Bicon (inel etansare) pentru teava ø12mm #3020082
ø ext. 14 mm - h 6 mm
for model PEL 22-24-25
Camera aer 55x31x65mm #3060066
hose end fitting ø6mm
Compatibil cu:
Camera aer 55x31x90mm #3060068
hose end fitting ø6mm
Compatibil cu:
Comutator 4 pozitii EGO 49.24915.705 #5096819
Switching capacity 16A
Switching sequence 0-1-2-3
Condensator (capacitor) 8µF #3068079
450V 50/60Hz - ø30xh71mm
Compatibil cu:
Condensator (capacitor) pornire motor / functionare 6,3µF DUCATI ENERGIA 450VAC Ø32X55mm #3068010
Contactor AEG LS07 7A 230V 3Kw #3351207
coil 230V 50/60Hz
3 normally open contacts
1 normally c..
Contactor AEG LS07 7A 230V 3Kw #3351208
Bobina: 230V 50/60Hz
3 contacte normal deschise
1 conta..
Controler electronic / termostat digital 12/24Vac 1 releu 1 sonda PTC/NTC/PT100/TCJ PIXSYS ATR111-AD..
Electrovalva 230V pozitie 90° int 3/4" out 10.5mm #21911PA
Tensiune 230V
Intrare 3/4"
Electrovalva apa 230V ARCELIK BEKO ARCTIC #2801550100
voltaj 230 V
intrare 3/4"
iesire 10.5 m..
Electrovalva apa 230V model ELBI Tip 329 pozitie 180° #3120005
220/240V 50/60Hz
Temperatura maxi..
Filtru deparazitar 115/250V 50/60Hz ø40mm #365046
tensiune 115/250 V
frecventa 50/60 Hz
racord ..
Furtun dozator detergent ø6x10mm #3090351
fittings black with ring nut for hose ø4x6mm
overall l..
Furtun flexibil dozator detergent 4x6mm SEKO #361815
aplicatie detergent
racord furtun 4x6mm
Furtun PVC ø4x6mm #512477
material PVC
diametru interior 4mm
diametru exterior 6mm
Furtun scurgere 1500mm #530571
nominal size DN24
length 1500mm
straight end piece internal ø24m..
Garnitura O ring 06187 EPDM Ø58mm #3186013
Se vinde in multiplii de 10
Grosime inel 5,34 mm.
Inel bicon ø12mm #3348082
øext.14mm h6mm
for model PEL 22-24-25
Compatibil cu:
Izolator rezistenta electrica lungime 28mm diametru extern ø12.5mm surub ø4mm #3455376
Lungime to..
Lampa indicator verde ø cap 7mm ø orificiu 6mm 230V 120°C #3221110
Dimensiune ø cap 7mm.
Pompa detergent perisaltica 220/240V 50/60Hz 8W #5050303
debit reglabil 0-3 L/h
220/240V 50/60Hz..
Presostat 1 nivel 60/30mbar 250V 16A #3320076
calibration 60/30 mbar
250V 16A
max operating tem..
Presostat 46/26mbar 250V 16(4)A 1 nivel #3320091
Compatibil cu:
Protectie rezistenta electrica cu flansa ø72mm #3755060
Pentru rezistenta electrica cu flansa ø72..
Regulator energie 230V 13A 23mm #COK356UN
Tensiune de alimentare: 230V
Capacitate de comutare:..
Regulator energie EGO 50.87021.000 #3350092
contact capacity 230V 13A
temperature max 125°C
Releu putere 40A 220V 3PDT 3NO+3NC JQX-38F 3Z #35044
dimensiuni 51x41x56mm
tensiunea nominală a ..
Rezistenta 1000W 230V 130x40mm #7102816
immerserd length 130mm width 40mm
height 35mm connection..
Rezistenta 1450W 230V 345x150mm #5035207
length 345 mm - width 150 mm
fittings M10x1 mm
Rezistenta 1850-2020W 230-240V flansa 62x26mm 245x40mm #415268
power 1850-2020W
voltage 230-240V..
Rezistenta 1850W 230V #DIH-16035/A
power: 1850W
voltage: 230V
heating circuits: 1
mounting: ex..
Rezistenta 2400W 230V ø 38,5mm 242x31x22mm #415261
power 2400W
voltage 230V
mounting diameter 3..
Rezistenta 2500W 230V #3355187
Lungime : 310 mm
Dimensiuni flansa : 26x61 mm
Rezistenta 2600W 220-240V ø 47,5mm 250x40x20mm #420402
power 2600W
voltage 220-240V
mounting di..
