Rezistenta 2000W 230V #3355604
Putere - 2000 W
Voltaj - 230 V
Lungime - 260 mm
Latime - 125 mm..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V #3355885
Lungime: 265 mm
Dimensiuni flansa: 80x28 mm
Latime: 65 mm
Rezistenta 2000W 230V #415010
Putere - 2000 W
Voltaj - 230 V
Lungime - 260 mm
Latime - 125 mm
Rezistenta 2000W 230V #415423
Putere: 2000W
Voltaj: 230V
Circuite incalzire: 1
Lungime: 320mm
Rezistenta 2000W 230V #415675
Putere: 2000W
Voltaj: 230V
Lungime: 250mm
Latime: 100mm
Rezistenta 2000W 230V #416281
power 2000W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 1
length 300mm
width ..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V #416307
Putere: 2000W
Voltaj: 230V
Circuite incalzire: 1
Dimensiune flan..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V #417222
power 2000W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 1
length 280mm
width ..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V #418648
Putere: 2000W
Voltaj: 230V
Circuite incalzire: 1
Dimensiune flan..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V #5072286
Lungime totala: 990mm
Lungimea la partea interioara: 880mm
Rezistenta 2000W 230V #93413
Putere: 2000W
Tensiune: 230V
Lungime: 115mm
Diametru filet: M13
Rezistenta 2000W 230V #AL320
Putere: 2000W
Tensiune: 230V
Lungime: 280mm
Latime: 110mm
Rezistenta 2000W 230V 1 1/4“ #415005
Putere 2000W
Voltaj 230V
Dimensiune filet 1¼"
Lungime ..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V 165mm #3455419
power: 2000W
voltage: 230V
heating circuits: 1
length: 16..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V 175mm #420052
Putere: 2000W
Voltaj: 230V
Circuite incalzire: 1
Lungime: ..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V 180mm #3355118
power 2000W
voltage 220V
heating circuits 1
thread size 1..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V 180mm #3755026
power 2000W
voltage 230V
length 180mm
length 1..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V 190mm #HTR999UN
Marca: universala
Cu 2 sigurante termice
Fara margine si..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V 195mm #7101851
immersed length 195mm ø1/4" fittings
Compatibil cu:
Rezistenta 2000W 230V 197x46x33mm #416228
power 2000W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 1
length 1..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V 205mm #9045772
dimensions 205x67mm
flange 78x25mm
with thermoprotector
Rezistenta 2000W 230V 243x34x24mm #415909
power 2000W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 1
length 2..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V 245x120x25mm #418881
power 2000W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 1
length ..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V 250X25x26mm #416250
power 2000W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 1
thread s..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V 250x35x25 #415507
power 2000W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 1
length 250..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V 255x100x25mm #3755225
length 255mm - width 100mm
height 25mm - couplings M..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V 270mm #D355373
Thread anode M6 immersed length 270mm
With bulb sheath F-fa..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V 270x242x44mm #416816
power 2000W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 1
length ..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V 290mm #D355369
Anode thread M6 immersed length 290 mm
With bulb sheath F-f..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V 298x151x28mm #416389
power 2000W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 1
length ..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V 300mm M12 #3355261
Lungime de imersie: 300mm
Latime: 80mm
Conexiune: ø12m..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V 300x140x28mm #418902
power 2000W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 1
length ..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V 305x34x45mm #415196
power 2000W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 2
