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Aprindere electronica 2 iesiri 230VAC 0,6VA 50Hz 85x20x40mm #3181002
Aprindere electronica 2 iesiri 230VAC 0,6VA 50Hz 85x20x40mm #3181002 Iesiri: 2 Tensiune alimenta..
57,14 Lei
Aprindere electronica 2 iesiri 230VAC 48x32x32mm DPF 56mm F2.8x0.8 #101012
Aprindere electronica 2 iesiri 230VAC 48x32x32mm DPF 56mm F2.8x0.8 #101012 iesiri 2 alimentare 2..
33,61 Lei
Aprinzator piezoelectric diametru ø18mm #3001020
Aprinzator piezoelectric diametru ø18mm #3001020 a ø18mm hole is required for the assembly fasto..
25,21 Lei
Arzator pilot cu 3 flacari #100056
Arzator pilot cu 3 flacari #100056 Producator: SIT   Model: serie 160   Numar arzatoare: 3 C..
82,35 Lei
Arzator pilot cu 3 flacari #3020038
Arzator pilot cu 3 flacari #3020038 Producator: SIT   Model: serie 160   Numar arzatoare: 3 ..
82,35 Lei
Bicon (inel etansare) pentru teava ø10mm #3348044
Bicon (inel etansare) pentru teava ø10mm #3348044 ø ext. 12mm - h5mm for model PEL 20-21-24-25 ..
2,52 Lei
Bicon (inel etansare) pentru teava ø12mm #3020082
Bicon (inel etansare) pentru teava ø12mm #3020082 ø ext. 14 mm - h 6 mm for model PEL 22-24-25 ..
6,72 Lei
Bloc terminal borne 6 poli 40A 450V 6mmp #3247009
Bloc terminal borne 6 poli 40A 450V 6mmp #3247009 Numar de poli: 6 Capacitate comutata: 40 A Te..
33,61 Lei
Comutator (selector) 0-1 EGO 42.02900.000 #5030542
Comutator (selector) 0-1 EGO 42.02900.000 #5030542 Capacitate comutata: 16A Tensiune alimentare:..
42,02 Lei
Comutator (selector) 0-1 EGO 49.22015.700 #STR-INTREP
Comutator (selector) 0-1 EGO 49.22015.700 #STR-INTREP type 2 operating positions function 2NO s..
119,33 Lei
Comutator (selector) 0-1 EGO 49.41015.500 #300002
Comutator 2 pozitii 0-1 16A 250V EGO 49.41015.500 #300002 Tip: 2 pozitii de operare Functie: 4NO..
105,04 Lei
Comutator (selector) 2 pozitii 0-1 16A 250V EGO 49.22015.700 #3057019
Comutator (selector) 2 pozitii 0-1 16A 250V EGO 49.22015.700 #3057019 contact capacity 16A 250V -..
119,33 Lei
Comutator (selector) 2 pozitii 0-1 250V 16A EGO 49.22015.700 #COK333UN
Comutator (selector) 2 pozitii 0-1 250V 16A EGO 49.22015.700 #COK333UN Tip: 2 pozitii de operare ..
117,65 Lei
Comutator (selector) cu 2 pozitii 0-1 16A 250V EGO 49.21015.600 #3057026
Comutator (selector) cu 2 pozitii 0-1 16A 250V EGO 49.21015.600 #3057026 contact capacity 16A 250..
84,03 Lei
Comutator 0-1 pozitii EGO 4922015000 #3057015
Comutator 0-1 pozitii EGO 4922015000 #3057015 Curent maxim comutat: 16A Tensiune alimentare: 250..
91,60 Lei
Comutator 2 pozitii 0-1 16A 250V EGO 49.41015.500 #3057177
Comutator 2 pozitii 0-1 16A 250V EGO 49.41015.500 #3057177 Tip: 2 pozitii de operare Functie: 4N..
105,04 Lei
Cos friteuza 250x210x110mm #970373
Cos friteuza 250x210x110mm #970373 Latime: 250mm Lungime: 210mm Inaltime: 110mm Compatibil c..
379,83 Lei
Cos friteuza 280x225x115mm #970547
Cos friteuza 280x225x115mm #970547 Lungime 1: 280 mm Latime 1: 225 mm Inaltime 1: 115 mm Com..
322,69 Lei
Cos friteuza 285x225x115mm ANGELO PO #3055330
Cos friteuza 285x225x115mm ANGELO PO #3055330 Lungime: 285mm. Latime: 225mm. Inaltime: 115mm. ..
254,62 Lei
Cos friteuza 285x235x140mm #970495
Cos friteuza 285x235x140mm #970495 Lungime: 285mm Latime: 235mm Inaltime: 140mm Material: otel..
1.305,88 Lei
Cos friteuza 310x230x120mm #970361
Cos friteuza 310x230x120mm #970361  Lungime: 310mm. Latime: 230mm. Inaltime: 120mm. Compatib..
449,58 Lei
Cos friteuza 310x300x120mm #970363
Cos friteuza 310x300x120mm #970363 Lungime 1: 310mm Latime 1: 300mm Inaltime 1: 120mm Material..
