Rezistenta 6000W 245V flansa ø 65mm #403723
Putere 6000 W
Tensiune 245 V
Diametrul de montare 6..
Rezistenta 6000W 254-440V 330mm #5070533
adancime de imersie 330mm
flansa ø exterior 60mm
Rezistenta 6000W 254/440V flansa ø57.5 mm #420340
Putere 6000 W
Tensiune 254/440 V
Diametrul d..
Rezistenta 6000W 254V #4049115
Lungime: 295 mm
Dimensiune flansa ø 63 mm
Dimensiune garnitura ø..
Rezistenta 6000W 255/440V 410mm #5020942
adancimea de imersie 410mm
flansa ø72mm cu teaca termos..
Rezistenta 6000W 2x3000W 230V 470mm #6457-11
lungime 470mm
latime 60mm
flansa 80x28mm
Rezistenta 6000W 2x3000W 230V 470mm #K048
Putere: 6000W (2x3000W)
Tensiune de alimentare: 230V
Rezistenta 6000W 365mm EGO 20.40423.010 #3355702
Immersed depth 365mm width 65mm
Flange 80x28m..
Rezistenta 6000W 380mm #3355704
Immersed length 380mm width 60mm
Flange 80x28mm
Compatibil cu..
Rezistenta 6000W 3X230V L330mm ø 63mm #2110681
Putere: 6000W
Tensiune de alimentare: 230V
Rezistenta 6000W 400-440V ø 47,5mm 260x32x62mm #416058
power 6000W
voltage 400-440V
heating cir..
Rezistenta 6000W 400/230V 425x35x35mm #415402
power 6000W
voltage 400/230V
heating circuits 3
Rezistenta 6000W 400V #415464
Putere 6000 W
Tensiune 400 V
Circuite de încălzire 2
Rezistenta 6000W 400V #415753
Putere: 6000W
Voltaj: 400V
Lungime: 324mm
Latime: 195mm
Rezistenta 6000W 400V 370mm EGO 20.40440.010 #415448
putere 6000W
tensiune 400V
lungime 370mm
Rezistenta 6000W 400V 405x36x33mm #415392
power 6000W
voltage 400V
heating circuits 3
thread s..
Rezistenta 6000W 400V 520mm ø47,5mm #417532
power 6000W
voltage 400V
heating circuits 3
Rezistenta 6000W 400V 80x28 mm #3455331
Lungime 365 mm
Latime 65 mm
Dimensiune flansa 80x28 mm
Rezistenta 6000W 400V flansa 70x18mm #417673
Putere 6000 W
Tensiune 400 V
Circuite de încălzire..
Rezistenta 6000W 400V flansa 70x18mm 365x65mm #415551
power 6000W
voltage 400V
heating circuits..
Rezistenta 6000W 400V flansa 70x18mm 370x65mm #415448
power 6000W
voltage 400V
heating circuits..
Rezistenta 6000W 400V ø 57,5mm 324x43x34mm #416265
power 6000W
voltage 400V
mounting diameter 5..
Rezistenta 6000W, 230V, 3 circuite de incalzire, filet flansa 1½", L=415mm, orificiu termostat ø7mm,..
Rezistenta 6000W, 230V, 338x37x50mm, 3 circuite incalzire, ø #415021
Putere: 6000 W
Rezistenta 6000W, 230V, 434mmx38mmx35mm, 3 circuite incalzire, ø47.5mm #420140
Putere: 600..
Rezistenta 6000W, 230V, 435mmx43mmx33mm, 3 circuite incalzire, ø47.5mm #420120
Putere: 600..
Rezistenta 6000W, 230V, 480x33x42mm, 3 circuite incalzire, ø57.5mm #415264
Putere: 6000 W
Rezistenta 6000W, 240V, 430mmx39mmx33mm, 3 circuite incalzire, ø47.5mm #420122
Putere: 600..
Rezistenta 600W 230V #415653
Putere: 600W
Voltaj: 230V
Circuite incalzire: 1
Diametru montare:..
Rezistenta 600W 230V #416234
power 600W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 1
flange size 50x26mm
Rezistenta 600W 230V 155mm #3355619
power 600W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 1
flange size 50x..
Rezistenta 600W 230V 160mm #5125549
power 600W
voltage 230V
length 160mm
mounting c..
