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Bicon (inel etansare) pentru teava ø10mm #3348044
Bicon (inel etansare) pentru teava ø10mm #3348044 ø ext. 12mm - h5mm for model PEL 20-21-24-25 ..
2,52 Lei
Comutator (selector) 0-1-2-3-4-5-6 EGO 46.27266.813 #300177
Comutator (selector) 0-1-2-3-4-5-6 EGO 46.27266.813 #300177 type: 7 operating positions function..
42,02 Lei
Comutator (selector) 0-6 pozitii EGO 46.27266.813 #3057076
Comutator (selector) 0-6 pozitii EGO 46.27266.813 #3057076 type: 7 operating positions function:..
42,02 Lei
Duza dispenser #3501240
58,82 Lei
Electrovalva 1 cale 180° 1 intrare 3/4" 1 iesire ø10.5mm 230Vac ARCELIK BEKO ARCTIC #2801550100
Electrovalva 1 cale 180° 1 intrare 3/4" 1 iesire ø10.5mm 230Vac ARCELIK BEKO ARCTIC #2801550100 N..
33,61 Lei
Garnitura frigider 1575x618mm gri #5081108
Garnitura frigider 1575x618mm gri #5081108 Profile no. 1016 magnetic colour grey Compatibil ..
394,96 Lei
Rezistenta 1500W 240V 540x150x28mm #415078
Rezistenta 1500W 240V 540x150x28mm #415078 power 1500W voltage 240V length 540mm width 150mm ..
177,32 Lei
Rezistenta 2200W 230V 290mm #5045645
Rezistenta 2200W 230V 290mm #5045645 Putere: 2200W Tensiune de alimentare: 230V Lungime: 290mm...
613,45 Lei
Rezistenta expresor 1800W 230V #417030
Rezistenta expresor 1800W 230V #417030 Putere: 1800W Tensiune: 230V Circuite de încalzire; 2 D..
168,07 Lei
Rezistenta WHIRLPOOL 481225928675 2050W 230V 290mm #D355038
Rezistenta WHIRLPOOL 481225928675 2050W 230V 290mm #D355038 Putere: 2050W Tensiune de alimentare..
365,55 Lei
Robinet gaz PEL 20S intrare gaz M16x1,5 (ø tub 10mm) racord termocuplă M8x1 #104774
Robinet gaz PEL 20S intrare gaz M16x1,5 (ø tub 10mm) racord termocuplă M8x1 #104774 Producător PE..
193,28 Lei
Robinet gaz PEL 20S M16x1.5 #101094
Robinet gaz PEL 20S M16x1.5 #101094   type 20S bypass nozzle ø0.35mm gas inlet M16x1.5 (..
268,91 Lei
Robinet gaz PEL 20S, intrare gaz M16x1.5 (conducta ø10mm) #0989-B
Robinet gaz PEL 20S, intrare gaz M16x1.5 (conducta ø10mm) #0989-B Robinet gaz cu dispozitiv de si..
268,91 Lei
Robinet gaz tip PEL 20S M9x1 #225.021.021
Robinet gaz tip PEL 20S M9x1 #225.021.021 Fara flacara veghe Racord gaaz intrare M16x1.5 Gaz in..
126,05 Lei
Sonda temperatura NTC 1500mm #5110111
Sonda temperatura NTC 1500mm #5110111 2-wire probe  temperature range -40+110°C bulb ø6x14mm ..
25,21 Lei
Sonda WHIRLPOOL NTC lungime totala 49mm ø 10mm #3397180
Sonda WHIRLPOOL NTC lungime totala 49mm ø10mm #3397180 connection Rast 2.5- overall length 49 mm..
9,70 Lei
Termostat reglabil 60-320°C EGO 55.34069.804 #3444038
Termostat reglabil 60-320°C EGO 55.34069.804 #3444038   temperature max. 320°C number of po..
336,13 Lei
Termostat reglabil 60-320°C EGO 55.34069.804 #375424
Termostat reglabil 60-320°C EGO 55.34069.804 #375424   temperature max. 320°C number of pol..
336,13 Lei
Termostat reglabil 60-320°C EGO 55.34069.804 #ZAN400UN
Termostat reglabil 60-320°C EGO 55.34069.804 #ZAN400UN   temperature max. 320°C number of p..
336,13 Lei

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