Rezistenta 2800W 220V #3355010
Lungime 240 mm
Dimensiuni flansa ø 60mm
Rezistenta 2800W 230V ø 47,5mm 220x28x50mm #420412
power 2800W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 1
Rezistenta 2800W 230V ø 47,5mm 235x140x14mm #420418
power 2800W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 1..
Rezistenta 2800W 230V ø 47,5mm 245x35x44mm #420408
power 2800W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 1
Rezistenta 2800W 230V ø 6mm 380x34x33mm #420056
power 2800W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 1
Rezistenta 3000W 230/400V ø 47,5mm 220x36x45mm #420409
power 3000W
voltage 230/400V
mounting di..
Rezistenta 3000W 230V ø 47,5mm 260x40x36mm #415262
power 3000W
voltage 230V
mounting diameter 4..
Rezistenta 4000W 230V ø 38,5mm 287x26x34mm #416398
power 4000W
voltage 230V
mounting diameter 3..
Rezistenta 4500W 230V #415263
power: 4500W
voltage: 230V
heating circuits: 3
mounting diameter..
Rezistenta 4500W 380V GRANDIMPIANTI #3455265
Compatibil pentru:
Rezistenta 5000W 390-420V ø 47,5mm 285x39x32mm #420404
power 5000W
voltage 380-420V
mounting di..
Rezistenta 5000W 400V ø 47,5mm 185x32x117mm #420193
power 5000W
voltage 400V
mounting diameter ..
Rezistenta 6000/6530W 230-240V ø 47,5mm L 375mm #419040
power 6000/6530W
voltage 230/240V
Rezistenta 6000W 230/400V ø 47,5mm 282x35x57mm #420394
power 6000W
voltage 230/400V
mounting di..
Rezistenta 6000W 230V ø 47,5mm 335x130x49mm #420397
power 6000W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 3..
Rezistenta 6000W 240-420V ø 47,5mm 282x35x57mm #420413
power 6000W
voltage 240-420V
mounting di..
Rezistenta 9000W 230V ø 47,5mm 430x36x52mm #420400
power 9000W
voltage 230V
mounting diameter 4..
Rezistenta 9000W 240V ø 47,5mm 430x36x52mm #420411
power 9000W
voltage 240V
mounting diameter 4..
Rezistenta boiler 4000W 230V 300mm #3755038
immersed depth 300mm
flange external ø55mm
Rezistenta pentru tub cuarț 400W 115V L1 280mm L2 220mm ø 6mm #3755326
power 400W
voltage 115V
Rezistenta tip folie 600W 230V 310x115mm #420405
length 310mm
width 115mm
power 600W
voltage 2..
Sonda temperatura termocupla J (Fe-CuNi) 0...+600°C ø6x100mm #379051
Tip de sonda: termocupla J..
Teletermometru ø 52mm 50-350°C bulb ø6x40mm capilar 970mm #3441037
Interval temperatura: 50-350°C..
Termometru ø52mm 0-120°C 1500mm #3441086
PVC covered capillary 1500mm
spring bulb ø6x80mm
Termostat bimetal 110°C NC 16A 250V #3444607
16A 250V 50/60Hz
Resetare manuala
Compatibil cu:..
Termostat bimetal 110°C NC 16A 250V #390233
16A 250V 50/60Hz
Reset manual
Compatibil cu:
Termostat reglabil 65-266°C EGO 55.19052.803 #3444114
Ax in forma de D 6x46mm
Lungime capilar 9..
Termostat siguranta 110°C IMIT 541608 #3444069
Cu resetare manuala
Lungime capilar izolat 2000 m..
Termostat siguranta 145°C EGO 55.10522.801 #375218
switch-off temperature 145°C
number of poles ..
Termostat siguranta 500°C 16A bulb ø3.9x230mm capilar 870mm #375191
Temperatura oprire: 500°C
Termostat siguranta 500°C EGO 55.19582.030 #3444301
Cu resetare manuala
Lungime capilar izolat 9..
Termostat siguranta 55°C 900mm #3444296
with automatic reset
covered capillary length 900mm 16A ..
Timer CDC 11804F 230V #360290
producer CDC
type 11804F
engines 1
chambers 4
operation time 12..
Timer DOLD IK7815.71/200 1-10s 220-240VAC #380364
producer DOLD
type IK7815.71/200
time range 1..
Timer FIBER P34 144min 230V #LAN-R65090020
producer: FIBER
type: P34
engines: 1
Transformator primar 230VAC secundar 12VAC 40VA 32A #400127
tensiune primara 230VAC
tensiune sec..
Ventilator axial 120x120x38mm 230V 22W 2850rpm SUNON DP200A #3240501
Tip ventilator AC
Subtip ve..