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Aprinzator piezoelectric ø18mm cu protectie silicon #3001013
Aprinzator piezoelectric ø18mm cu protectie silicon #3001013 Diametru montare 18mm Conexiune M ø..
176,47 Lei
Bicon (inel etansare) pentru teava ø10mm #3348044
Bicon (inel etansare) pentru teava ø10mm #3348044 ø ext. 12mm - h5mm for model PEL 20-21-24-25 ..
2,52 Lei
Buton 7 pozitii, ø 76 mm, ax ø 6x4.6 mm, MBM #110769
Buton 7 pozitii, ø 76 mm, ax ø 6x4.6 mm, MBM #110769 Simbol - 7 pozitii (0-6) &osl..
165,32 Lei
Buton comutator cu 4 pozitii, ø 76 mm, ax ø 6x4,6 mm, MBM #110807
Buton comutator cu 4 pozitii, ø 76 mm, ax ø 6x4,6 mm, MBM #110807 Simbol - 4 poziti..
173,39 Lei
Camera de aer pentru masina spalat vase 230x60xø6mm #511445
Camera de aer pentru masina spalat vase 230x60xø6mm #511445 Lungime: 230mm. Latime: 60mm. Conec..
85,71 Lei
Cap dus Klarco ø1/2"M #3359360
Cap dus Klarco ø1/2"M #3359360 Compatibil cu: GEV LF3359360 KLARCO 9070001 KLARCO 0P.P045.00..
598,00 Lei
Comutator (selector) 0-1 EGO 49.41015.500 #300002
Comutator 2 pozitii 0-1 16A 250V EGO 49.41015.500 #300002 Tip: 2 pozitii de operare Functie: 4NO..
105,04 Lei
Comutator 2 pozitii 0-1 16A 250V EGO 49.41015.500 #3057177
Comutator 2 pozitii 0-1 16A 250V EGO 49.41015.500 #3057177 Tip: 2 pozitii de operare Functie: 4N..
105,04 Lei
Condensator (capacitor) pornire motor / functionare 6,3µF DUCATI ENERGIA 450VAC Ø32X55mm #3068010
Condensator (capacitor) pornire motor / functionare 6,3µF DUCATI ENERGIA 450VAC Ø32X55mm #3068010 ..
29,41 Lei
Condensator frigorific 285x260x110(H)mm #750341
Condensator frigorific 285x260x110mm #750341 inaltime 285mm latime 260mm grosime 110mm Compa..
1.571,43 Lei
Contactor de putere AC1 32A 230VAC contacte principale 3NO contacte auxiliare 1NO #380774
Contactor de putere AC1 32A 230VAC contacte principale 3NO contacte auxiliare 1NO #380774 Sarcină..
211,76 Lei
Cutie conectare 500V 54x145x145mm #551123
Cutie conectare 500V 54x145x145mm #551123 tensiune 500V inaltime 54mm lungime 145mm latime 145..
361,34 Lei
Electrod aprindere SIT 0.915.037
Electrod aprindere serie M4 100 SIT 0.915.037 pentru flacara veghe arzator cu sârma îndoita 2 + 12 m..
30,36 Lei
Electrovalva apa 230V model ELBI Tip 329 pozitie 180° #3120005
Electrovalva apa 230V model ELBI Tip 329 pozitie 180° #3120005 220/240V 50/60Hz Temperatura maxi..
46,22 Lei
Evaporator 240x400x135mm #750302
Evaporator 240x400x135mm #750302 inaltime 240mm lungime 400mm latime 135mm aplicatie aparate f..
1.344,54 Lei
Furtun dozator detergent ø6x10mm #3090351
Furtun dozator detergent ø6x10mm #3090351 fittings black with ring nut for hose ø4x6mm overall l..
63,03 Lei
Furtun flexibil dozator detergent 4x6mm SEKO #361815
Furtun flexibil dozator detergent 4x6mm SEKO #361815 aplicatie detergent racord furtun 4x6mm ti..
63,03 Lei
Lampa cuptor Ø34mm E14 230V 25W 300ºC #605.061.069
Lampa cuptor Ø34mm E14 230V 25W 300ºC #605.061.069 Corp ceramic  Dimensiune montaj Ø34mm Abajur..
