Aprinzator piezoelectric ø18mm cu protectie silicon #3001013
Diametru montare 18mm
Conexiune M ø..
Camera aer 150x95mm ø furtun 6/8mm #524810
material plastic
inaltime 150mm
latime 95mm
racord ..
Comutator 0-1 pozitii EGO 4202900003 #2101575
Curent maxim comutat: 16A
Tensiune alimentare: 250..
Duza GPL ø0.25mm #3020157
gas type LPG
code 25
producer SIT
Compatibil cu:
Electrovalva ELBI tip 350 1 cale 90° intrare ø3/4" iesire ø13.5mm 24V 50Hz 90°C #3120511
Model: u..
Filtru deparazitar 115/250V 50/60Hz ø40mm #365046
tensiune 115/250 V
frecventa 50/60 Hz
racord ..
Garnitura frigider 1575x618mm gri #5081108
Profile no. 1016
colour grey
Compatibil ..
Garnitura O ring 06187 EPDM Ø58mm #3186013
Se vinde in multiplii de 10
Grosime inel 5,34 mm.
Lampa indicator verde 400V 120°C cap Ø13.5mm orificiu Ø10mm #3221034
Temperatura maxima de lucru:..
Micointrerupator usa M1AX20 10A 250V #3240605
Compatibil cu:
Niplu fixare electrod piezo ø7mm filet M10 H-11mm #3020085
Compatibil cu:
Parte opusa pentru suport 2 locasuri pentru arzator pilot serie 100 #100894
Utilizare - pentru ar..
Piulita alama M10x1, H=4 mm, hexagon 15 mm #101860
Dimensiune filet - M10x1
Inaltime - 4 ..
Placa electronica masina spalat vase PCB PROTECH 1113/611 TR10 #403572
lungime 178mm
latime 125m..
Reductie debit electrovalva ELBI 1.2l/min toleranta ±15/25% #371261
culoare transparenta
Regulator energie 125°C 230V 13A ø6x4,6mm #3350093
Contact capacity 230V 13A
Temperature max 125..
Regulator energie 230V 13A 23mm #COK356UN
Tensiune de alimentare: 230V
Capacitate de comutare:..
Regulator energie 230V 13A EGO 50.55021.100 #COK350MI
Fabricat in Croatia
Capacitate contacte 23..
Regulator energie 50.55021.100 #3350035
Fabricat in Croatia
Capacitate contacte 230V 13A
Rezistenta 10500W 230V 380mm ø flansa exterioara 63 mm #3755964
Putere: 10500W
Tensiune de alime..
Rezistenta 12000W 230V 460mm #40L1853
immersed length 460mm
flange external ø63mm with probe rec..
Rezistenta 12000W 230V 465mm ø flansa exterioara 63 mm #40E5956
Putere: 12000W
Tensiune de alime..
Rezistenta 1500W 230V #420216
power 1500W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 1
length 490mm
Rezistenta 1500W 230V #415750
Putere: 1500W
Voltaj: 230V
Circuite incalzire: 1
Lungime: 245mm
Rezistenta 1500W 230V 900x245mm #416439
power 1500W
voltage 230V
length 900mm
width 245mm
Rezistenta 2000W 230V 137x355x25mm #415756
power 2000W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 1
length ..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V 455x153x20mm #415759
power 2000W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 1
length ..
Rezistenta 2200W 230V #415751
Putere: 2200W
Voltaj: 230V
Circuite incalzire: 1
Lungime: 251mm
Rezistenta 6000W 230V ø57,5mm 463mm #420316
power 6000W
voltage 230V
mounting diameter 57,5mm
Rezistenta 6000W 400V #415753
Putere: 6000W
Voltaj: 400V
Lungime: 324mm
Latime: 195mm
Rezistenta 600W 230V 138x134x29mm #415754
power 600W
voltage 230V
length 138mm
width 134mm
Rezistenta boiler 4000W 230V 465mm ø flansa exterioara 63 mm #3455335
Putere: 4000W
Tensiune de ..
Rezistenta boiler 6000W 230/380V 455mm ø57.5mm #3355312
immersed length 455mm
flange ø external ..
Rezistenta boiler 6000W 230V 300mm ø flansa exterioara 63 mm #3755963
Lungime imersata: 30..
Rezistenta boiler 8000W (3x2660W) 230/380V 355mm ø47.5mm M4 #F2106
Putere 8000W
Voltaj 230V
Rezistenta boiler 8000W 230V 385mm ø flansa exterioara 63 mm #40L1851
Putere: 8000W
Tensiune de ..
Rezistenta cuptor 1150W 230V Bauknecht Whirlpool #481010375734
power 1150W
application for oven
Rezistenta cuptor 1150W 230V Bauknecht Whirlpool 481010375734 #COK107WH
power 1150W
application ..
Rezistenta cuptor 1150W 230V WHIRLPOOL 480121100591 #COK110WH
power 1150W
voltage 230V
Rezistenta cuptor 1150W 230V WHIRLPOOL 480121100591 #D355040
power 1150W
voltage 230V
length ..
Rezistenta cuptor 1150W 230V WHIRLPOOL 48101037573 #COK109WH
Putere: 1150W
Tensiune: 230V
Rezistenta cuptor 2000W 230V #LFD355280
Diametru exterior: ø193mm
Diametru interior: ø183mm
Rezistenta cuptor 2000W 230V ZANUSSI 3570425052 #COK124ZN
Diametru exterior: ø192mm
Diametru int..
Rezistenta cuptor AR MERLONI 1500W 220V #LFD355282
length 375mm
width 316mm
Rezistenta cuptor ARISTON 2500W 230V #LFD355270
Diametru exterior: ø195mm
Diametru interior: ø18..
Rezistenta cuptor ELECTROLUX 2000W 230V #LFD355290
Diametru exterior: ø195mm
Diametru interior: ..
Rezistenta imersie 4500W 220/380V 300mm ø flansa exterioara 63 mm #3355292
Putere: 4500W
Rezistenta salamandra 1300W 230V 240x140x90mm #3355526
power 1300W
voltage 230V
length 238/240m..
Rezistenta salamandra 1300W 230V 240x140x90mm #415758
power 1300W
voltage 230V
length 238/240mm..
Sonda de temperatura tip J cablu Vetrotex 3m -50 +750°C bulb ø6x50mm #379062
Tip sonda: te..
Sonda temperatura termocupla J (Fe-CuNi) 0...+600°C ø6x100mm #379051
Tip de sonda: termocupla J..
Suport motor ventilator 52x81mm #601075
inaltime 52mm
distanta piese de fixare 81mm
versiune pe..
Termostat reglabil 233°C EGO 55.17049.010 ZANUSSI 3890796075 #COK205ZN
Dimensiune bulb: ø3x195mm
Termostat reglabil cu comutator 55-260°C EGO 55.19659.010 #375581
Temperatura max. 260°C
Termostat siguranta 126°C EGO 55.13525.050 #1611151
Temperatura oprire 126°C
Putere 16A
Termostat siguranta 126°C EGO 55.13525.050 #3444072
Resetare manuala
Capilar acoperit 1730mm
Termostat siguranta 360°C EGO 55.32574.800 #3444293
with manual reset
capillary length covered 1..
Termostat WHIRLPOOL 481228238084 #D444020
K59S1899500, replaces A13-0584
Compatibil cu:
Valva alimentare 1/2" teava ø18mm 230mm #514269
racord 1/2" FE
diametru de teava 18mm
orificiu ..
Valva gaz Nova 820 mV ø1/2"FF #3526300
inlet ø 1/2"F outlet ø 1/2"F
thermocouple fitting M9x1