Buton negru gradat Ø41mm 0-90°C IMIT #3444008
Gaura pentru ax in forma de D 6x4.6mm
Pentru termo..
Colier metalic insurubabil ø16-27mm #3449466
Sold in multiple of 5
for pipes ø16-27mm
made of s..
Garnitura O-RING 04150 EPDM #200830
ring thickness 3.53 mm internal ø 37.69 mm
Compatibil cu:
Ghidaj 34x45x15mm gauri ø8.5mm Comenda #511581
inaltime 34mm
lungime 45mm
latime 15mm
Presostat 3 nivele ø84mm #541674
Interval de presiune: 50/30, 50/30, 145/80mbar
Racord: ø6mm.
Protectie rezistenta electrica cu flansa ø72mm #3755060
Pentru rezistenta electrica cu flansa ø72..
Releu de impuls #5033890
Bobina: 24Vac/dc- 1CO 16A 250V
Compatibil cu:
Rezistenta 1000W 230V ø 8,5mm 405x50x25mm #418823
power 1000W
voltage 230V
length 405mm
width ..
Rezistenta 12500W 230V ø57mm 630mm #415023
power 12500W
voltage 230V
mounting diameter 57,5mm
Rezistenta 14000W 230/400V ø 57mm 620mm #420342
power 14000W
voltage 230/400V
mounting diameter..
Rezistenta 9000W 230V/380V 485mm #3355107
Pentru rezervor si boiler
Adancime imersie 485 mm
ø f..
Rezistenta boiler 12500W 230/380V #3355108
immersed length 620mm
flange external ø72mm
Rezistenta boiler 9000W (3x3000W) 230/380V 480mm ø57.5mm M4 #LB03049
Putere: 9000W (3x3000W)
Rezistenta masina spalat vase 14000W 230V/400V #3455396
Pentru rezervor si boiler
Adancime imers..
Sonda temperatura NTC 40kOhm -40 pana la +110°C ø4x20mm #378006
tip de senzor NTC 40kOhm
cablu P..
Termostat reglabil 0-90°C bulb ø6.5x95mm capilar 1500mm IMIT TR2 #3444004
D-shaped pin ø6x4.6mm
Termostat siguranta 115°C IMIT #3744114
Cu resetare manuala
Lungime capilar 1000 mm
Bulb ø 5x12..
Termostat siguranta 140°C IMIT #3444151
Cu resetare manuala
Lungime sonda 1000 mm
Bulb ø 5x120 ..