Aprinzator piezoelectric diametru ø18mm #3001020
a ø18mm hole is required for the assembly
Bicon (inel etansare) pentru teava ø10mm #3348044
ø ext. 12mm - h5mm
for model PEL 20-21-24-25
Electrod aprindere piezo ø 7x44mm #100707
Diametru 1 = 7 mm
Diametru 2 = 9 mm
Conexiune ø2.4mm
Elice ventilator ø 160mm #3240106
Diametru elice:ø 160mm.
Grosime: 35mm.
Numar de lame: 12 lame..
Robinet gaz tip PEL 21S M8x1 #225.021.007
safety device with ignition flame
pipe gas inlet 1/2”
Robinet gaz tip PEL 21S M8x1 #225.021.008
safety device with ignition flame
pipe gas inlet 1/2”
Suport role balama 118x23 mm. #3053003
Distanta intre centre: 95 mm.
Lungime totala: 118mm.
Termocupla SIT M9x1 1500mm ø6(6.5)mm #107614
Producator: SIT
Conectare: ø6(6.5)mm
Lungime: 150..