thread s..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V 318mm #415445
putere 2000W
tensiune 230V
lungime 318mm
tip de..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V 320mm #5977992
Power: 2000W (2kW)
Voltage: 230V
Connection: 6.3mm Male Pu..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V 325x85x25mm #418789
power 2000W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 1
length 3..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V 345x30mm #419213
power 2000W
voltage 230V
length 345mm
width 30mm
Rezistenta 2000W 230V 349x35mm #416399
power 2000W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 1
length 349m..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V 355mm #5036408
immersed length 355mm
width 35mm - fittings ø10mm
Rezistenta 2000W 230V 355x36x40mm #417158
power 2000W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 1
length 3..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V flansa 50x26mm 180x90mm #416209
power 2000W
voltage 230V
heating circuits..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V flansa 50x26mm 365x80x27mm #416133
power 2000W
voltage 230V
mounting comp..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V flansa 60x26mm 350x41,4mm #417539
power 2000W
voltage 230V
heating circui..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V flansa 62x26mm 300x41mm #415266
power 2000W
voltage 230V
heating circuits..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V flansa 70x18mm 265x65mm #416357
power 2000W
voltage 230V
heating circuits..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V flansa 70x18mm 280X78x22mm #416381
power 2000W
voltage 230V
heating circu..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V flansa 70x18mm 388x64mm #416287
power 2000W
voltage 230V
heating circuits..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V GORENJE 587565 SKL #HTR007GO
Marca: Gor..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V GRANDIMPIANTI #3355873
Putere: 2000W
Tensiune: 230V
Lungime: 260 mm
Rezistenta 2000W 230V GRANDIMPIANTI #3455263
Putere 2000W
Voltaj 230V
Lungime 355mm
Latime 30m..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V #3755010
immersed length 215x60mm
flange 80x28mm
Compatibil cu:
Rezistenta 2000W 230V M14 #AL449
Putere: 2000W
Rezistenta 2000W 230V SAMSUNG #D355293
Cu 2 sigurante termice
Putere: 2000W
Voltaj: 230V
Rezistenta 2000W 230V ø 38,5mm 261x33x19mm #420206
power 2000W
voltage 230V
mounting diameter 3..
Rezistenta 2000W 230V ø 38,5mm 330x33x16mm #420212
Putere: 2000W
Tensiune de alimentare: 230V
Rezistenta 2000W 230V ø 47,5mm 275x39x35mm #416319
power 2000W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 1
Rezistenta 2000W 240V #3355481
Fabricat in Italia
Lungimea imersiei 290mm
Latime 42mm - flansa ..
Rezistenta 2000W 240V #702998
putere 2000W
tensiune 240V
aplicatie rezervor
Compatibil cu:
Rezistenta 2000W 240V 280mm #3355148
length 280mm width 60mm
fittings ø3/8"
Compatibil cu:
Rezistenta 2000W 240V flansa 50x26mm 320x36mm #420071
power 2000W
voltage 240V
heating circuits..
Rezistenta 2000W 380V 415mm #418904
Putere: 2000W
Tensiune de alimentare: 380V
Lungime: 415mm
Rezistenta 2050/2450W 220/240V 290mm #3355611
Lungime de imersie: 290mm
Latime: 90mm
Rezistenta 2100W 230V #5061400
Putere: 2100W
Tensiune de alimentare: 230V
Latime: 165mm
Rezistenta 2100W 230V 155mm #5125552
Length 155mm width 120mm
Flange 50x27mm
Power 2100W
Rezistenta 2100W 230V 158x125mm #3356185
length 158mm width 125mm
flange 50x27mm
Compatibil c..
Rezistenta 2100W 230V MIELE #HTR000MI
Putere 2100W 230V
Lungime 290x225mm
Tub metal 8mm
Rezistenta 2180/2370W 230/240V ø 47,5mm 185x40x36mm #415260
power 2180/2370W
voltage 230/240V
Rezistenta 2200W 220V 403x138x22mm #415073
power 2200W
voltage 220V
heating circuits 1
length ..
Rezistenta 2200W 230V #415072
power 2200W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 1
length 325mm
width ..
Rezistenta 2200W 230V 405x160x35mm #418603
power 2200W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 1
length ..
Rezistenta 2200W 230V flansa ø35 mm #416210
Putere 2200 W
Tensiune 230 V
Diametrul de montare 3..
