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Buton fara simboluri ø70mm ø6x4.6mm #110078
Buton fara simboluri ø70mm ø6x4.6mm #110078 simbol fara simbol diametru 70mm diametru ax 6x4.6m..
25,21 Lei
Buton negru universal ø70mm #3241402
Buton negru universal ø70mm #3241402 D-shaped hole 6x4.6mm for thermostat selector switch timer ..
21,01 Lei
Comutator (selector) 0-1 EGO 49.21015.300 #3057027
Comutator (selector) 0-1 EGO 49.21015.300 #3057027 Capacitate comutata: 16A  Tensiune de aliment..
100,84 Lei
Comutator (selector) 0-1 EGO 4941015300 #3057014
Comutator (selector) 0-1 EGO 4941015300 #3057014 type: 2 operating positions function: 4NO swit..
121,85 Lei
Lampa indicator lumina alba 250V ø12,3mm #3221151
Lampa indicator lumina alba 250V ø12,3mm #3221151 Diametru cap: ø12,3mm. Diametru orificiu ø10mm..
21,01 Lei
Rezistenta tip folie 650W 230V 375x275mm #415980
Rezistenta tip folie 650W 230V 375x275mm #415980 length 375mm width 275mm power 650W voltage 2..
689,08 Lei
Termostat reglabil 30-110°C 16A 250V 850mm ø 6x138mm M9x1 M12x1 EGO 55.10022.010 #3444510
Termostat reglabil 30-110°C 16A 250V 850mm ø 6x138mm M9x1 M12x1 EGO 55.10022.010 #3444510 Pin in ..
136,97 Lei
Termostat reglabil 30-110°C EGO 55.34022.010 #3444076
Termostat reglabil 30-110°C EGO 55.34022.010 #3444076   temperature max. 110°C number of po..
336,13 Lei
Termostat reglabil 30-110°C EGO 55.34022.010 #375671
Termostat reglabil 30-110°C EGO 55.34022.010 #375671   temperature max. 110°C number of pol..
336,13 Lei
Termostat reglabil 32-110°C EGO 5534022020 #375143
Termostat reglabil 32-110°C EGO 5534022020 #375143 temperature max. 110°C operating temperature ..
210,08 Lei

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