Comutator 4 pozitii EGO 49.24915.705 #5096819
Switching capacity 16A
Switching sequence 0-1-2-3
Motoreductor 1 camera 230V 50Hz 4901FI #5002594
Ciclu de 2 secunde
Ax ø6mm cu cuplaj
Motoreductor 230V 50Hz 4901F1 #403577
Tip: 4901F1
Numar de camere: 1
Timp de operare: 20sec.
Regulator energie 230V 13A EGO 50.57021.010 #COK356UN
Tensiune de alimentare: 230V
Capacitate ..
Rezistenta 2200W 230V ø 47,5mm 220x24x54mm #416391
power 2200W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 1
Rezistenta 2800W 230V 237x120x24mm #415878
power 2800W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 1
length ..
Rezistenta 2800W 230V ø 47,5mm 220x28x50mm #420412
power 2800W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 1
Rezistenta 5000W 230V ø 47,5mm 290x33x55mm #420410
power 5000W
voltage 230V
mounting diameter 4..
Rezistenta 5000W 240V #420396
power 5000W
voltage 240V
heating circuits 3
mounting ..
Teletermometru ø 52mm 50-350°C bulb ø6x40mm capilar 970mm #3441037
Interval temperatura: 50-350°C..
Termostat reglabil 65-266°C EGO 55.19052.803 #3444114
Ax in forma de D 6x46mm
Lungime capilar 9..
Termostat siguranta 145°C EGO 55.10522.801 #375218
switch-off temperature 145°C
number of poles ..
Termostat siguranta 55°C 900mm #3444296
with automatic reset
covered capillary length 900mm 16A ..
Timer DOLD IK7816.81/200 1-10s 220-240VAC #380631
producer DOLD
type IK7816.81/200
time range 1..
Timer FIBER P34 144min 230V #LAN-R65090020
producer: FIBER
type: P34
engines: 1
Transformator primar 230VAC secundar 12VAC 40VA 32A #400127
tensiune primara 230VAC
tensiune sec..
Ventilator axial 120x120x38mm 230V 22W 2850rpm SUNON DP200A #3240501
Tip ventilator AC
Subtip ve..
Ventilator axial SUNON 230V 50/60Hz 18W 2400rpm 80x80x38mm #3240337
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