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Lampa indicator portocaliu 230V cap Ø13.5mm orificiu Ø10mm 120°C #3221095
Lampa indicator portocaliu 230V cap Ø13.5mm orificiu Ø10mm 120°C #3221095 Culoare LED: portocaliu..
15,97 Lei
Rezistenta 1000W 230V 335x345mm #418078
Rezistenta 1000W 230V 335x345mm #418078 power 1000W voltage 230V heating circuits 1 length 335..
126,05 Lei
Rezistenta 3000W 230V 245x35mm #418083
Rezistenta 3000W 230V 245x35mm #418083 power 3000W voltage 230V heating circuits 1 internal di..
269,79 Lei
Termostat reglabil 50-280°C EGO 55.17053.040 #3444429
Termostat reglabil 50-280°C EGO 55.17053.040 #3444429 Temperatura maxima: 294°C Bulb: ø3x200mm ..
58,82 Lei
Termostat reglabil 96-282°C EGO 5517053040 #375665
Termostat reglabil 96-282°C EGO 5517053040 #375665 temperature max. 282°C operating temperature ..
228,12 Lei
Timer DTJ 2 poli 2NO 250V 16A ø 6x4.6mm #350061
Timer DTJ 2 poli 2NO 250V 16A ø 6x4.6mm #350061 type DTJ version with bell number of poles 2 -p..
252,90 Lei

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