Rezistenta 600W 230V 340mm #419254
putere 600W
tensiune 230V
lungime 340mm
lungime 1 40mm
Rezistenta 600W 230V flansa 50x26mm 125x48x70mm #420332
power 600W
voltage 230V
heating circuit..
Rezistenta 6100W 254V flansa 70x18mm 420x63mm #419026
power 6100W
voltage 254V
heating circuits..
Rezistenta 6100W 460mm #5977748
Lungime: 460mm
Latime: 65mm
Inaltime: 10mm
Greutate: 0.475g
Rezistenta 610W 254V flansa 50x26mm 370x120mm #416293
power 610W
voltage 254V
heating circuits ..
Rezistenta 6200W 230V #420430
power 6200W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 3
length 525mm
width ..
Rezistenta 6400W 200-254/380-440V 280mm #419324
putere 6400W
tensiune 200-254/380-440V
lungime ..
Rezistenta 6600W 240V ø 47,5mm 282x35x57mm #415493
power 6600W
voltage 240V
mounting diameter 4..
Rezistenta 6x2000W (12000W) 230V #1681031
Putere: 6x2000W (12000W)
Tensiune: 230V
Lungime: 470m..
Rezistenta 7000W 230/400V #3755028
immersed length 425mm
flange external ø72mm
with probe recep..
Rezistenta 7000W 230/400V 355mm #5128424
Lungime de imersie: 355mm
Diametru extern flansa: ø63mm..
Rezistenta 7000W 230V 295mm ø63mm #3755331
Adancime de imersie: 295 mm
Diametru extern flansa: ø..
Rezistenta 7000W 230V ø 47,5mm 290x32x40mm #415832
power 7000W
voltage 230V
mounting diameter 4..
Rezistenta 7000W 230V ø 57,5mm 315x37x42mm #420309
power 7000W
voltage 230V
mounting diameter 5..
Rezistenta 7200W 230V 485mm flansa ø57,5mm MBM #417332
Putere: 7200W
Tensiune: 230V
Circuite de..
Rezistenta 7260W 250V #419005
power 7260W
voltage 250V
length 375mm
mounting 3 ho..
Rezistenta 7260W 250V #5045907
power 7260W
voltage 250V
length 375mm
mounting 3 hol..
Rezistenta 7260W 250V #HBT100UN
power 7260W
voltage 250V
length 375mm
mounting 3 ho..
Rezistenta 7260W 250V 355mm #419333
power 7260W
voltage 250V
length 355mm
mounting ..
Rezistenta 7260W 250V 355mm #7117660
immersion depth 355mm
flange external ø63mm with bulb sheat..
Rezistenta 7320W 254V 355x35x35mm #419183
Putere: 7320W
Tensiune de alimentare: 254V
Lungime: 3..
Rezistenta 7500W (3×2500W) 230/400V 380mm #135 212 0023
Diametru tub: 8.1mm
Putere: 3×2000W
Rezistenta 7500W 220/380V #3355726
Piesa numarul 3355726
Pentru boiler
Lungime in imersie 430 m..
Rezistenta 7500W 220V ø 6x4mm 310x145x130mm #418111
power 7500W
voltage 220V
heating circuits 6..
Rezistenta 7500W 220V ø47,5mm 550mm #418126
Putere: 7500W
Tensiune de alimentare: 220V
Rezistenta 7500W 230/400V 480mm ø 72mm #3455121
Putere: 7500W
Tensiune de alimentare: 230/400V
Rezistenta 7500W 230V 295x34x45mm ø 57,5mm #418140
Putere: 7500W
Tensiune de alimentare: 230V
Rezistenta 7500W 230V 3 circuite incalzire ø57.5mm #415848
Putere: 7500 W
Tensiune: 230 V
Rezistenta 7500W 230V 300mm ø 72mm #3355530
Lungime de imersie: 300mm.
Flansa externa: ø72mm.
Rezistenta 7500W 230V 398mm M4 #416125
putere 7500W
tensiune 230V
lungime 398mm
tip de fixare ..
Rezistenta 7500W 230V 415mm M4 #416290
putere 7500W
tensiune 230V
lungime 415mm
tip de fixare ..
Rezistenta 7500W 230V 455x42x73mm #418333
power 7500W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 3
length 4..
Rezistenta 7500W 230V 460x37x26mm #415416
power 7500W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 3
length 4..
Rezistenta 7500W 230V 580mm #5015499
immersed depth 580mm
flange 110x110mm
includes cables
Rezistenta 7500W 230V ø 47,5mm 415x30x47mm #415873
power 7500W
voltage 230V
mounting diameter 4..
