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Regulator de energie 230V 13A #PT00000856
Regulator de energie 230V 13A #PT00000856 Capacitate de contact: 230V 13A Temperatura maxima de ..
138,66 Lei
Regulator energie 230V 13A EGO 50.57021.010 #380015
Regulator energie 230V 13A EGO 50.57021.010 #380015 Tensiune de alimentare: 230V Capacitate de c..
84,03 Lei
Rezistenta 7260W 250V 355mm #7117660
Rezistenta 7260W 250V 355mm #7117660 immersion depth 355mm flange external ø63mm with bulb sheat..
408,40 Lei
Termostat reglabil 30-110°C EGO 55.34022.010 #3444076
Termostat reglabil 30-110°C EGO 55.34022.010 #3444076   temperature max. 110°C number of po..
336,13 Lei
Termostat reglabil 30-110°C EGO 55.34022.010 #375671
Termostat reglabil 30-110°C EGO 55.34022.010 #375671   temperature max. 110°C number of pol..
336,13 Lei

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