494,12 Lei
Duza GPL ø0.25mm #3020157
Duza GPL ø0.25mm #3020157 gas type LPG code 25 producer SIT Compatibil cu: ALPENINOX 0545..
16,81 Lei
Electrod aprindere piezo ø 7x44mm #100707
Electrod aprindere piezo ø 7x44mm #100707 Diametru 1 = 7 mm Diametru 2 = 9 mm Conexiune ø2.4mm ..
25,21 Lei
Electrovalva evacuare 1 cale 90° 1 intrare 76mm 1 iesire 78mm 240V MDB-O-3RA #23001244
Electrovalva evacuare 1 cale 90° 1 intrare 76mm 1 iesire 78mm 240V MDB-O-3RA #23001244 Numar de c..
1.512,61 Lei
Furtun gaz din inox Ø10mm 800mm  #5013047
Furtun gaz din inox Ø10mm 800mm  #5013047 Cu 2 biconuri ø10 mm Cu 2 piulite pentru furtun ø10mm ..
189,00 Lei
Garnitura frigider 597x410mm 1016 #3186510
Garnitura frigider 597x410mm 1016 #3186510 Profile no. 1016 magnetic colour grey Compatibil ..
84,03 Lei
Garnitura frigider 9794 390x580mm #900684
Garnitura frigider profil 9794 390x580mm #900684 Profil: 9794 Latime: 390mm Lungime: 580mm Tip..
210,08 Lei
Gratar de fund fals 335x235x120mm friteuza ANGELO PO #5057157
Gratar de fund fals 335x235x120mm friteuza ANGELO PO #5057157 Lungime: 335mm. Latime: 235mm. In..
643,70 Lei
Gratar de fund fals 335x235x148mm friteuza ANGELO PO #5123277
Gratar de fund fals 335x235x148mm friteuza ANGELO PO #5123277 Lungime: 335mm. Latime: 235mm. In..
629,41 Lei
Inel bicon ø12mm #3348082
Inel bicon ø12mm #3348082 øext.14mm h6mm for model PEL 22-24-25 Compatibil cu: ASCASO GAS.13..
5,88 Lei
Lampa indicator portocaliu 230V cap Ø13.5mm orificiu Ø10mm 120°C #3221011
Lampa indicator portocaliu 230V cap Ø13.5mm orificiu Ø10mm 120°C #3221011 Culoare LED: portocaliu..
15,97 Lei
Microintrerupator cu piston 16A 250V M10x0.75 #3240410
Microintrerupator cu piston 16A 250V M10x0.75 #3240410 version  pin operated voltage  250V swit..
21,01 Lei
Microintrerupator cu piston 16A 250V M10x0.75 #345032
Microintrerupator cu piston 16A 250V M10x0.75 #345032 version  pin operated voltage  250V switc..
36,55 Lei
Niplu 3/8" pentru teava ø12mm #101276
Niplu 3/8" pentru teava ø12mm #101276 thread size: 3/8" tube diameter: 12mm Compatibil cu: ..
21,01 Lei
Niplu 3/8" pentru teava ø12mm #3020079
Niplu 3/8" pentru teava ø12mm #3020079 thread size: 3/8" tube diameter: 12mm Compatibil cu: ..
21,01 Lei
Placa electronica de control friteuza 105x90 mm #3390164
Placa electronica de control friteuza 105x90 mm #3390164 Compatibil cu: GEV 400678 ANGELO PO E..
1.549,58 Lei
Releu putere 40A 220V 3PDT 3NO+3NC JQX-38F 3Z #35044
Releu putere 40A 220V 3PDT 3NO+3NC JQX-38F 3Z #35044 dimensiuni 51x41x56mm tensiunea nominală a ..
50,42 Lei
Rezistenta 1135W 220/240V #3355441
Rezistenta 1135W 220/240V #3355441 length 425 mm width 65 mm height 80 mm Compatibil cu: ..
159,66 Lei
Rezistenta 1350W 240V 360mm #420067
Rezistenta 1350W 240V 360mm #420067 putere 1350W tensiune 240V lungime 360mm aplicatie tigaie ..
210,08 Lei
Rezistenta 1600W 230V 425x65x85mm #5037814
Rezistenta 1600W 230V 425x65x85mm #5037814 Putere: 1600W Tensiune de alimentare: 230V Lungime: ..
253,00 Lei
Rezistenta 2000W 230V 250x35x25 #415507
Rezistenta 2000W 230V 250x35x25 #415507 power 2000W voltage 230V heating circuits 1 length 250..
294,12 Lei
Rezistenta 3000W 230V 230x29x25mm #415506
Rezistenta 3000W 230V 230x29x25mm #415506 power 3000W voltage 230V heating circuits 3 thread s..
756,30 Lei
Rezistenta 7200W 230V 300mm #419049
Rezistenta 7200W 230V 300mm #419049   putere 7200W tensiune 230V lungime 300mm latime..
