Aprinzator piezoelectric diametru ø18mm #3001020
a ø18mm hole is required for the assembly
Aprinzator piezoelectric ø18mm cu protectie silicon #3001013
Diametru montare 18mm
Conexiune M ø..
Bicon (inel etansare) pentru teava ø10mm #3348044
ø ext. 12mm - h5mm
for model PEL 20-21-24-25
Bicon (inel etansare) pentru teava ø12mm #3020082
ø ext. 14 mm - h 6 mm
for model PEL 22-24-25
Cablu aprindere piezoelectrica 900mm conexiune ø2,4/ø4mm #100019
Lungime cablu 900 mm
Conexiune ..
Cablu de aprindere - scanteie (cablu bujii), L=600 mm, conector cilindric ø 4 mm, conector pl..
Clema duza clatire #518416
Compatibil pentru :
BONNET - LF3501628
Comutator 2 pozitii 0-1 16A 250V EGO 49.41015.500 #300002
Tip: 2 pozitii de operare
Functie: 4NO..
Comutator 2 pozitii 0-1 16A 250V EGO 49.41015.500 #3057177
Tip: 2 pozitii de operare
Functie: 4N..
Conductor multifilar izolatie fibra de sticla 2.5mm² rezistent la temperatura -60°C +200°C galben/ve..
Conductor rezistent la temperaturi inalte cu protectie din fibra de sticla 2.5mm² -60°C +200°C albas..
Electrovalva 1 cale 90° 1 intrare 3/4" 1 iesire 10.5mm 230Vac #21911PA
Numar de cai: 1 cale
Electrovalva 1 cale 90° 1 intrare ø3/4" 1 iesire ø13.5mm 24Vac ELBI 350 #3120511
Numar de cai: 1 ..
Garnitura O ring 06187 EPDM Ø58mm #3186013
Se vinde in multiplii de 10
Grosime inel 5,34 mm.
Inel bicon ø12mm #3348082
øext.14mm h6mm
for model PEL 22-24-25
Compatibil cu:
Lampa indicator alb rezistenta la temperaturi inalte 125°C ø22mm 230/440V #5086434
Temperatura m..
Motor ventilator RG128/1300-3612 #3240695
100W 230V 50Hz
Compatibil cu:
Piulita fixare tevi 3/8" ø12mm #4051950
Pentru RFR/G301
Reductie debit electrovalva ELBI 1.2l/min toleranta ±15/25% #371261
culoare transparenta
Rezistenta 10500W 230V 380mm ø flansa exterioara 63 mm #3755964
Putere: 10500W
Tensiune de alime..
Rezistenta 12000W 230V 460mm #40L1853
immersed length 460mm
flange external ø63mm with probe rec..
Rezistenta 12000W 230V 465mm ø flansa exterioara 63 mm #40E5956
Putere: 12000W
Tensiune de alime..
Rezistenta 1700W 230V 215mm #34423
Putere 1700mm
Voltaj 230V
Tub inox 6,5 mm
Lungime imersie 2..
Rezistenta 1830W 254V flansa 40x16mm 385x36mm #416283
power 1830W
voltage 254V
flange size 40x1..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V #3755031
immersed depth 300mm
width 80mm - fittings ø1/4"
Compatibil cu..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V #416281
power 2000W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 1
length 300mm
width ..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V flansa 70x18mm 388x64mm #416287
power 2000W
voltage 230V
heating circuits..
Rezistenta 2440W 254V flansa 40x16mm 402x34mm #416284
power 2440W
voltage 254V
flange size 40x1..
Rezistenta 2700W, 230V #416280
Putere - 2700 W
Voltaj - 230 V
Circuite de incalzire - 1
Rezistenta 3000W 230V flansa 70x18mm 408x65mm #416286
power 3000W
voltage 230V
heating circuits..
Rezistenta 3050W 254V flansa 40x16mm 400x36mm #416285
power 3050W
voltage 254V
flange size 40x1..
Rezistenta 3200W 230V 350x77x33mm 1/4" #416282
Putere: 3200W
Tensiune de alimentare: 230V
Rezistenta 6000W 230V 417mm #416289
Putere 6000 W
Tensiune 230 V
Circuite de încălzire 2
Rezistenta 6000W 230V ø57,5mm 463mm #420316
power 6000W
voltage 230V
mounting diameter 57,5mm
Rezistenta boiler 3050W 254V 270mm #3355643
Immersed length 410mm
Width 35mm flange 50x27mm
Rezistenta boiler 4000W 230V 465mm ø flansa exterioara 63 mm #3455335
Putere: 4000W
Tensiune de ..
