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Aparat electric pentru waffle/gaufre, 2 bucati, model Brussels 3x5, DIAMOND #GB-3x5
Aparat electric pentru waffle/gaufre, 2 bucati, model Brussels 3x5, DIAMOND #GB-3x5 Producator: D..
2.988,90 Lei
Aparat electric pentru waffle/gaufre, 2 bucati, model Liege 4x6, DIAMOND #GL-4x6
Aparat electric pentru waffle/gaufre, 2 bucati, model Liege 4x6, DIAMOND #GL-4x6 Producator: DIAM..
2.988,90 Lei
Cos friteuza 295x260x120mm #5011057
Cos friteuza 295x260x120mm #5011057 Lungime: 295mm. Latime: 260mm. Inaltime: 120mm. Material: ..
268,91 Lei
Cos friteuza 295x260x120mm #970428
Cos friteuza 295x260x120mm #970428 Lungime 1: 295mm. Latime 1: 260mm. Inaltime 1: 120mm. Com..
621,85 Lei
Electrod aprindere Ø 7X44 mm #3020060
Electrod aprindere Ø 7X44 mm #3020060 Piesa numarul 3020060 Papuc M 4x1 mm Lungime totala 82 mm..
15,00 Lei
Masina de spalat vase 1320x700mm, DIAMOND #DP32L-EKS
Masina de spalat vase 1320x700mm, DIAMOND #DP32L-EKS  Producator: DIAMOND (Belgia) Material..
51.154,38 Lei
Masina de spalat vase 500x600mm, DIAMOND #D604-EKS
Masina de spalat vase 500x600mm, DIAMOND #D604-EKS  Producator: DIAMOND (Belgia) Material: ..
16.955,73 Lei
Masina de spalat vase 700x700mm, DIAMOND #DP7L-EKS
Masina de spalat vase 700x700mm, DIAMOND #DP7L-EKS  Producator: DIAMOND (Belgia) Material: ..
35.830,40 Lei
Placa electronica masina de spalat vase PCB 135x82mm #403093
Placa electronica masina de spalat vase PCB 135x82mm #403093 Lungimea 135 mm Latime 82 mm Com..
392,00 Lei
Plita electrica cu 2 arzatoare, 1x Ø150mm-1500W, 1x Ø220mm-2600W, DIAMOND #E77/2P4T-N
Plita electrica cu 2 arzatoare, 1x Ø150mm-1500W, 1x Ø220mm-2600W, DIAMOND #E77/2P4T-N ..
4.433,04 Lei
0,00 Lei
Pubela inox cu pedala, 50 litri, ø390xh615, DIAMOND #PCRA/50B
Pubela inox cu pedala, 50 litri, ø390xh615, DIAMOND #PCRA/50B Producator: DIAMOND (Belgia) Mater..
1.008,40 Lei
Pubela inox cu pedala, 95 litri, ø460xh700mm, DIAMOND #PCRA/105B
Pubela inox cu pedala, 95 litri, ø460xh700mm, DIAMOND #PCRA/105B Producator: DIAMOND (Belgia) Ma..
993,65 Lei
Regulator energie 230V 13.5A #380032
Regulator energie 230V 13.5A #380032 Voltaj: 230V Capacitate schimbare: 13.5A Directie intoarce..
222,69 Lei
Regulator energie 230V 13A EGO 50.57021.010 #COK356UN
Regulator energie 230V 13A EGO 50.57021.010 #COK356UN Tensiune de alimentare: 230V Capacitate ..
63,03 Lei
Regulator Energie Diamond Serie 35ERE101N #35ERE101N
Regulator Energie Diamond Serie 35ERE101N #35ERE101N Potrivit pentru: Bonnet Capic Charvet ..
226,89 Lei
Rezistenta 600W 230V #416234
Rezistenta 600W 230V #416234 power 600W voltage 230V heating circuits 1 flange size 50x26mm l..