5.823,53 Lei
Rezistenta friteuza 3000W 230V 295x175x190mm #5080250
Rezistenta friteuza 3000W 230V 295x175x190mm #5080250 length: 295mm   width: 175mm height: 190m..
588,24 Lei
Rezistenta grill BERTO'S 1350W 240V
Rezistenta grill BERTO'S 1350W 240V  Lungime 360 mm   Latime 66 mm Inaltime 70 mm height 75 mm..
210,08 Lei
Rezistenta imersie 2000W 230V 255x45x200mm ø1/4" #3355285
Rezistenta imersie 2000W 230V 255x45x200mm ø1/4" #3355285 Putere: 2000W Tensiune de alimentare: ..
285,71 Lei
Robinet gaz termostatat 100-300°C PEL 25ST bulb ø6x75mm capilar 1200mm #3345018
Robinet gaz termostatat 100-300°C PEL 25ST bulb ø6x75mm capilar 1200mm #3345018 operating tempera..
1.134,45 Lei
Robinet gaz termostatat 100-300°C tip PEL 25ST bulb ø6x75mm capilar 1200mm #225_021_071
Robinet gaz termostatat 100-300°C tip PEL 25ST bulb ø6x75mm capilar 1200mm #225_021_071 Temperatu..
420,17 Lei
Robinet gaz tip PEL 21S M9x1 #225.021.023
Robinet gaz tip PEL 21S M9x1 #225.021.023   gas inlet M16x1.5 (tube ø 10mm) bypass nozzle..
151,26 Lei
Robinet gaz tip PEL 21S M9x1 #225.021.024
Robinet gaz tip PEL 21S M9x1 #225.021.024   gas inlet M16x1.5 (tube ø 10mm) bypass nozzle ø0.35 m..
151,26 Lei
Termostat climatizare / aer conditionat PFN-606W #01.02.20
Termostat climatizare / aer conditionat PFN-606W #01.02.20 Utilizare: - frigider / refrigerator ..
58,82 Lei
Termostat reglabil 101-187°C EGO 55.19032.100  #5056716
Termostat reglabil 101-187°C EGO 55.19032.100  #5056716 Temperatura maxima:187°C Interval reglar..
216,81 Lei
Termostat reglabil 105-185°C capilar 2800mm ø4x235mm EGO 55.34039.807 #3444028
Termostat reglabil 105-185°C capilar 2800mm ø4x235mm EGO 55.34039.807 #3444028 Temperatura maximă..
420,17 Lei
Termostat reglabil 105-185°C EGO 55.19932.801 #APO401UN
Termostat reglabil 105-185°C EGO 55.19932.801 #APO401UN termostat cu presetupa diametru ax ø6x4...
236,13 Lei
Termostat reglabil 95-190°C EGO 55.13039.300 #375492
Termostat reglabil 95-190°C EGO 55.13039.300 #375492   temperature max. 190°C number of pol..
168,07 Lei
Termostat reglabil monofazic 95-190°C sonda ø 6x100mm capilar 1010 EGO 5.13039.300 #3444376
Termostat reglabil monofazic 95-190°C sonda ø 6x100mm capilar 1010 EGO 5.13039.300 #3444376 Tem..
168,07 Lei
Termostat universal frigider RANCO K50 L3358
PRODUS INDISPONIBIL!!!     Termostat universal frigider RANCO K50 L3358  Curent : 6A Te..
0,00 Lei
Valva EUROSIT pentru friteuza 110÷190°C #3526131
Valva gaz EUROSIT pentru friteuza 110÷190°C #3526131 Intrare: ø 3/8" Iesire: ø 3/8" Conexiune t..
821,01 Lei
Valva gaz 60-300°C EUROSIT 0.630.330 intrare gaz 3/8" iesire gaz 3/8" termocupla M9x1 #3526133
Valva gaz 60-300°C EUROSIT 0.630.330 intrare gaz 3/8" iesire gaz 3/8" termocupla M9x1 #3526133 in..
924,37 Lei
Valva gaz Nova 820 230V 60Hz ø1/2"FF #3526183
Valva gaz Nova 820 230V 60Hz ø1/2"FF #3526183 inlet ø 1/2"F - outlet ø 1/2"F thermocouple fittin..
1.092,44 Lei
Valva gaz NOVASIT 820 1/2" 3-30mbar #SIT006UN
Valva gaz NOVASIT 820 1/2" 3-30mbar #SIT006UN serie Novasit 820 intrare gaz 1/2" iesire gaz 1/2..
1.092,44 Lei
Valva gaz termostatica 25ST 100-300°C M16x1.5 ø0.35mm #101172
Valva gaz termostatica 25ST 100-300°C M16x1.5 ø0.35mm #101172 tip 25ST inteval de temperatura 10..
647,06 Lei
Ventilator axial 120x120x38mm 230V 22W 2850rpm SUNON DP200A #3240501
Ventilator axial 120x120x38mm 230V 22W 2850rpm SUNON DP200A #3240501 Tip ventilator AC Subtip ve..
63,03 Lei

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