Rezistenta 7500W 230V ø 57,5mm 510x40x49mm #416807
power 7500W
voltage 230V
mounting diameter 5..
Rezistenta 7500W 240-415V 200x40x65mm #420371
power 7500W
voltage 240-415V
heating circuits 3
Rezistenta 7500W 240V ø 47,5mm 405x32x37mm #418772
power 7500W
voltage 240V
mounting diameter 4..
Rezistenta 7500W, 220V, 3 circuite de incalzire, filet flansa 1½", L=425mm, tub ø6.3mm #415500
Rezistenta 7500W, 230V, 3 circuite de incalzire, filet flansa 1½", L=392mm, tub ø..
Rezistenta 7500W, 230V, 3 circuite de incalzire, filet flansa 1½", L=460mm, orificiu termostat ø7mm,..
Rezistenta 7500W, 230V, 3 circuite de incalzire, filet flansa 1½", L=495mm, orificiu ter..
Rezistenta 7500W, 230V, 440mmx35mm, 3 circuite incalzire, ø57.5mmmm #418615
Putere: 7500 W
Rezistenta 750W 220V 250x120x35mm M14 #6457-34
Putere 750W
Voltaj 220V
Lungime 250mm
Lăţime 12..
Rezistenta 750W 230V 235x40mm #3755905
length 235mm width 40mm
fittings M12x1.25mm
operating am..
Rezistenta 750W 230V 533x40mm #420115
power 750W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 1
length 533mm
Rezistenta 7599W 230V ø 57,5mm 340X36x42mm #418084
power 7599W
voltage 230V
mounting diameter 5..
Rezistenta 7600W 230V 330x40mm #HTR111UN
Putere 7600W
Dimensiune 330x40mm
Diametru Ø8.5mm
Rezistenta 7600W 230V 390mm #3355626
Putere: 7600W
Tensiune de alimentare: 230V
Lungime: 390m..
Rezistenta 7600W 230V flansa 70x18mm 390x60x13mm #416243
Putere: 7600W
Tensiune de alimentare: 2..
Rezistenta 7600W 400V ø 47,5mm 330X40X35mm #3455411
power 7600W
voltage 400V
mounting diameter ..
Rezistenta 7600W 400V ø 47,5mm 330X40X35mm #419043
Putere: 7600W
Tensiune de alimentare: 400V
Rezistenta 7900W 230V ø 47,5mm 287x33x35mm #415394
power 7900W
voltage 230V
mounting diameter 4..
Rezistenta 8000W (3x2666W) 230/380V 300mm ø47.5mm M4 #F2109
Putere: 8000W (3x2666W)
Tensiune: 23..
Rezistenta 8000W (3x2666W) 230/400V #A1220
Putere: 8000W (3x2666W)
Tensiune: 230/400V
Lungime: ..
Rezistenta 8000W (3x2666W) 230/400V #A1221
Putere: 8000W (3x2666W)
Tensiune: 230/400V
Lungime: ..
Rezistenta 8000W 230/240V 370mm #6927066
Diametru flansa: ø72mm
Adancime imersie: 370mm
Rezistenta 8000W 230/380V #AL472
Producator: ZANUSSI
Putere: 8000W
Tensiune: 230/380V
Rezistenta 8000W 230/400V 370mm ø 72mm #3455160
Putere: 8000W
Tensiune de alimentare: 230/400V
Rezistenta 8000W 230V 3 circuite incalzire #418041
Putere: 8000 W
Tensiune: 230 V
Circuite inca..
Rezistenta 8000W 230V 305X39x43mm #416078
power 8000W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 3
length 3..
Rezistenta 8000W 230V 335mm #420580
putere 8000W
tensiune 230V
lungime 335mm
tip de fixare f..
Rezistenta 8000W 230V 400mm #3455415
immerserd length 400mm
ext. flange ø63mm
with bulbholder s..
Rezistenta 8000W 230V 510mm #416663
putere 8000W
tensiune 230V
lungime 510mm
tip de fixare fla..
Rezistenta 8000W 230V 510x43x30mm #416663
power 8000W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 3
length 5..
Rezistenta 8000W 230V flansa ø 47.5mm #418439
Putere 8000W
Tensiune 230V
Circuite de încălzire ..
Rezistenta 8000W 230V ML305G HOBART #5044014
Putere: 8000W
Cod original 00-739702-000