Aprinzator piezoelectric cu baterie 1,5V tip R6 AA #101756
Conexiune: faston 3.2mm
Funcționează ..
Aprinzator piezoelectric cu baterie 1.5Vdc #605.091.008
Conexiune faston 3.2mm
Conexiune 2.8x0...
Banda de aluminiu SMOOTH 50m #3394158
Lungime: 50m.
Compatibil cu:
Camera de aer pentru masina spalat vase 230x60xø6mm #511445
Lungime: 230mm.
Latime: 60mm.
Comutator (selector) cu 2 pozitii 0-1 16A 250V EGO 49.21015.600 #3057026
contact capacity 16A 250..
Comutator 7 pozitii (0-6) 16A EGO 49.27215.520 #3057092
Tip 7 pozitii de operare
Functie 1NO/2CO..
Cutie conectare 500V 54x145x145mm #551123
tensiune 500V
inaltime 54mm
lungime 145mm
latime 145..
Duza dispenser #3501240
Compatibil cu:
Electrovalva apa 230V model ELBI Tip 329 pozitie 180° #3120005
220/240V 50/60Hz
Temperatura maxi..
Filtru deparazitar 115/250V 50/60Hz ø40mm #365046
tensiune 115/250 V
frecventa 50/60 Hz
racord ..
Furtun dozator detergent ø6x10mm #3090351
fittings black with ring nut for hose ø4x6mm
overall l..
Furtun flexibil dozator detergent 4x6mm SEKO #361815
aplicatie detergent
racord furtun 4x6mm
Lampa cu halogen G9 40W 230V t.max. 500°C #LFD421013
Aplicatie: pentru cuptor
Priza: tip G9
Lampa indicator portocaliu 230V cap Ø13.5mm orificiu Ø10mm 120°C #3221095
Culoare LED: portocaliu..
Lampa indicator verde 230V 120°C cap Ø13.5mm orificiu Ø10mm #3221132
Temperatura maxima de lucru:..
Microintrerupator magnetic #9240005
Fabricat in Italia
0.04A 250V
Contact: NO
Lungime cablu: ..
Motoreductor rotisor universal ax 5x5mm 4W #D240074
pin cu conexiune pătrată 5x5 mm - 4 Watt
Placa electronica masina spalat vase #401637
Compatibil cu:
ALPENINOX 049910, 0L0045, 0L0261, 0L..
Presostat 1 nivel #ZAN350UN
250V, 16(4)A
Presostat 1 nivel 250/130 390mbar #3320092
Domeniul de presiune: 250/130 390 mbar.
Conexiune: ø6..
Presostat electronic (senzor nivel apa) METALFLEX BEKO 2833830200 #2833830200
Presostat WHIRLPOOL 2 contacte 461971402451 #PSW002WH
Diametru: 57mm
Conexiune: 2 contacte
Rezistenta 1000W 220V 435x120mm #415546
Putere: 1000W
Voltaj: 220V
Lungime: 435mm
Lățime: 120m..
Rezistenta 1000W 230V #415531
Putere: 1000W
Voltaj: 230V
Circuite incalzire: 1
Lungime: 725mm
Rezistenta 1000W 230V #415532
Putere: 1000W
Voltaj: 230V
Circuite incalzire: 1
Lungime: 700mm
Rezistenta 1000W 230V #415587
Putere: 1000W
Voltaj: 230V
Lungime: 390mm
Latime: 197mm
Rezistenta 1000W 230V 380mm #415545
Putere: 855W
Voltaj: 240V
Circuite incalzire: 1
Lungime: 3..
Rezistenta 1000W 230V 710x40mm #3755353
Putere: 1000W.
Tensiune de alimentare: 230V.
Lungime: 7..
Rezistenta 1000W 230V 795x50mm #415534
power 1000W
voltage 230V
length 795mm
width 50mm
Rezistenta 1000W 230V 875x182mm #415520
power 1000W
voltage 230V
length 875mm
width 182mm
Rezistenta 1000W 230V 917x90mm #415529
power 1000W
voltage 230V
length 917mm
width 90mm
Rezistenta 10500W 230V 335mm #416134
power 10500W
voltage 230V
mounting diameter 57,5mm
Rezistenta 1100W 220V 760x44mm #415536
power 1100W
voltage 220V
length 760mm
width 44mm
Rezistenta 1100W 230V 720x200mm #415524
power 1100W
voltage 230V
length 720mm
width 200mm
Rezistenta 1100W 230V 727x50mm #415533
Putere: 1100W
Tensiune de alimentare: 230V
Lungime: 727m..
