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Cutit ø46mmmmP #697883
Cutit ø46mmmmP #697883 diametru 46mm inaltime 64mm diametru gauri 11mm potrivit pentru aparat ..
218,49 Lei
Rezistenta 2200W 230V 195x36mm #5106874
Rezistenta 2200W 230V 195x36mm #5106874 Diametru extern: ø195mm. Diametru intern: ø180mm. Inalt..
504,20 Lei
Rezistenta 2400W 230V 221x28mm #3355057
Rezistenta 2400W 230V 221x28mm #3355057   Putere: 2400W. Tensiune de alimentare: 230V. ..
336,13 Lei
Rezistenta 2400W 230V 221x28mm #415118
Rezistenta 2400W 230V 221x28mm #415118   Putere: 2400W. Tensiune de alimentare: 230V. ..
336,13 Lei
Termostat de siguranta 170°C 1 pol 16A sonda ø3,1mmx160mm capilar 650mm #375767
Termostat de siguranta 170°C 1 pol 16A sonda ø3,1mmx160mm capilar 650mm #375767   Temperatura ..
277,31 Lei
Termostat reglabil 45-170°C EGO 55.19032.850 #3444391
Termostat reglabil 45-170°C EGO 55.19032.850 #3444391   temperature max. 175°C number of po..
134,45 Lei
Termostat reglabil 45-170°C EGO 55.19032.850 #375488
Termostat reglabil 45-170°C EGO 55.19032.850 #375488   temperature max. 175°C number of pol..
134,45 Lei
Ventilator aer cald 220-240V 40W 50/60Hz L1 65mm L2 15mm L3 25mm L4 87mm #601011
Ventilator aer cald 220-240V 40W 50/60Hz L1 65mm L2 15mm L3 25mm L4 87mm #601011 Tensiune de alim..
210,08 Lei

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