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Capac de protectie rezistenta boiler #510093
Capac de protectie rezistenta boiler #510093 Diametru: ø 68mm. Inaltime: 40mm. OEM 467002 Apli..
29,41 Lei
Capac de protectie rezistenta ø68x40mm #6467002
Capac de protectie rezistenta ø68x40mm #6467002 Dimensiuni: ø68mm x inaltime 40mm. Compatibil ..
29,41 Lei
Condensator (capacitor) 8µF #3068079
Condensator (capacitor) 8µF #3068079 450V 50/60Hz - ø30xh71mm Compatibil cu: ALBA ALPENINO..
21,01 Lei
Electrovalva 230V pozitie 180° intrare 3/4" iesire ø10.5mm 0.25 l/min #50513PC
Electrovalva 230V pozitie 180° intrare 3/4" iesire ø10.5mm 0.25 l/min #50513PC Numar iesiri 1 Un..
33,61 Lei
Furtun dozator detergent ø6x10mm #3090351
Furtun dozator detergent ø6x10mm #3090351 fittings black with ring nut for hose ø4x6mm overall l..
63,03 Lei
Furtun flexibil dozator detergent 4x6mm SEKO #361815
Furtun flexibil dozator detergent 4x6mm SEKO #361815 aplicatie detergent racord furtun 4x6mm ti..
63,03 Lei
Pompa dozatoare de clatire #6926278
Pompa dozatoare de clatire #6926278 open back fitting for connection to the auxiliary pump hydr..
386,75 Lei
Rezistenta cuptor 1200W 220V 368x317mm flansa 70x22mm #D355279
Rezistenta cuptor 1200W 220V 368x317mm flansa 70x22mm #D355279 1200W/220V height 368mm width 317..
75,14 Lei
Rezistenta cuptor 1200W 230V 365x315mm flansa 70x22mm #D355006
Rezistenta cuptor 1200W 230V 365x315mm flansa 70x22mm #D355006 1200W 230V - distance between the ..
252,10 Lei
Rezistenta cuva (rezervor / bazin) 2750/3250W 220/240V #415665
Rezistenta cuva (rezervor / bazin) 2750/3250W 220/240V #415665 power 2750/3250W voltage 220/240V..
199,66 Lei
Rezistenta cuva/rezervor/bazin 2750/3250W 220/240V #3355607
Rezistenta cuva/rezervor/bazin 2750/3250W 220/240V #3355607 power 2750/3250W voltage 220/240V l..
193,28 Lei
Termostat de siguranta monofazic 83°C 20A sonda ø6x90mm capilar 530mm #62036043
Termostat de siguranta monofazic 83°C 20A sonda ø6x90mm capilar 530mm #62036043 Temperatura maxim..
218,49 Lei

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