Rezistenta boiler 6000W 230/380V 455mm ø57.5mm #3355312
immersed length 455mm
flange ø external ..
Rezistenta boiler 6000W 230V 300mm ø flansa exterioara 63 mm #3755963
Lungime imersata: 30..
Rezistenta boiler 8000W 230V 385mm ø flansa exterioara 63 mm #40L1851
Putere: 8000W
Tensiune de ..
Rezistenta ceramica 1000W 230V 240x60x35mm #3755830
Lungime: 240mm
Latime: 60mm
Inaltime: 35mm
Rezistenta ceramica 1000W 230V 240x60x35mm #TM2022
Lungime: 240mm
Latime: 60mm
Inaltime: 35mm
Rezistenta cuptor 1300W 220V CANDY 92741487 #LFD355305
Lungime: 360mm
Latime: 350mm
Dimensiune ..
Rezistenta cuptor 1500W (1050+450W) 230V #LFD355088
power 1500W (1050+450W)
voltage 230V
Rezistenta cuptor 2000W 240V #LFD355089
bracket 445mm
length 315/195mm
width 358mm
flange 100x..
Rezistenta cuva 2440W 254V 410mm flansa 50x27mm #3355644
immersed length 410mm
width 35mm - flan..
Rezistenta cuva 2440W 254V 425mm flansa 80x27mm #3755128
immersed length 425mm
width 65mm - flan..
Rezistenta cuva 3270W 240V 420mm #3355651
immersed length 420mm
width 65mm - flange 80x27mm
Rezistenta cuva 6540W 240V 415mm #3756008
immersed length 415mm
width 65mm - flange 80x27mm
Rezistenta cuva/rezervor/bazin 3200W 230V #3755032
Lungime de imersie: 350mm.
latime: 80mm.
Rezistenta electrica 1500W 230V 395x205mm #415353
power 1500W
voltage 230V
heating cir..
Rezistenta Hobart 324637-3 4000W 2x2000W 230V #416288
lungime 410 mm
latime 63 mm
flansa 70x..
Rezistenta imersie 4500W 220/380V 300mm ø flansa exterioara 63 mm #3355292
Putere: 4500W
Robinet gaz PEL21SH #101628
Robinet gaz cu dispozitiv de siguranta si flacara de aprindere
Robinet cu autoinchidere prevazut cu tija si actionare la ghenunchi #542936
Timpul fix de curgere..
Rotor turbina pompa M14x2 ø135mm 2275 #521277
marime filet M14x2L
diametru 135mm
inaltime 39mm
Rulment ø22x8x7mm 608-2Z SKF #D063082
material otel inoxidabil
diametru exterior 22mm
Termostat de siguranta monofazic 230°C 2100mm ∅6mm EGO 5610549560 #5162893
Temperatura maxima: 2..
Termostat degivrare ML55 55°F (12°C) #01.02.73
Diferential: 20°F (-6.67°C)
Deschis: 55°F (12.78°..
Termostat monofazic reglabil TR2 0-250°C #3444335
Piesa numarul 3444335
ø pin forma D 6x4.6mm
Termostat reglabil 34-114°C 900mm #5054462
D-shaped pin ø6x4.6mm
Dovered capillary length 900mm ..
Termostat reglabil cuptor 50-304°C sonda Ø4x100mm capilar 830mm ZANUSSI 5611490011 EGO 55.17062.420 ..
Termostat siguranta 126°C EGO 55.13525.050 #1611151
Temperatura oprire 126°C
Putere 16A
Termostat siguranta 126°C EGO 55.13525.050 #3444072
Resetare manuala
Capilar acoperit 1730mm
Termostat siguranta 340°C #5026558
Cu resetare automata
Lungime capilar izolat 900mm - 16A 250V..
Termostat siguranta 360*C EGO 55.32574.010 #EL7759
with manual reset
capillary length 1500mm
Termostat siguranta 360°C EGO 55.32574.010 #COK280UN
producer: EGO
series: 55.32_
switch-off te..
Termostat siguranta 360°C EGO 55.32574.020 #3444832
Temperatura oprire: 398°C
Dimensiune bulb: ø..