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Cap pompa 3/8" 82mm ø4.8x11mm PA104 100l/h #500174
Cap pompa 3/8" 82mm ø4.8x11mm PA104 100l/h #500174 tip de fixare racord colier racord 3/8" GAS ..
405,52 Lei
Debitmetru apa contor volumetric flowmeter GICAR 1/8" #1455067
Debitmetru apa contor volumetric flowmeter GICAR 1/8" #1455067 Debitmetru apa, conexiuni ø 1/4"FF..
226,89 Lei
Electrovalva 3 cai 220/240V PARKER #5116947
Electrovalva 3 cai 220/240V PARKER #5116947 Compatibil cu: GEV 370891 ASTORIA CMA Potrivit p..
432,77 Lei
Garnitura plata cupru 3/8" ø22x17x3mm #1186186
Garnitura plata cupru 3/8" ø22x17x3mm #1186186 Prezentare: pachet de 10 bucati Compatibil cu: ..
3,00 Lei
Garnitura portafiltru 55mm ø66x56mm #528098
Garnitura portafiltru 55mm ø66x56mm #528098   inaltime 5.5mm diametru 1 66mm diametru 2 ..
6,72 Lei
Lampa indicator portocaliu 400V cap Ø15mm orificiu Ø10mm 120°C #1221014
Lampa indicator portocaliu 400V cap Ø15mm orificiu Ø10mm 120°C #1221014 Culoare LED: portocaliu ..
14,29 Lei
Motor pompa 120W 230V 110x145x125mm #500072
Motor pompa 120W 230V 110x145x125mm #500072 putere 120W tensiune 230V racord colier înaltime 1..
441,18 Lei
Motor pompa 165W 230V RPM 50/60Hz 10µF #499214
Motor pompa 165W 230V RPM 50/60Hz 10µF #499214 putere 165W tensiune 230V racord cablu 1500mm p..
588,24 Lei
Motor pompa 330W 230V 135mm C042204 #500225
Motor pompa 330W 230V 135mm C042204 #500225 putere 330W tensiune 230V inaltime 110mm lungime 1..
714,29 Lei
Presostat racord 1/4" 30A P302 SIRAI #541021
Presostat racord 1/4" 30A P302 SIRAI #541021   racord 1/4" numar de poli 3 cu -poli capa..
377,31 Lei
Procesor 1-3 grupuri 230V, RL3 GIEMME 18090031 (unitate comanda cu microprocesor expresor cafea MCE START) #GIEMME 18090031
Procesor 1-3 grupuri 230V, RL3 GIEMME 18090031 (unitate comanda cu microprocesor expresor cafea MCE ..
1.115,97 Lei
Releu putere 40A 220V 3PDT 3NO+3NC JQX-38F 3Z #35044
Releu putere 40A 220V 3PDT 3NO+3NC JQX-38F 3Z #35044 dimensiuni 51x41x56mm tensiunea nominală a ..
50,42 Lei48,00 Lei
Rezistenta 4000/4355W 230/240V #419174
Rezistenta 4000/4355W 230/240V #419174 power 4000/4355W voltage 230/240V heating circuits 3 mo..
140,89 Lei
Rezistenta 5000W 230V 570x32mm #417580
Rezistenta 5000W 230V 570x32mm #417580 power 5000W voltage 230V heating circuits 2 mounting di..
274,27 Lei
Rezistenta expresor 3400W 230V #417000
Rezistenta expresor 3400W 230V #417000 power 3400W voltage 230V length 315mm length 1 35mm le..
361,34 Lei
Saiba plata alama ø15.4x9x1mm #1528095
Saiba plata alama ø15.4x9x1mm #1528095 Vandut in multiplu de 10 buc. Compatibil cu: GEV 52715..
1,68 Lei
Soclu releu 11-poli #380136
Soclu releu 11-poli #380136 number of poles 11-pole connection plug-in connection round 11-pole ..
24,88 Lei
Termostat siguranta 169°C EGO 55.32532.020 #1444509
Termostat siguranta 169°C EGO 55.32532.020 #1444509 Cu reset manual Capilar izolat 900 mm ø bul..
204,00 Lei
Termostat siguranta 169°C EGO 55.32532.020 #CFM650UN
Termostat siguranta 169°C EGO 55.32532.020 #CFM650UN   switch-off temperature 169°C number ..
210,08 Lei
Termostat siguranta 169°C EGO 55.32532.020 #EL7764
Termostat siguranta 169°C EGO 55.32532.020 #EL7764 with manual reset covered capillary 900mm bu..
204,00 Lei
Termostat siguranta 169°C EGO 55.32532.020 #NUO-703237
Termostat siguranta 169°C EGO 55.32532.020 #NUO-703237 producer: EGO series: 55.32_ switch-off ..
204,00 Lei

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