm with thermoprotector ..
84,03 Lei
Rezistenta 2050/2450W 220/240V 290mm #3355611
Rezistenta 2050/2450W 220/240V 290mm #3355611 Lungime de imersie: 290mm Latime: 90mm Conexiune:..
295,80 Lei
Rezistenta 2400W 230V ø 47,5mm 215x40x35mm #415013
Rezistenta 2400W 230V ø 47,5mm 215x40x35mm #415013 power 2400W voltage 230V mounting diameter 4..
1.075,63 Lei
Rezistenta 3000W 230V #REZISTENTA 3000W
Rezistenta 3000W 230V #REZISTENTA 3000W Putere: 3000W Tensiune: 230V Lungime: 335mm Latime: 70..
184,87 Lei
Rezistenta 3000W 230V 260mm #3755002
Rezistenta 3000W 230V 260mm #3755002 immersed length 260mm flange external ø 63mm - bulbholder s..
252,10 Lei
Rezistenta 3000W 230V ø 47,5mm 270x37x28mm #415044
Rezistenta 3000W 230V ø 47,5mm 270x37x28mm #415044 power 3000W voltage 230V mounting diameter 4..
302,52 Lei
Rezistenta 3000W 230V ø 60mm 285x42x36mm #418711
Rezistenta 3000W 230V ø 60mm 285x42x36mm #418711 power 3000W voltage 230V mounting diameter 60m..
252,10 Lei
Rezistenta 6000W 230V 440mm ø57.5mm M4 #5048453
Rezistenta 6000W 230V 440mm ø57.5mm M4 #5048453 Putere: 6000W Tensiune: 230V Lungime: 440mm Di..
470,59 Lei
Rezistenta 9000W, 230V, 474mmx130mm, 3 circuite incalzire, ID ø445mm, ED ø458mm #415912
Rezistenta 9000W, 230V, 474mmx130mm, 3 circuite incalzire, ID ø445mm, ED ø458mm #415912 Putere: 9..
1.638,66 Lei
Rezistenta boiler 17000W 400V L450mm ø72mm #3755573
Rezistenta boiler 17000W 400V L450mm ø72mm #3755573 Putere: 17000W Tensiune de alimentare: 400V ..
504,20 Lei
Rezistenta boiler 2500W 240V 300mm #5034943
Rezistenta boiler 2500W 240V 300mm #5034943 Lungime 300mm Flansa externa ø55mm distanta montare ..
232,00 Lei
Rezistenta boiler 9000W 400V L450mm ø72mm #3755597
Rezistenta boiler 9000W 400V L450mm ø72mm #3755597 Putere: 9000V Tensiune de alimentare: 400V L..
1.168,07 Lei
Rezistenta rezervor 2600W 240V 350x40mm #3355583
Rezistenta rezervor 2600W 240V 350x40mm #3355583 immersed length 350mm width 40mm flange 61x26mm..
227,00 Lei
Rigleta conexiuni 6 poli 40A 450V sectiune nominala 6mmp #3247009
Rigleta conexiuni 6 poli 40A 450V sectiune nominala 6mmp #3247009 Numar de poli - 6 max. - 40 A ..
21,01 Lei
Rigleta conexiuni 6 poli 40A 450V sectiune nominala 6mmp #550411
Rigleta conexiuni 6 poli 40A 450V sectiune nominala 6mmp #550411 Poli: 6 max.: 40 A max.: 450 V..
21,01 Lei
Robinet gaz tip PEL 22S/O M9x1 #225.021.044
Robinet gaz tip PEL 22S/O M9x1 #225.021.044   safety device with ignition flame gas inlet M..
285,71 Lei
Simering mecanic otel inoxidabil EPDM ø26mm #510703
Simering mecanic otel inoxidabil EPDM ø26mm #510703 material otel inoxidabil/ceramica/EPDM diame..
25,21 Lei
Sonda WHIRLPOOL NTC lungime totala 49mm ø 10mm #3397180
Sonda WHIRLPOOL NTC lungime totala 49mm ø10mm #3397180 connection Rast 2.5- overall length 49 mm..
9,70 Lei
Terminal 4 poli 4 FV173 40A 450V 150°C #3247037
Terminal 4 poli 4 FV173 40A 450V 150°C #3247037 Pentru cablu cu diametru maxim: ø6mm² / F6.3 Tem..
16,81 Lei
Termostat bimetal 105°C 1NC 16A DG 238mm #375913
Termostat bimetal 105°C 1NC 16A DG 238mm #375913 temperatura de deconectare 105°C functie 1NC c..
75,63 Lei
Termostat bimetal 110°C 16A 250V NC #3444607
Termostat bimetal 110°C NC 16A 250V #3444607 16A 250V 50/60Hz Resetare manuala Compatibil cu:..
