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Electrod de aprindere M4 #605_091_007
Electrod de aprindere M4 #605_091_007 Alpeninox, Ambach, Baron, Bertos, Capic, Casta, Cometto, Co..
15,00 Lei
Rezistenta 16000W 230V 450x100mm #418129
Rezistenta 16000W 230V 450x100mm #418129 power 16000W voltage 230V heating circuits 3 internal..
1.176,47 Lei
Rezistenta 2500W 240V 200x70mm #5035015
Rezistenta 2500W 240V 200x70mm #5035015 power 2500W voltage 230V heating circuits 1 internal d..
420,17 Lei
Rezistenta 3000W 230V flansa 70x18mm 220x65mm #418137
Rezistenta 3000W 230V flansa 70x18mm 220x65mm #418137 power 3000W voltage 230V heating circuits..
237,14 Lei
Rezistenta 3300W 240V 215x30mm #418134
Rezistenta 3300W 240V 215x30mm #418134 power 3300W voltage 240V heating circuits 1 internal di..
277,31 Lei
Rezistenta 3500W 240V 620x120mm #418139
Rezistenta 3500W 240V 620x120mm #418139 power 3500W voltage 240V length 620mm heating circuits..
420,17 Lei
Rezistenta 4360W 240V ø 47,5mm 310x31x35mm #418136
Rezistenta 4360W 240V ø 47,5mm 310x31x35mm #418136 power 4360W voltage 240V mounting diameter 4..
739,50 Lei
Rezistenta 6000W 230V 271x90mm #418131
Rezistenta 6000W 230V 271x90mm #418131 power 6000W voltage 230V heating circuits 3 internal di..
883,97 Lei
Rezistenta 8000W 230V 345x90mm #418753
Rezistenta 8000W 230V 345x90mm #418753 power 8000W voltage 230V heating circuits 3 internal di..
1.042,02 Lei
Rezistenta 920W 230V 255x40mm #418135
Rezistenta 920W 230V 255x40mm #418135 power 920W voltage 230V heating circuits 1 internal diam..
310,92 Lei
Soclu releu 2-poli 55/85 70.5x30x27mm 250V #380378
Soclu releu 2-poli 55/85 70.5x30x27mm 250V #380378 number of poles 2 -pole for relay series 55/8..
28,41 Lei
Termocupla intrerupta SIT M9x1 1000mm #107164
Termocupla intrerupta SIT M9x1 1000mm #107164 Producator: SIT Versiune: cu intrerupere Racord l..
109,24 Lei
Termometru #541077
Termometru #541077   mounting diameter 52mm temperature max 350°C measuring range +50 up..
271,52 Lei
Termostat reglabil 55-269°C #390068
Termostat reglabil 55-269°C #390068 temperature max. 269°C operating temperature range 55-269°C ..
118,21 Lei
Termostat siguranta 160°C 3 poli 20A bulb ø6x87mm capilar 890mm #375649
Termostat  siguranta 160°C 3 poli 20A bulb ø6x87mm capilar 890mm #375649 switch-off temperature: ..
481,43 Lei
Timer FIBER 0.05s - 100h 230-240VAC 20.6x27.7mm #380329
Timer FIBER 0.05s - 100h 230-240VAC 20.6x27.7mm #380329 producer FIBER type 85.02.8...
351,11 Lei
Timer FIBER P25 230V ø 6x4.6mm #360339
Timer FIBER P25 230V ø 6x4.6mm #360339 producer FIBER type P25 engines 1 chambers 1 operation..
361,49 Lei
Timer M2 2 poli 2NO 250V 16A ø 6x4.6mm #350008
Timer M2 2 poli 2NO 250V 16A ø 6x4.6mm #350008 type M2 version with bell number of poles 2 -pol..
103,14 Lei
Timer TECNOLOGIC RTR12DS06S 6s 230VAC 34x34mm #380639
Timer TECNOLOGIC RTR12DS06S 6s 230VAC 34x34mm #380639 producer TECNOLOGIC type RTR12DS06S time ..
130,85 Lei
Timer TECNOLOGIC RTR12DS60S 60s 230VAC #380640
Timer TECNOLOGIC RTR12DS60S 60s 230VAC #380640 producer TECNOLOGIC type RTR12DS60S time range 6..
138,85 Lei
Valva gaz HONEYWELL VK4105C 220-240V 50/60Hz #101186
Valva gaz HONEYWELL VK4105C 220-240V 50/60Hz #101186 Tip VK4105C Tensiune 220-240 V Frecvență 5..
594,15 Lei
Valva gaz NOVASIT 820 SIT 0.820.010 #101162
Valva gaz NOVASIT 820 SIT 0.820.010 #101162 Producator: SIT Model: NOVASIT 820 Cod producator: ..
630,00 Lei
Valva gaz SIGMA 230V #107498
Valva gaz SIGMA 230V #107498 Tip Sigma Alimentare 230V Frecvență 50Hz Intrare gaz 1/2" Ieșire..
504,20 Lei
Valva gaz TANDEM 0.836.010 #101984
Valva gaz TANDEM 0.836.010 #101984 Alimentare 230V Frecvență 50Hz Intrare gaz 1/2" Ieșire gaz ..
840,34 Lei

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