42,02 Lei
Lampa indicator alb rezistenta la temperaturi inalte 125°C  ø22mm 230/440V #5086434
Lampa indicator alb rezistenta la temperaturi inalte 125°C  ø22mm 230/440V #5086434 Temperatura m..
279,83 Lei
Manson aerisire L=60 mm, ø 17 mm, MBM #104078
Manson aerisire L=60 mm, ø 17 mm, MBM #104078 Lungime - 60 mm ø - 17 mm OEM PAC..
52,42 Lei
Motor ventilator 10W 230V 1300rpm YZF10-20 WEIGUANG #3240911
Motor ventilator 10W 230V 1300rpm YZF10-20 WEIGUANG #3240911 power 10W voltage 230V speed 1300r..
84,03 Lei
Motor ventilator 10W 230V 1300rpm YZF10-20 WEIGUANG #601022
Motor ventilator 10W 230V 1300rpm YZF10-20 WEIGUANG #601022 putere 10W tensiune 230V turatie 13..
109,24 Lei
Motor ventilator 10W VN 10-20 230V 1300rpm ELCO NET5T10ZVN001 #3240211
Motor ventilator 10W VN 10-20 230V 1300rpm ELCO NET5T10ZVN001 #3240211 power 10W voltage 230V s..
130,25 Lei
Niplu fixare electrod piezo ø7mm filet M10 H-11mm #3020085
Niplu fixare electrod piezo ø7mm filet M10 H-11mm #3020085 Compatibil cu: ALPENINOX AMBACH ANG..
21,00 Lei
Placa electronica masina spalat vase #401637
Placa electronica masina spalat vase #401637 Compatibil cu: ALPENINOX 049910, 0L0045, 0L0261, 0L..
1.848,74 Lei
Pompa peristaltica AID NBM-0.4 #3090049
Pompa peristaltica AID NBM-0.4 #3090049 230V 50/60Hz 8W flow rate 0.4 L/h - pressure 3 bar fitt..
479,00 Lei
Presostat 1 nivel 60/20mbar 250V #3320023
Presostat 1 nivel 60/20mbar 250V #3320023 Calibration 60/20 mbar 250V 16A Max operating tempera..
110,92 Lei
Rezistenta 3200W 230V 350x77x33mm 1/4" #416282
Rezistenta 3200W 230V 350x77x33mm 1/4" #416282 Putere: 3200W Tensiune de alimentare: 230V Circu..
210,08 Lei
Rezistenta 5200W 230V 325X47x50mm #418548
Rezistenta 5200W 230V 325X47x50mm #418548 Putere: 5200W. Tensiune de alimentare: 230V. Circuite..
645,38 Lei
Rezistenta 6000/7200W 220/240V 495mm #3755666
Rezistenta 6000/7200W 220/240V 495mm #3755666 immersed depth 495mm flange ø external 72mm with ..
689,08 Lei
Rezistenta 6000W 230V 335mm #5108498
Rezistenta 6000W 230V 335mm #5108498 immersed depth 335mm flange ø ext. 72mm Compatibil cu: ..
363,00 Lei
Rezistenta 6000W 230V ø57.5mm #416129
Rezistenta 6000W 230V ø57.5mm #416129 Putere: 6000 W Tensiune: 230 V Diametru montare: 57,5 mm ..
294,12 Lei
Rezistenta 6000W 230V ø57mm 335mm conector papuc #40L2725
Rezistenta 6000W 230V ø57mm 335mm conector papuc #40L2725 Rezistenta cromata Putere 6000W Tensi..
357,55 Lei
Rezistenta 9000W 230V 470mm #3355480
Rezistenta 9000W 230V 470mm #3355480   power 9000W voltage 230V length 470mm mounting..
512,61 Lei
Rezistenta 9000W 230V 470mm #415265
Rezistenta 9000W 230V 470mm #415265   power 9000W voltage 230V length 470mm mounting ..
319,33 Lei
Rezistenta boiler 6000W (3x2000W) 230/380V 355mm ø57.5mm M4 #LB03040
Rezistenta boiler 6000W (3x2000W) 230/380V 355mm ø57.5mm M4 #LB03040 Putere: 6000W (3x2000W) Ten..