184,87 Lei
Rezistenta 600W 230V 155mm #3355619
Rezistenta 600W 230V 155mm #3355619 power 600W voltage 230V heating circuits 1 flange size 50x..
134,45 Lei
Robinet gaz termostatat 100-300°C PEL 25ST bulb ø6x75mm capilar 1200mm #3345018
Robinet gaz termostatat 100-300°C PEL 25ST bulb ø6x75mm capilar 1200mm #3345018 operating tempera..
1.134,45 Lei
Robinet gaz termostatat 100-300°C tip PEL 25ST bulb ø6x75mm capilar 1200mm #225_021_071
Robinet gaz termostatat 100-300°C tip PEL 25ST bulb ø6x75mm capilar 1200mm #225_021_071 Temperatu..
420,17 Lei
Suport inox pentru plita electrica 400x700x580mm, DIAMOND #N77/BA4-N
Suport inox pentru plita electrica 400x700x580mm, DIAMOND #N77/BA4-N Material: otel inoxidabil AI..
1.761,98 Lei
Termostat de siguranta bi-metal 200°C #3444341
Termostat de siguranta bi-metal 200°C #3444341   Switch-off temperature 200°C Function 1NC ..
16,81 Lei
Termostat frigorific BREMA 23591 capilar 2000mm #3444843
Termostat frigorific BREMA 23591 capilar 2000mm #3444843 Numar de contacte: 3 contacte Capac..
159,66 Lei
Termostat frigorific DANFOSS 077B-6329 -22°C -3°C capilar 2000mm #391091
Termostat frigorific DANFOSS 077B-6329 -22°C -3°C capilar 2000mm #391091 Interval de temper..
138,66 Lei
Termostat frigorific RANCO K50 L3383 +1°C +3°C capilar 1500mm #390286
Termostat frigorific RANCO K50 L3383 +1°C +3°C capilar 1500mm #390286 Producator: RANCO Tip: K50..
58,82 Lei
Termostat frigorific RANCO K50 L3383 1.0°C - 8.5°C capilar 1500mm #3444231
Termostat frigorific RANCO K50 L3383 1.0°C - 8.5°C capilar 1500mm #3444231 Interval de temperatur..
84,03 Lei
Termostat reglabil 50-320°C EGO 55.13069.500 #3444361
Termostat reglabil 50-320°C EGO 55.13069.500 #3444361 temperature max. 320°C number of poles 1-p..
67,23 Lei
Termostat reglabil 50-320°C EGO 55.13069.500 #375505
Termostat reglabil 50-320°C EGO 55.13069.500 #375505   temperature max. 320°C number of p..
67,23 Lei
Termostat reglabil 50-320°C EGO 55.13069.500 #COK203UN
Termostat reglabil 50-320°C EGO 55.13069.500 #COK203UN   temperature max. 320°C number of p..
67,23 Lei
Termostat reglabil 50-320°C EGO 55.18062.050 #375483
Termostat reglabil 50-320°C EGO 55.18062.050 #375483 Temperatura max.: 320°C Interval masurare t..
213,00 Lei
Termostat reglabil 50-320°C METALFLEX #D444056
Termostat reglabil 50-320°C METALFLEX #D444056 operating temperature range 50-320°C capillary pi..
58,82 Lei
Termostat reglabil 95-175°C EGO 51.02918.250 #375347
Termostat reglabil 95-175°C EGO 51.02918.250 #375347 Temperatura maxima: 175°C Temperatura de op..
126,05 Lei
Termostat reglabil monofazic 105-185°C ø6x130mm 900mm EGO 55.19032.831 #3444568
Termostat reglabil monofazic 105-185°C ø6x130mm 900mm EGO 55.19032.831 #3444568 Ax in forma de D:..
240,34 Lei
Valva gaz termostatica 25ST 100-300°C M16x1.5 ø0.35mm #101172
Valva gaz termostatica 25ST 100-300°C M16x1.5 ø0.35mm #101172 tip 25ST inteval de temperatura 10..
647,06 Lei

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