Rezistenta 1100W 230V WIESHEU WIWA #3755337
Lungime 760 mm
Latime 40 mm
Compatibil cu:
Rezistenta 1100W 380V 435x202x33mm #415583
power 1100W
voltage 380V
heating circuits 1
length ..
Rezistenta 1100W 380V 716mm M15 #415525
putere 1100W
tensiune 380V
lungime 716mm
tip de fixare..
Rezistenta 1160W, 400V, 295mmx245mmx80mm, 1 circuit incalzire, ø6.3mm #415577
Putere: 1160 W
Rezistenta 1300W 230V 270x92x80mm #415562
Putere: 1300W
Tensiune de alimentare: 230V
Lungime: 2..
Rezistenta 1335W, 400V, 320mmx275mmx76mm, 1 circuit incalzire, ø6.3mm #415576
Putere: 1335 W
Rezistenta 1500W 230V 265mm #415563
Putere: 1500W
Voltaj: 230V
Lungime: 265mm
Latime: 93mm
Rezistenta 1500W 230V 350x180mm #415565
power 1500W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 1
length 350..
Rezistenta 1500W 230V 395x198mm #415596
power 1500W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 1
length 395..
Rezistenta 1500W 230V 648x57mm #415535
power 1500W
voltage 230V
length 648mm
width 57mm
Rezistenta 1500W 230V flansa 225mm 470x200mm #415570
power 1500W
voltage 230V
length 470mm
Rezistenta 1505W, 400V, 360mmx295mmx88mm, 1 circuit incalzire, ø6.5mm #415575
Putere: 1505..
Rezistenta 1650W 230V #415514
Putere: 1650W
Voltaj: 230V
Lungime: 315mm
Latime: 200mm
Rezistenta 1750W 240V 340x66x33mm #415549
power 1750W
voltage 240V
length 340mm
width 66mm
Rezistenta 1900W 400V 410x125x28mm #415595
power 1900W
voltage 400V
length 410mm
width 125mm
Rezistenta 2000W 230V #415540
Putere: 2000W
Voltaj: 230V
Circuite incalzire: 1
Pozitie montare..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V #415541
Putere: 2000W
Voltaj: 230V
Circuite incalzire: 1
Pozitie montare..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V 250x35x25 #415507
power 2000W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 1
length 250..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V 285x40x240mm #415591
power 2000W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 1
length ..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V 400x142x64mm #415592
power 2000W
voltage 230V
length 400mm
width 142mm
Rezistenta 2000W 230V 465x450mm #415528
power 2000W
voltage 230V
length 465mm
width 450mm
Rezistenta 2000W 230V 940x43mm #415530
power 2000W
voltage 230V
length 940mm
width 43mm
Rezistenta 2000W 400V 85mm #415556
putere 2000W
tensiune 400V
lungime 85mm
tip de fixare fixar..
Rezistenta 2100W 220V 470x207mm #415539
power 2100W
voltage 220V
heating circuits 1
length 470..
Rezistenta 2100W 400V 260x217x20mm #415559
power 2100W
voltage 400V
heating circuits 1
length ..
Rezistenta 2200W 230V 365x178mm #415538
power 2200W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 1
length 365..
Rezistenta 2280 W, 220 V #415547:
Putere: 2280 W
Tensiune: 220 V
Circuite de încal..
Rezistenta 2500W 230V #415554
power 2500W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 1
length 148mm
width ..
Rezistenta 2500W 230V 131x485mm #415542
power 2500W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 1
length 131..
Rezistenta 2500W 230V flansa 70mm L 544mm #415351
power 2500W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 1
Rezistenta 2565W 230V 554x125x30mm #415593
power 2565W
voltage 230V
length 554mm
width 125mm
Rezistenta 2565W 400V 556x126x33mm #415594
power 2565W
voltage 400V
length 556mm
width 126mm
Rezistenta 2660 W, 220 V #415548:
Putere:2660 W
Tensiune:220 V
Circuite de încalzir..
