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Piulita rezistenta ø1"3/4 #3755652
Piulita rezistenta ø1"3/4 #3755652 Compatibil cu: ASCASO BARON COLGED EBERHARDT ELETTROBAR ..
151,26 Lei
Rezistenta 6800W 230/400V flansa 19,5mm 299x107x35mm #415297
Rezistenta 6800W 230/400V flansa 19,5mm 299x107x35mm #415297 power 6800W voltage 230/400V heati..
1.100,84 Lei
Termostat reglabil 95-190°C EGO 55.13039.300 #375492
Termostat reglabil 95-190°C EGO 55.13039.300 #375492   temperature max. 190°C number of pol..
168,07 Lei
Termostat reglabil monofazic 95-190°C sonda ø 6x100mm capilar 1010 EGO 5.13039.300 #3444376
Termostat reglabil monofazic 95-190°C sonda ø 6x100mm capilar 1010 EGO 5.13039.300 #3444376 Tem..
168,07 Lei
Termostat siguranta 230°C EGO 55.32542.857 #375375
Termostat siguranta 230°C EGO 55.32542.857 #375375 switch-off temperature 230°C number of pole..
368,07 Lei
Termostat siguranta 232°C EGO 55.32542.822 #3744215
Termostat siguranta 232°C EGO 55.32542.822 #3744215   switch-off temperature 232°C number o..
277,31 Lei
Termostat siguranta 232°C EGO 55.32542.822 #375258
Termostat siguranta 232°C EGO 55.32542.822 #375258   switch-off temperature 232°C number of..
277,31 Lei

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