
Criterii de cautare


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Pompa dozatoare de clatire #6926278
Pompa dozatoare de clatire #6926278 open back fitting for connection to the auxiliary pump hydr..
386,75 Lei
Rezistenta 1950W 230V 270mm #91201546
Rezistenta 1950W 230V 270mm #91201546 201243 CANDY HOOVER ROSIERES IBERNA ZEROWATT  91201546 AEG..
68,00 Lei
Rulment 6205 ZZ SKF
Rulment cu protectie la praf 6205 ZZ  Rulment 6205 ZZ ELECTROLUX 3790800001 8758346 Diametru i..
17,00 Lei
Termostat bimetal 60°C 1NC 16A DG 23.8mm #390301
Termostat bimetal 60°C 1NC 16A DG 23.8mm #390301 temperatura de deconectare 60°C functie 1NC ca..
21,01 Lei
Timer BIGATTI 230V #360005
Timer BIGATTI 230V #360005 producer BIGATTI type D94 engines 1 chambers 1 operation time 20mi..
477,06 Lei
Timer CDC 11803 230V #360349
Timer CDC 11803 230V #360349 producer CDC type 11803 engines 1 chambers 3 operation time 150s..
256,82 Lei

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