210,08 Lei
Rezistenta cuva/rezervor/bazin 3200W 230V #3755032
Rezistenta cuva/rezervor/bazin 3200W 230V #3755032 Lungime de imersie: 350mm. latime: 80mm. Con..
210,08 Lei
Simering mecanic otel inoxidabil EPDM ø26mm #510703
Simering mecanic otel inoxidabil EPDM ø26mm #510703 material otel inoxidabil/ceramica/EPDM diame..
25,21 Lei
Sonda WHIRLPOOL NTC lungime totala 49mm ø 10mm #3397180
Sonda WHIRLPOOL NTC lungime totala 49mm ø10mm #3397180 connection Rast 2.5- overall length 49 mm..
9,70 Lei
Termostat de siguranta 420*C 20 A bulb ø 3.9mmx306mm capilar 870 mm MBM #390181
Termostat de siguranta 420*C, 20 A, bulb ø 3.9mmx306mm, capilar 870 mm, MBM #390181 Temperatura d..
375,96 Lei
Termostat degivrare 20°C 1400mm #3444518
Termostat degivrare 20°C 1400mm #3444518 Compatibil cu: ALPENINOX ELECTROLUX PROFESSIONAL WHIR..
268,91 Lei
Termostat reglabil 0-250°C EGO 55.17052.080 #COK201ID
Termostat reglabil 0-250°C EGO 55.17052.080 #COK201ID D-shaped pin ø6x4.6mm bulb ø4x120mm capil..
84,03 Lei
Termostat reglabil 0-250°C EGO 55.17052.080 #D444041
Termostat reglabil 0-250°C EGO 55.17052.080 #D444041 Temperatura maxima: 250°C Bulb: ø4x120mm L..
58,82 Lei
Termostat reglabil 30-90°C EGO 55.19214.803 #2111725
Termostat reglabil 30-90°C EGO 55.19214.803 #2111725 capillary 1470mm bulb ø6x129mm crescent pin..
84,03 Lei
Termostat reglabil 50-250°C EGO 55.13042.260 #270716RADYANCI22/45
Termostat reglabil 50-250°C EGO 55.13042.260 #270716RADYANCI22/45   Lungime capilar: 830mm  Diame..
58,82 Lei
Termostat reglabil 50-275°C EGO 55.13059.160
Termostat reglabil 50-275°C EGO 55.13059.160 Capacitate comutare 16A / 400Vac Conexiuni electric..
129,66 Lei
Termostat reglabil temperatura fixa 0-90°C IMIT #3444280
Termostat reglabil temperatura fixa 0-90°C IMIT #3444280 Lungime capilar izolat 1500 mm ø bulb 6..
134,45 Lei
Termostat siguranta 140°C EGO 55.10522.808 #375650
Termostat siguranta 140°C EGO 55.10522.808 #375650 Temperatura de oprire: 140°C Poli: 1 Capacit..
328,76 Lei
Termostat siguranta 140°C EGO 55.19522.030 #3444564
Termostat siguranta 140°C EGO 55.19522.030 #3444564 Resetare manuala Lungime capilar 870 - 16A 2..
188,34 Lei
Termostat siguranta 350°C EGO 55.32562.808 #3444354
Termostat siguranta 350°C EGO 55.32562.808 #3444354 Cu resetare manuala Lungime capilar izolat 9..
176,47 Lei
Termostat siguranta 420°C EGO 55.32582.802 #3444363
Termostat siguranta 420°C EGO 55.32582.802 #3444363 Cu resetare manuala Lungime capilar izolat 9..
348,74 Lei
Termostat siguranta ELTH 261N 40°C 1400mm #3444448
Termostat siguranta ELTH 261N 40°C 1400mm #3444448 Lungime cablu 1400mm Compatibil cu: MANUFA..
142,86 Lei
Tub amestec aer 60mm ø20,5mm MBM #104079
Tub amestec aer 60mm ø20,5mm MBM #104079 Lungime 60 mm ø 20,5 mm Compatibil cu: ASCASO MBM55..
84,52 Lei
Valva retur F1/4" #3090080
Valva retur F1/4" #3090080 Compatibil cu: ASCASO DESCO ELFRAMO EMMEPI KOMEL MBM SAMMIC GE..
176,47 Lei

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