Rezistenta 2800W 230V ø 47,5mm 345x35x28mm #415513
power 2800W
voltage 230V
mounting diameter 4..
Rezistenta 3000W 220/380V #3355024
for wash tank and boiler
immersed length 260 mm
flange exter..
Rezistenta 3000W 220V 300x65mm #6457-29
Putere 3000W
Tensiune 220V
Lungime 300mm
Latime 65mm
Rezistenta 3000W 230V 230x29x25mm #415506
power 3000W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 3
thread s..
Rezistenta 3000W 230V 255mm #415597
Putere: 3000W
Tensiune de alimentare: 230V
Circuite de inca..
Rezistenta 3000W 230V 355x75mm flansa 51x28mm #3355313
immersed length 355mm - width 75mm
Rezistenta 3000W 230V 360x120mm #415571
power 3000W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 1
length 360..
Rezistenta 3000W 230V flansa 50x26mm 360x70x25mm #416132
power 3000W
voltage 230V
mounting comp..
Rezistenta 3000W 230V ø 47,5mm 380x125x25mm #415508
power 3000W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 3..
Rezistenta 3000W 400V #415552
Putere: 3000W
Voltaj: 400V
Circuite incalzire: 2
Dimensiune flan..
Rezistenta 3000W 400V 380x65mm flansa 80x28mm EGO 20.40423.020 #3355703
immersed length 380mm - w..
Rezistenta 3000W 400V flansa 70mm 420x330mm #415589
power 3000W
voltage 400V
heating circuits 1..
Rezistenta 4000W 230V #415579
power: 4000W
voltage: 230V
length: 352mm
width: 122mm
height: 1..
Rezistenta 4000W 230V 131x485mm #415543
power 4000W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 1
length 131..
Rezistenta 4500W 230V 370x34x26mm #415502
power 4500W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 3
thread s..
Rezistenta 4500W 230V ø 47,5mm 350x28x34mm #415598
power 4500W
voltage 230V
mounting diameter 4..
Rezistenta 5000W 230V #415569
Putere: 5000W
Voltaj: 230V
Circuite incalzire: 2
Lungime: 272mm
Rezistenta 5000W 230V 345x36x23mm #415582
power 5000W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 3
thread s..
Rezistenta 5600W 400V ø 8,5mm 272x64mm #415557
power 5600W
voltage 400V
heating circuits 2
Rezistenta 6000W 230V #2110079
Lungime 350 mm
Latime 65 mm
Dimensiune flansa 80x28 mm
Rezistenta 6000W 230V 335mm #5108498
immersed depth 335mm
flange ø ext. 72mm
Compatibil cu:
Rezistenta 6000W 230V 385x31x36mm #415599
power 6000W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 3
length 3..
Rezistenta 6000W 230V flansa 70x18mm #415447
Putere 6000W
Tensiune 230V
Circuite de încălzire 2..
Rezistenta 6000W 230V ø57.5mm #416129
Putere: 6000 W
Tensiune: 230 V
Diametru montare: 57,5 mm
Rezistenta 6000W 230V ø57mm 335mm conector papuc #40L2725
Rezistenta cromata
Putere 6000W
Rezistenta 6000W 380mm #3355704
Immersed length 380mm width 60mm
Flange 80x28mm
Compatibil cu..
Rezistenta 6000W 400V flansa 70x18mm 365x65mm #415551
power 6000W
voltage 400V
heating circuits..
Rezistenta 6000W, 230V, 3 circuite de incalzire, filet flansa 1½", L=415mm, orificiu termostat ø7mm,..
Rezistenta 650W 230V 570x160mm #415521 #415521
power 650W
voltage 230V
length 570mm
width 160m..
Rezistenta 700W 230V #415544
Putere: 700W
Voltaj: 230V
Lungime: 392mm
Latime: 198mm
Rezistenta 7500W, 220V, 3 circuite de incalzire, filet flansa 1½", L=425mm, tub ø6.3mm #415500
Rezistenta 800W 230V ø 8,5mm 220x66mm #415568
power 800W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 1