Rezistenta 2200W 230V ø 47,5mm 220x24x54mm #416391
power 2200W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 1
Rezistenta 2200W 230V ø 6,3mm 165x35x26mm #415042
power 2200W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 1
Rezistenta 2200W, 230V, 355mmx75mmx25mm, 1 circuit incalzire, flansa 50x26mm #415070
Putere: 2200..
Rezistenta 2200W, 230V, L=340 mm, 1 circuit incalzire, flansa 80x26 mm #3755274
Putere: 2200W
Rezistenta 2200W, 240V, 410x35mm, flansa 50x27mm MARENO #3355064
Putere: 2200W
Tensiune: 240V
Rezistenta 2250 W, 230 V #415664
Putere - 2250 W
Voltaj - 230 V
Lungime - 300 mm
Latime - 25 m..
Rezistenta 2400 W, 220 V #417304:
Putere: 2400 W
Tensiune: 220 V
Circuite de încalz..
Rezistenta 24000W 400V 535X60X75mm #420284
power 24000W
voltage 400V
heating circuits 6
Rezistenta 24000W 400V ø 47,5mm 585X32X35mm #415652
power 24000W
voltage 400V
mounting diameter..
Rezistenta 24000W 400V ø 57,5mm 570X40X40mm #418155
power 24000W
voltage 400V
mounting diameter..
Rezistenta 2400W 230V #3355476
Fabricat in Romania
Pentru boiler si rezervor de spalare
Rezistenta 2400W 230V #417048
Putere: 2400W
Voltaj: 230V
Circuite incalzire: 2
Dimensiune file..
Rezistenta 2400W 230V 275mm #416225
putere 2400W
tensiune 230V
lungime 275mm
lungime 1 25mm
Rezistenta 2400W 230V ø 38,5mm 242x31x22mm #415261
power 2400W
voltage 230V
mounting diameter 3..
Rezistenta 2400W 230V ø 38,5mm 297x34x34mm #415276
power 2400W
voltage 230V
mounting diameter 3..
Rezistenta 2400W 230V ø 42mm 248x33x25mm #415188
power 2400W
voltage 230V
mounting diameter 42m..
Rezistenta 2400W 230V ø 42mm 278X39x39mm #416383
power 2400W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 1
Rezistenta 2400W 230V ø 47,5mm 190x32x40mm #418709
power 2400W
voltage 230V
mounting diameter 4..
Rezistenta 2400W 230V ø 47,5mm 220x35x37mm #416272
power 2400W
voltage 230V
mounting diameter 4..
Rezistenta 2400W 230V ø 47,5mm 245x33x29mm #418076
power 2400W
voltage 230V
mounting diameter 4..
Rezistenta 2400W 230V ø 47,5mm 295X40x46mm #416254
power 2400W
voltage 230V
heating circuits 1
Rezistenta 2400W 230V ø 57,5mm 235x37x35mm #416229
power 2400W
voltage 230V
mounting diameter 5..
Rezistenta 2400W 240V #5050630
Lungime: 240 mm
Dimensiuni flansa: 80x28 mm
Latime: 67 mm
Rezistenta 2400W 380V 170mm #5019887
immersed length 170mm 6 poles
with bulb sheath connection ø..
Rezistenta 2400W, 220V, flansa ø63mm, lungime 200mm #3355601
Putere: 2400W
Tensiune: 220V
Rezistenta 240V 2x3270W #5978272
Lungime 460mm
Latime 65mm
Inaltime 10mm
Greutate 475g
Rezistenta 2440W 254V 425mm #420178
putere 2440W
tensiune 254V
lungime 425mm
tip de fixare rac..
Rezistenta 2440W 254V flansa 40x16mm 402x34mm #416284
power 2440W
voltage 254V
flange size 40x1..
Rezistenta 2450W 220/240V flansa 50x26mm 295x89mm #420333
power 2450W
voltage 220/240V
heating ..