28,21 Lei
Termostat bimetal 110°C NC 16A 250V #390233
Termostat bimetal 110°C NC 16A 250V #390233 16A 250V 50/60Hz Reset manual Compatibil cu: ALP..
25,21 Lei
Termostat bimetal 60°C 1NC 16A DG 23.8mm #390301
Termostat bimetal 60°C 1NC 16A DG 23.8mm #390301 temperatura de deconectare 60°C functie 1NC ca..
21,01 Lei
Termostat de siguranta 58°C EGO 5514119850 #390001
Termostat de siguranta 58°C EGO 5514119850 #390001 temperature max. 58°C operating temperature r..
96,46 Lei
Termostat degivrare ML45 45°F (7.22°C) SUPCO #01.02.71
Termostat degivrare ML45 45°F (7.22°C) SUPCO #01.02.71 Diferential: 20°F (-6.67°C) Deschis: 45°F..
58,82 Lei
Termostat RANCO -6.4°C +3.2°C capilar 2100mm K52 L4512 #390214
Termostat RANCO -6.4°C +3.2°C capilar 2100mm K52 L4512 #390214 Producator: RANCO Tip: K52L4512 /..
134,45 Lei
Termostat reglabil 0-90°C bulb ø6.5x95mm capilar 1500mm IMIT TR2 #3444004
Termostat reglabil 0-90°C bulb ø6.5x95mm capilar 1500mm IMIT TR2 #3444004 D-shaped pin ø6x4.6mm ..
100,84 Lei
Termostat reglabil 30-90°C EGO 55.19212.815 #3444271
Termostat reglabil 30-90°C EGO 55.19212.815 #3444271 Lungime capilar izolat 900mm  Bulb ø6x70mm ..
193,28 Lei
Termostat reglabil 30-90°C EGO 55.19219.810 #390040
Termostat reglabil 30-90°C EGO 55.19219.810 #390040   temperature max. 90°C number of poles..
109,24 Lei
Termostat siguranta 140°C IMIT #3444151
Termostat siguranta 140°C IMIT #3444151 Cu resetare manuala Lungime sonda 1000 mm Bulb ø 5x120 ..
126,05 Lei
Termostat siguranta 53°C EGO 55.14119.850 #3444604
Termostat siguranta 53°C EGO 55.14119.850 #3444604 Temperatura prestabilita  Lungime capilar izo..
210,08 Lei
Termostat siguranta boiler 85°C 15A 250V bulb ø6x120mm capilar 600mm #3444612
Termostat siguranta boiler 85°C 15A 250V bulb ø6x120mm capilar 600mm #3444612 15A 250V covered c..
138,66 Lei
Termostat siguranta cuva 60°C IMIT #3444613
Termostat siguranta cuva 60°C IMIT #3444613 15A 250V Lungime capilar izolat 600 mm ø bulb buton..
94,16 Lei
Termostat t.fixa 90°C IMIT TR2 9345 #3444614
Termostat t.fixa 90°C IMIT TR2 9345 #3444614 15A 250V covered capillary 2000mm bulb ø6.5x90mm ..
126,05 Lei
Termostat temperatura fixa 56°C EGO 55.19312.806 #3444276
Termostat siguranta 56°C EGO 55.19312.806 #3444276 Capilar izolat 900mm ø bulb 6x120mm Tipul bu..
239,49 Lei
Termostat temperatura fixa 85°C IMIT TR2 9314 #391070
Termostat temperatura fixa 85°C IMIT TR2 9314 #391070  temperature max.: 85°C  operating tempera..
138,66 Lei
Termostat universal pentru frigider/racitor -14.5...+3.5°C 2 capilare 900/1000mm original RANCO #K52-L4510
Termostat universal pentru frigider/racitor -14.5...+3.5°C 2 capilare 900/1000mm original RANCO #K52..
54,84 Lei
Timer BIGATTI 230V #360005
Timer BIGATTI 230V #360005 producer BIGATTI type D94 engines 1 chambers 1 operation time 20mi..
477,06 Lei
Timer CDC 7803 230V #360142
Timer CDC 7803 230V #360142 producer CDC type 7803 engines 1 chambers 3 operation time 120s ..
386,55 Lei
Timer CDC 7803 230V #360143
Timer CDC 7803 230V #360143 producer CDC type 7803 engines 1 chambers 3 operation time 18min ..
281,13 Lei
Timer CROUZET 230V 627/5261 #360077
Timer CROUZET 230V 627/5261 #360077 producer CROUZET engines 1 chambers 2 operation time 120s ..
336,13 Lei

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